
  • 网络Puritanism;puritan thoughts
  1. 他认为清教思想对于美国社会的病态有着不可推卸的责任。

    He holds that Puritanism has an unshirkable responsibility for the sickness of American society .

  2. 清教思想与美国精神

    Puritanism and American Spirit

  3. 再次,社会的稳定是清教思想产生影响的基础。

    Thirdly , stable society is the basic of this influence .

  4. 第二,宗教意识与清教思想渗透于作品之中;

    The religious faith and the Puritanical thoughts permeating the novels .

  5. 本文重点从海丝特·白兰的性格特征,特别是从她的反清教思想角度出发来分析她的反清教表现。

    Anti - H. This paper tries to analyze her characteristics , especially at the point of her anti - Puritanism .

  6. 第四章将从历史、宗教和个人经历三方面解释霍桑矛盾的清教思想的原因。

    Chapter Four will explain the causes of Hawthorne 's conflicting Puritanism in The House in the social , religious and biographic aspects .

  7. 清教思想中极为重要的预定论在理论上使人处于一种完全无能的地位,全能的上帝完全掌管了人的命运。

    In theory , the theory of predestination shows that the God completely control man , and man is incompetent for saving himself .

  8. 前者代表严格的清教思想影响下的青年,而后者则代表在宽松环境下自由成长的青年。

    The former was representative of the youths under strict influence of Puritanism , the latter the youths brought up in liberal environment .

  9. 作为清教思想与文学的源泉,《圣经》在约翰·温斯罗普时代的新英格兰社会扮演着重要角色。

    As the source of Puritan ideology and literature , the Bible played an important role in New England society in which John Winthrop lived .

  10. 从清教思想、启蒙哲学以及罗马政治理论三个方面阐述了公民宗教形成的理论基石。

    From Puritan ideology , Enlightenment philosophy and Rome political theory , thus three aspects have set forth the theory foundation that civil religion forms .

  11. 首先,这一章分析了清教思想和其持有的宗教善恶观对霍桑道德观念的影响。

    First , those elements that influence Hawthorne 's moral conception are explored , especially the Puritan roots and his religious moral conception of good and evil .

  12. 15世纪时,天主教成为了德国主流的宗教,清教思想也根深蒂固的扎根于此,后很久,复活节彩蛋才与耶稣复活相联系起来。

    However , this association came much later when Roman Catholicism became the dominant religion in Germany in the15th century and merged with already ingrained pagan beliefs .

  13. 爱米丽的爱情悲剧不是新旧的冲突而是以清教思想为核心的旧传统造成的。

    Emily 's love tragedy is not caused by the conflict between the old and the new , but by the tradition with the Puritanism as its core .

  14. 由于受到清教思想的腐蚀,夫妻、恋人之间的正常欲望被压抑甚至扭曲,阻碍了他们的交流和沟通,导致关系的疏离。

    Poisoned by Puritanism , people have to suppress , even distort , their normal desires for their lovers or spouses , which prevents them from communicating with each other .

  15. 在建校之初,课程设置依循英国大学的模式,以传统的学院式的课程为主,但又与当时美州盛行的第一批移民的清教思想相一致。

    During its early years , the College offered a classic academic course based on the English University model but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy of the first colonists .

  16. 结论部分总结了《红字》中的身体描写所代表的意义,指出通过身体叙述,霍桑传达了其对清教思想的矛盾态度。

    The last part concludes the embedded meanings of the different kinds of human body in The Scarlet Letter and indicates that Hawthorne has conveyed his paradoxical attitudes towards Puritanism through body narrative .

  17. 第二章从家族渊源、个人成长经历和家庭影响、以及当时美国社会文化背景三方面谈清教思想对霍桑的影响。

    In the second chapter , the influence of Puritanism on Hawthorne will be discussed from three aspects : his Puritan lineage , his own growing experience and the influence of his family , and the socio-cultural background in his time .

  18. 在英国形成的清教思想与北美大陆的现实相融合,清教成为基督新教文化的主流,对早期殖民地时代乃至此后美国的政治、经济、文化等方面起了极其重要的作用。

    Puritanism shaped in England was fused with the American reality . Puritanism became the mainstream of Protestantism , and played a very important role in politics , economy , culture , and so on , in the early colonial period even afterward .

  19. 试析北美新英格兰殖民地的清教契约思想

    An Analysis of Puritan Covenantal Thoughts in New England Colonies

  20. 美国清教教育思想探源

    An Investigation to the Source of the Educational Ideas of the American Puritans

  21. 语境理论与文化思想&以美国清教文化思想为例

    On Context Theory and Cultural Ideology & Take the American Puritanism as an Example

  22. 在他与海丝特·白兰的六次会面过程中,他的自我总在清教主义思想观念和生命情感冲动之间徘徊。

    During six meetings with Hester Prynne his ego wanders between his beliefs of Puritanism and vital emotional impulsion .

  23. 同时,这些着眼于对新大陆赞颂的生态描写与清教神学思想相结合,积极参与美国国家意识的构建,成为日后美国国家意识的滥觞。

    At the same time , these positive ecological descriptions pave the way for the establishment of the American national consciousness .

  24. 爱米丽的悲剧根源在于美国南方文化传统的清教主义思想下的父权制度。

    The causes of Emily 's tragedy lie in the paternalism and feminine morality of Puritanism governing the south of America .

  25. 文章从十七世纪英国社会的基本矛盾出发,分析了作为上层建筑的清教主义思想萌芽、发展的过程。

    The paper begins from the basic contradictions of British society in the 17th century . It analyzes the development process of Puritanism as ideological superstructure infancy .

  26. 随着英国资产阶级革命的进行,代表先进生产力的清教主义思想得到了迅速的扩张。

    With the bourgeois revolution in the conduct of the United Kingdom , on behalf of the advanced productive forces , Puritan ideology has been the rapid expansion .

  27. 受其所处的社会时代背景、家世渊源和成长经历的影响,霍桑小说中体现出强烈的清教主义思想气息。

    Because of the society and the times he was born in , the family background and his life experience , Nathaniel Hawthorne was deeply affected by the Puritanism and this was reflected in his novels .

  28. 由于深受清教主义思想的影响和早年参加超验主义俱乐部的经历,作者在罗曼司的创作中大量运用象征和心理描写,使得其作品常常带有阴晦朦胧的色彩。

    Owing to the profound influence of Puritanism and his early experience in the " Transcendentalism Club ", when creating romances , Hawthorne widely uses symbolism and psychological description , which attach ambiguity and obscurity to his works .

  29. 十七世纪的英国社会经历着新旧社会的更替,在英国资产阶级革命的大背景下,代表着新兴资产阶级利益的清教主义思想兴起并走向繁荣。

    The seventeenth century British society was undergoing the replacement of old and new society . Under bourgeois the great background of revolution in the United Kingdom , representing the interests of the emerging bourgeois ideology , Puritanism raised and moved towards prosperity .

  30. 奥尼尔成功地运用了反清教象征来表达其反清教思想。

    O ' Neill successfully uses anti-Puritan symbols to convey his anti-Puritan thoughts .