
  • 网络principle of certainty;sure-thing principle
  1. 我们好像忘了这次运动的目标&我们确实需要回到首要原则上来。

    We seem to have forgotten why we 're fighting this campaign-we really need to return to first principles .

  2. (我认为他想对我的沙拉品头论足,但杰克确实有自己的原则。)

    ( I think he wants to say something about my salad , but Jack does have some limits . )

  3. 通过以上六个部分的说明和研究,笔者为高速公路服务区建筑设施的规划和设计初步的提出了一套确实可行的基本原则和方法。

    With the work above , the thesis present an elementary means for planing and design of building that are affiliated to highway .

  4. 但我必须说明,正如我在开场白中所说的那样,我们确实认为一些基本原则是人所共有的,不论文化背景如何。

    I have to say , though , as I said in my opening remarks , that we do believe that there are certain fundamental principles that are common to all people , regardless of culture .