
  • 网络Objective Management System;Target Management System
  1. 在第五部分中结合项目进度计划控制理论,对项目的进度目标管理体系、跟踪检查、偏差调整等内容进行论述,同时对项目进度实施的保障措施加以阐述。

    In the fifth part with project schedule control theory , the progress of the project target management system , tracking check , deviation adjustment , the paper discusses the content as well as the project progress of the implementation of the security measures to this .

  2. 根据我国加入WTO后的新形势、新情况,改革和创新目标管理体系,必须科学设定目标管理项目,量化、细化、硬化目标任务,建立高效的目标考核体系。

    In accordance with the new situation brought by China 's entry into the WTO , scientifically setting up target - directed administrative contents , specifying the tasks and constructing the inspection system must be done to reform and innovate the administration .

  3. 高职院校系部教学工作目标管理体系的研究与应用

    The Study of Applying MBO System to Higher Vocational Education in Collegiate Department

  4. 目的:建立护理综合目标管理体系,提高护理质量。

    Objective : Establishing nursing integration objective management system to improve nursing quality .

  5. 并将项目时间管理纳入目标管理体系。

    In additional , project time management should be brought to objective management system .

  6. 德鲁克目标管理体系初探

    On Objective Management System of Drucker

  7. 通过对环境目标管理体系定位的分析,给出了环境管理机构的设置模式。

    Through the analysis to positioning of EMBO system , the model of environmental administration was suggested .

  8. 最后,以西安市城西客运站为例,对构建目标管理体系进行实证分析。

    Finally , taking Xi ' an west passenger transport station as example , it empirically analyzes the construction of management by objective .

  9. 建立了高级管理层目标管理体系、委托授权制度及相应的激励约束机制。

    We have put into place an objective management system for the senior management , a delegation and authorization system and its corresponding incentives mechanism .

  10. 本文的案例部分以一个工厂厂长面临的管理混乱的困境,阐述了黄埔工厂建立统一的目标管理体系的迫切性。

    The part of the case starts with a plant manager 's dilemma on management , highlighting the importance and urgency of an integrated objective management system .

  11. 此外,建立了客观公平的绩效考评和奖惩激励制度,从而形成完整系统的目标管理体系。

    In addition , this paper establishes the objective and fair performance appraisal and rewarding or punishing motivation system to form a complete management system by objective .

  12. 设计的原则是每月评价影响月薪、按评价结果强制划分比例、主要用部门绩效来衡量管理骨干的绩效、采用目标管理体系作为绩效管理的支撑等。

    The principle of design is to appraise every month and affect salary , to make the partition by appraising results , to scale the manager 's performance by their department performance , to adopt management by objectives as a basis .

  13. 将建立企业技术创新体系与企业的基本管理职能、特别企业目标管理体系相联系,把企业技术创新活动管理纳入企业日常管理活动,以确保企业创新体系的有效运行。

    To ensure the technology innovation system would run efficiently , that system must be related with the basic management function and the object management system of firm , the management action of technology innovation must be regarded as a kind of daily management action .

  14. 给出定单式生产企业目标成本管理体系,指出TCM的应用基础是ERP,它是ERP的进一步深化和扩展。

    Gives out the frame of TCM ( Target Cost Management ) in MTO ( Make to Order ) manufacture , and points out that TCM is the expansion of ERP on which it 's application is based .

  15. 施工企业目标管理考核体系创新探讨

    Discussion about Innovation of Examining System of Goal Management in Construction Enterprise

  16. 浅谈企业目标成本管理体系的建立

    Discussion on establishment of object management system in enterprise

  17. 第五,改变成本计算方法,引入作业观念,实行目标成本管理体系。

    Doing Homework Fifthly , improve cost count means and carry out Activity-Based Cost .

  18. 施工企业项目目标成本管理体系分析

    Construction Enterprise Project Management System Target Cost Analysis

  19. 企业如何加强目标成本管理体系中设计成本管理

    Reinforce the Design Cost Management

  20. 基于目标的安全管理体系在MIS中的应用

    Target-based Security Management Architecture Applied to Management Information System

  21. 以健康、安全、环保为目标的NOSA管理体系覆盖了企业和员工在生产经营活动全过程中的安全管理规范。

    The NOSA management system contains the safety management standard of the production and operating activities process of enterprise and staffs . It takes health , safety and environmental as the goal .

  22. ML公司基于目标管理的绩效管理体系研究

    Research on Performance Management System of ML Co. , Ltd Based on Management by Object

  23. 环境目标管理-ISO14000环境管理体系的建立与实施

    Establishing and Implementing of EMBO - ISO 14000 EMS

  24. 在行政管理专业课程教学中引入案例教学是由行政管理专业培养目标和行政管理学科体系特质所决定的。

    The adoption of case teaching in the major courses of administration is demanded by the teaching goals and the characteristics of the discipline .

  25. 本文从当前实际出发,探讨了危机管理教育的目标、危机管理课程体系结构、主要内容、教学方法和评估手段,为培养危机管理人才提供一些建议。

    Starting with object of crisis management course , the paper studies crisis management course structure and its contents , teaching methods and evaluating ways , including some advices for the teaching of crisis management in universities and colleges .

  26. 德鲁克在《管理实践》中首次提出目标管理的概念,并建构了目标管理理论体系。

    Drucker firstly introduced the conception of Objective Management in his " The Practice of Management " and formed a theory system of objective management .

  27. 最后,本人迫切期望国内煤矿企业能够通过目标成本管理理论建立一套完善的目标成本管理体系,以提高其管理水平及经济效益,并在激烈的市场竞争中取得竞争优势。

    Finally , I hope mine enterprises to establish a set of Target Cost Management system according to this study to improve its management level and economic efficiency , and achieve competitive advantages in the intense market competition .

  28. 依据目标管理理论,结合实际,设定汽车客运站总目标,构建目标管理体系。

    Then , combining with actual situation , this paper sets the overall goal of passenger transport station and establishes the management system by objective on the foundation of management by objective theory .

  29. 在此基础上,德鲁克看到了以目标为中心的理论的延展性和科学性,最终综合、完善并发展了前人的目标理论,创造了目标管理体系,并且把目标管理发展成为一种管理哲学。

    On the basis , Drucker noticed the ductility and scientific reasoning of " objective " - centered theory , integrated and improved predecessors ' achievement , and created the management system and upgraded it into a philosophy of management .

  30. 目标成本控制的核心思想以目标成本为基础,在实施项目的过程中,通过一系列的管理活动构建了目标成本管理体系,以达到获得最佳效益的目的。

    The core idea of cost control is , in the course of project implementation , based on the goal cost , to construct the management system through a series of activities in order to achieve optimum benefits .