
  • 网络target;OBJECTIVES;set goals;setting goals;Goal Setting
  1. 它为提出的增量式改进确定目标/计划和具体的措施。

    It establishes objectives / plan and specific measures for a proposed increment .

  2. 说到底,参加奥运会比赛就是确定目标,然后确保自己达到这些目标。

    An Olympic campaign is about fixing objectives and ensuring you reach them .

  3. 如果不确定目标LDAP服务器是否支持Windows集成的身份验证,请询问您的LDAP管理员。

    If unsure whether the targeted LDAP server supports integrated Windows authentication ask your LDAP administrator .

  4. GPS激光测距定位系统采集GPS数据,通过相位平滑伪距差分定位给出观测点坐标,然后结合激光测距数据和三维数字罗盘数据,通过多种算法确定目标点的三维坐标。

    GPS laser ranging and positioning system can calculate the coordinates of observation point through smoothing pseudoranges differential positioning method with GPS data .

  5. 利用T淋巴细胞转化实验和E花环形成实验确定目标小肽的存在,并分别采用体内、体外的免疫学和药理学实验,初步确定了目标小肽对机体免疫活性的增强性质。

    Furthermore , we carried out the experiments of immunology and pharmacology in vivo and in vitro to ensure that our aim peptide can prove the enhancement immunologic activity of organism .

  6. 例如,实现人员可以从每个请求中的安全性上下文里检索请求者的用户ID,使用它来确定目标计算器总数。

    For example , the implementer could retrieve the requestor 's user ID from the security context on each request and use that to identify the target calculator total .

  7. 把关系结构P映射为关系结构GA,经过GA过程确定目标映像,最后通过求反演求目标原像。

    We consider the application of Relationship Mapping Inversion ( RMI ) principle in Genetic Algorithms ( GA ) . Through letting the relational structure P map onto relational structure GA and determining the objective mapping by GA process , we obtain the objective primary image by inversion .

  8. 尽管此框架自动传输数据并转换来自请求参数的数据,但数据将前往何方,OGNL如何确定目标呢?

    The framework automatically transfers data and data conversion from request parameters , but where does the data go and how does OGNL figure out the target ?

  9. 由近场测量确定目标空间散射特性的研究

    The Determination of Space Scattering Properties of Targets from Near-Field Measurements

  10. 首先开始对确定目标的鲜明区域的精确塑型例程。

    Start a precision sculpting routine for targeted , high-profile areas first .

  11. 通过提取、分析基本层运动矢量,自适应地确定目标区域,并将结果在增强层编码用于选择性增强。

    The result was then used for selective enhancement during enhancement layer encoding .

  12. 用模糊运算确定目标的威胁程度

    Determining the threatening degrees of objects using fuzzy operations

  13. 一种确定目标火力威胁度的方法

    A Technique for Ascertaining the Objective 's Firepower Menace

  14. 一种确定目标强散射区的方法

    Method to Distinguish the Stronger Scattering Area by Using A 3 D Distribution Analysis

  15. 辨认后确定目标有关两国首脑会议。

    Identifying the summit as a target .

  16. 经理人在确定目标资本结构的过程中面临较高的确定成本;

    The decision cost is high ;

  17. 明确地提出了城市土地整理规划的目标及其确定目标的原则。

    The target and its confirmable principle of urban land rearrangement planning were put forward definitely .

  18. 这些可为确定目标可靠指数准备条件、积累数据。

    These data could be used as the reference in determining safe-ty degree and target safety indexes .

  19. 应用矢量传感器确定目标方位是一种新的定位方法。

    And it is a new method of estimating the bearings of the target with the vector sensor .

  20. 首先你要确定目标读者,并且为每一章写一个简短的描述。

    First of all you would determine the target audience and write a short description of each chapter .

  21. 政策制定一般表现为确定目标、设计备选方案、评估方案、选择方案、决策实施、决策执行情况反馈等程序;

    Formulating policy includes determining goal , designing selectable project , evaluating project , implementing decision and receiving feedback .

  22. 改善的基本途径是调整心态、确定目标、加强学习、勇于实践。

    The basic approaches are adjusting psychology , confirming aim , strengthening study , and being brave in practice .

  23. 各目标对重建图像所作的贡献,即确定目标在整体中的权重;

    [ 2 ] The weight of each objective is determined according to its contribution to the final reconstructed image ;

  24. 而校准法仅能从安全度和工程设计一方面确定目标可靠度,无法反映经济性一方面。

    Calibration can only determine goal reliability from the point of security and engineering and fails to reflect economic factor .

  25. 在城市科技发展的长远规划制定中,技术预见提供了三方面机制:确定目标的机制、规划商议机制和规划实现条件机制。

    Technology foresight provides the mechanism of concentration on the longer term , consensus & co-ordination , conditions to realize plans .

  26. 利用目标高度估计确定目标攻击要害点是精确制导武器信息处理中的一个重要内容。

    Target height estimation is a key for precision guidance weapons to decide the point of a target to be attacked .

  27. 最后,本文以一个算例对确定目标市场的优度评价方法进行了实证研究。

    At last , a case was applied to qualify method of priority-degree evaluating for choosing target market of electricity marketing .

  28. 每个项目应该单独进行,而且在每个项目的确定目标中不要将对方列为产出之一。

    Each initiative should be undertaken separately and with definitive goals that do not list each other as one of the outcomes .

  29. 采用实验方法确定目标毁伤研究中材料等效存在一定困难。

    It is difficult to implement the material equivalent using the method of experiment in the field of the target damage research .

  30. 通过时间差分法实现目标检测,采用强度中心法确定目标位置。

    At last , the object detection is achieved using time difference method and the object position is determined using intensity center method .