
  • 网络definite period of time
  1. 他们设置有限目标以及确定期限。

    They set limited objectives and firm deadlines .

  2. 人民法院判决被告履行法定职责,应当指定履行的期限,因情况特殊难于确定期限的除外。

    The people 's court shall fix the time limit for performance when it rules for performance by the defendant of its legal duties , unless it is difficult to fix a time limit in special difficulties .

  3. 确定撤军期限,应当能使阿富汗人承担起更多的责任。

    A deadline should persuade Afghans to take more responsibility on their own .

  4. 而商业票据融资计划目前确定的期限是到2009年4月。

    The commercial-paper facility is currently scheduled to remain in place until April 2009 .

  5. 我们不能确定最后期限吗?

    Can 't we fix the deadline ?

  6. 确定保密期限的具体办法由国家保密工作部门规定。

    Specific measures for determining the periods shall be formulated by the state secret-guarding department .

  7. 第二个班可以在课程开始前为他们的论文确定最后期限。

    The second class could pick their own deadlines for each paper at the beginning of the course .

  8. 应用确定安全期限的缺陷敏感性理论,运用强度退化方法计算并比较不同初始缺陷情况下钢结构抗断裂韧性和疲劳寿命数值之间的偏差,表明了本法的可行性和有效性。

    Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method for the fracture resistance and fatigue life of steel structures with different initial flaws .

  9. 若为多张存单质押,以距离到期日时间最近者确定贷款期限,分笔发放的贷款除外。

    If the loan is based on more than one deposit certificates , the term of the loan shall be determined according to the earliest date of maturity , except for loans granted by installments .

  10. 他们要求给蒙蒂政府一个确定的期限,一项仅仅包含先前同意的改革以及在内阁中安插贝卢斯科尼的心腹,吉安尼•雷塔。

    They demanded a fixed time limit for Mr Monti 's government , a programme containing only the previously agreed reforms and a place in the cabinet for Mr Berlusconi 's right-hand man , Gianni Letta .

  11. 纳税人,扣缴义务人按照法律,行政法规规定或者税务机关依照法律,行政法规的规定确定的期限,缴纳或者解缴税款。

    A taxpayer or withholding agent shall pay or remit tax within the time limit prescribed by the law or the administrative regulations , or as determined by the tax authorities in accordance with the law or the administrative regulations .

  12. 控制企业应收账款,必须建立有效的应收账款内部控制制度,审慎选择可赊销客户,并合理确定信用期限和结算方式。

    We should establish effective inner control system of receivable funds , meticulously choose the customer which we can sell on credit and reasonably determine the limitation of credit and the method of settlement to control enterprises ' receivable funds .

  13. 特别是,监管机构认为这些规则将降低银行从事所谓仓储活动的动机。仓储是指银行在不确定的期限内持有重新打包的资产,之后将其出售给外部投资者。

    In particular , supervisors believe that the rules will reduce incentives for banks to engage in so-called warehousing activities – the practice of keeping repackaged assets inside a bank for an indefinite period , before selling them to outside investors .

  14. 例句:买方有权确定在规定期限内提取货物的时间和/或地点时,应将有关信息通知卖方。

    When the Buyer is entitled to determine the time within a specified period and / or the place of taking delivery , the Buyer in question shall give the Seller the notice thereof .

  15. 至于中国将何时授予这些合同,目前没有确定的最终期限,这使得爱立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、诺基亚西门子(NokiaSiemens)和中国竞争对手华为(Huawei)仍处于等待中。

    There is no fixed deadline for when the contracts will be awarded , keeping Ericsson , Alcatel Lucent , Nokia Siemens and local rival Huawei , in a state of limbo .

  16. 确定债券的期限、利率、承销方式、发行对象;

    Settle the term , rate and undertaking of bonds ;

  17. 这种通知所确定的延长期限不得超过10个工作日。

    No such notice shall specify a date that would result in an extension for more than ten working days .

  18. 其他成员每6年审议一次,但可对最不发达国家成员确定更长的期限。

    Other Members shall be reviewed every six years , except that a longer period may be fixed for least-developed country Members .

  19. (一)要约人确定了承诺期限或者以其他形式明示要约不可撤销;

    ( I ) if it expressly indicates , whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise , that it is irrevocable ;

  20. 离株多次分,在某个确定的时间期限内,对特定的病人进行不同部位相同菌株的独立分析。

    Multiple isolates , n-Isolates of the same species recovered from separate cultures , regardless of body site , obtained from a given patient during a defined time period .

  21. 本文简要叙述了无铅化立法确定的最后期限、凸点成形工艺、晶圆片凸点成形电镀技术、凸点下金属化及可靠性问题和无铅化材料的发展方向。

    The deadline of the legislation for lead-free , solder paste stencil printing bumping process , electroplating for wafer bumping , UBM , reliability issues and the way ahead are briefly stated in this paper .

  22. 除非大会在批准时确定了不同期限(应至少为一年),此期限应为自通知之日起两年。

    This period shall be two years from the date of the notification unless , at the time of approval , the Conference has set a different period , which shall be a period of at least one year .

  23. 通过分析,建议从数量的确定、偿还期限的安排、运行的规范化、国债资金使用的监督等方面来防范我国的国债风险。

    By analysing the quantity , the date of repayment , the operational scale of national debts and the supervision for the fund usage of the national debts should be enhanced in order to prevent the risk of our national debts .

  24. (二)表明经受要约人承诺,要约人即受该意思表示约束。(一)要约人确定了承诺期限或者以其他形式明示要约不可撤销;

    ( ii ) It indicates that upon acceptance by the offeree , the offeror will be bound thereby . ( I ) if it expressly indicates , whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise , that it is irrevocable ;

  25. 因此确定特许权期限和产品价格是BOT项目成败的关键。

    So the concession period and project price count for much in the BOT project financing .

  26. 机关、单位应当根据工作需要,确定具体的保密期限、解密时间或者解密条件。

    Organs and entities shall determine the specific secrecy period , declassification time or declassification conditions according to their respective work needs .

  27. 密级和保密期限的变更,由原确定密级和保密期限的机关、单位决定,也可以由其上级机关决定。

    Such alterations shall be decided on by the state organs or units that determined the categories of the secrets and the periods for guarding them or by superior departments .

  28. 如未达成协议,有关实体可确定足够长的期限,以便使投标符合要求,且无论如何不得少于10天。

    In the absence of agreement , the entity may fix periods which shall be sufficiently long to enable responsive tendering and shall in any case not be less than 10 days .

  29. 因为在实践中法律的规定其实是确定的:当期限届满.申请人申请未获得其批准时,则建筑物归国家无偿取得。

    Because in practice the law is certain : When the term expires , the applicant whose application is not received approval , the building owned by the state to obtain free of charge .

  30. 为此,试图建立一个考虑居民收入增长的个人住房抵押组合贷款理论模型,通过该理论模型可以确定合理的贷款期限以及各年的还本付息额。

    To study the combined housing mortgage loan , we established a theory model for it . Through this model , we can work out the term of loan , the repayment of capital and interest every year .