
què rèn shū
  • letter of confirmation;confirming order;confirmation note
  1. 拍卖船舶委员会组织对船舶鉴定、估价;组织和主持拍卖;与竞买人签订拍卖成交确认书;办理船舶移交手续。

    The ship auction committee organizes appraisal and valuation of the ship ; organizes and presides over the auction ; signs a letter of confirmation for conclusion of the auction with the bidder ; and handles procedures for the transfer of the ship .

  2. 我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔问题

    " I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of Bleached cotton waste , as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E . "

  3. 随函寄来销售确认书样本一份,以供参考。

    Enclosed is a specimen of sales confirmation for your reference .

  4. 我方订货确认书不日将寄达你处。

    Our purchase confirmation will be sent to you very soon .

  5. 恭候贵公司的销售确认书及装船通知。

    We await to receive your confirmation and the shipping advice .

  6. 我预定了,这是预定确认书。

    I made a reservation . This is the confirmation slip .

  7. 货物符合售货确认书规格要求。

    The goods comply with the specifications of the sales confirmation .

  8. 组委会出具正式参展确认书。

    The organizing committee will show the formal confirmation of exhibition .

  9. 买受人必须当场亲自签署成交确认书。

    The buyer himself must sign the Purchase Confirmation on the spot .

  10. 分包商应按规定提供所需保险的确认书。

    Confirmation that the subcontractor shall provide the insurance required ;

  11. 这是我方的销售确认书,确认贵方4/10的第26号订单。

    This is our sales confirmation confirming your order No26 of April10th .

  12. 我方随函附上我方的销售确认书两份。

    We are enclosing herewith our sales confirmation in duplicate .

  13. 由营业课负责修改产品有关要求确认书。

    The operating department is responsible for revising confirmation letters of product requirements .

  14. 请寄售货确认书一式二份。

    Please send us your sales confirmation in duplicate .

  15. 请寄此次订单的确认书,致谢。

    Please let me have a confirmation of this order , and oblige .

  16. 随函附上订单确认书,供参考。

    A confirmation order is enclosed for your reference .

  17. 在签订正式合同之前,我将发给贵方一份确认书。

    Before entering into a formal contract , I will send you a confirmation .

  18. 你可以给我一份预约确认书吗?

    Would you give me a confirmation certificate ?

  19. 订有见习合同的店员签订确认书时合同成立。

    An articled clerk The contract is formed upon execution of the confirmation letter .

  20. 订座确认书及其他讲座详情将以电邮方式寄出。

    Confirmation of your reservation and further notice will be sent to your email address .

  21. 阁下可列印此确认书以作日后参考。

    You are advised to print a copy of the confirmation page for future reference .

  22. 根据你方第8558号售货确认书,我们从你方购买的这台机器已完全损坏。

    According to your sales confirmation No.8558 , the machine we bought is damaged completely .

  23. 我们上星期三寄出了我们的确认书。

    We posted our confirmation last Wednesday .

  24. 附件请查收订单确认书一份。

    Enclosed please find an order confirmation .

  25. 在国际贸易中,售货确认书可视合同。

    In International trade , a sale confirmation be a document regard as a contract .

  26. 情节严重的,暂停其确认书出具资格。

    In serious cases , their qualification for issuing letters of confirmation will be suspended .

  27. 拍卖船舶成交确认书

    Letter of Affirmation of Ship Auction

  28. 组委会收到参展费用后,即发给《展位确认书》。

    After receiving your payment , the organizing committee will send you the exhibition stand confirmation .

  29. 拍卖合同成立后签订的《拍卖合同成交确认书》也存在特殊性,它对于拍卖合同并非产生成立效力,而只是证据效力。

    The auction contract confirmation , which is signed after the establishment differs from other confirmation .

  30. 应收借款和应付借款的确认书

    Confirmation of loans receivable and payable