
  • 网络Target;Target Point;targeted;targetpoint
  1. 然后我们预测他想到达哪个目标点。

    And then we predict which target he wants to go to .

  2. 通过光标和目标点我们能够确定猴子做对了。

    And a cursor around the target tells us he did it correctly .

  3. 机车综合通信设备应用GPS数据确定目标点的算法

    The Arithmetic which is Used by Cab Integrated Radio Equipment to Make Sure the Target Point Based on GPS Data

  4. 后一阶段使用PID控制,以确保电机精确回到目标点.针对控制的前一阶段提出基于电机模型的时间最优控制系统;

    The latter stage uses PID control , to guarantee the electrical machinery precisely to return to the target point .

  5. 一种基于LIDAR的精确月球软着陆目标点选定方法

    A LIDAR-Based Autonomous Landing Site Selection Method for Pinpoint Lunar Soft Landing

  6. GPS激光测距定位系统采集GPS数据,通过相位平滑伪距差分定位给出观测点坐标,然后结合激光测距数据和三维数字罗盘数据,通过多种算法确定目标点的三维坐标。

    GPS laser ranging and positioning system can calculate the coordinates of observation point through smoothing pseudoranges differential positioning method with GPS data .

  7. 线性求得摄像机内参数K的五个元素及手眼关系R、t,同时,可求得场景目标点深度值。

    The five elements of intrinsic parameters of camera and hand-eye relation are determined linearly , and depth value of scene point is also solved .

  8. 对模型空间设计坐标系与加工工件坐标系之间转换、机器人目标点参数计算及运动指令参数确定进行研究,最终实现RAPID程序自动生成。

    The transformation between design coordinate system and robot workpiece coordinate system , and calculation of robot target point parameter , and determination of motion instructions parameter is researched . 4 .

  9. k最近邻居问题(kNN)是空间数据库研究领域最基本的问题之一,是指在特定空间中寻找离查询点最近的k个目标点,包括几何空间,道路空间等。

    K nearest neighbor ( kNN ) query is one of the fundamental issues in spatial database research area .

  10. 然后对提取出来的目标点迹进行Kalman滤波,以估计目标的速度,从而为后续的检测与跟踪提供比较准确的目标信息。

    Then these extracted data points are passed through Kalman filter in order to estimate the velocity of targets for the subsequent process of detection and tracking .

  11. 然而在ECO网络中,分布式电源有多种运行模式,它们在电力供应稳定性、价格和目标点都有区别。

    With ECO network , however , distributed power sources have a variety of operation patterns , differing in power supply reliability , price , and destination points .

  12. 以无人机对地定位为应用背景,在GPS辅助确定机载摄像机光心位置条件下,用改进的准线性平差法从序列图象求解地面目标点的三维位置。

    In order to applied to 3 - D positioning for ground by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle , a novel positioning method from GPS - supported air image sequence using improved quasi - linear bundle adjustment is presented .

  13. 从DEM重建原理出发,分析揭示了干涉相位与目标点三维坐标映射关系的两个基本特性。

    Start from DEM reconstruction theory , we analyzed and revealed the two basic characteristics of the mapping relationship between the interferometric phase and the three-dimensional coordinate of target point .

  14. SAR卫星的多普勒中心频率与卫星和地面目标点间的相对运动有关,文章基于轨道动力学理论,把中心频率分解为两个部分,分别与卫星偏航姿态角相关和无关。

    The Doppler shift of SAR satellite is related to the relative motion between the satellite and the target . The two-points correlations , correlation fractal dimensions are calculated for IRAS galaxies in four fields . angle .

  15. 首先根据机器人当前的位置和方向角以及机器人到达目标点的位置和方向角规划出一条平滑的B啨zier曲线,然后用带误差控制的PID算法进行跟踪。

    A smooth B é zier curve path is designed according to the positions and direction both at the current and aim point of the robot . Then the PID control algorithm with error control is used to trace the curve .

  16. 首先由CCD摄像机采集一幅图像,获取物体上目标点在图像坐标系中的理想坐标,并由此确定该点投影矢量(连接物体点和对应图像点的直线)的方向;

    Firstly , in the image coordinate , the undistorted coordinates of the desired point on objects was obtained from one image captured by the CCD camera , from which the orientation of the projection vector ( the line connecting the object point and its image ) was obtained .

  17. 本文提出一个不用Kuhn-Tucker条件而直接搜索严格凸二次规划最优目标点的鲁棒方法。

    In this paper , a robust method of directly searching the optimum objective point for strictly convex quadratic programming is presented , while no Kuhn-Tucker condition is applied to the solution .

  18. 为了保证无人作战飞机(UCAV)以最小的被发现概率和最优的航程到达目标点,在敌方防御区域内执行任务前必须进行航路规划。

    To ensure unmanned combat aerial vehicle ( UCAV ) to reach the destination with an optimal path and a minimum rate to be found , UCAV path planning must be made before mission execution .

  19. 目前,对于避障比较好的方法是Limit-Cycle,即极限圆方法,它可以成功的躲避运动中的机器人到达目标点。

    At present , better method of avoidance is Limit-Cycle which can avoid the movement of robot to reach the target , but this method is based on static ball .

  20. Turn-Run-Turn方法处理过程是小车先转动一定角度,然后跑到目标点,再调整角度和目标点的姿态保持一致。

    In the Turn-Run-Turn method , the robot car turns a certain angle first , then runs to the target point , adjusts its angle according to the attitude of the target point .

  21. 人体前方平面上目标点拾取运动特性及工效研究

    A Study of Pointing Movement Characteristics and Ergonomics on Front Board

  22. 大尺寸空间中自动获取测量目标点的新方法

    A New Method of Extracting Automatically Target-points in Large Scale Space

  23. 移动机器人向目标点运动的变增益控制方法

    Variable gain control method for mobile robot moving to goal

  24. 遥测目标点3维坐标的一种新方法

    A New Method of Getting 3D Coordinates of Distant Target by Surveying

  25. 基于虚拟目标点的足球机器人路径规划的研究

    Path Planning of Soccer Robot Based on Virtual Target

  26. 连续混沌系统任意目标点的控制

    Controlling to Arbitrary Target Points over Continuous Chaotic System

  27. 利用自学习算法为机器人选择最优目标点的决策设计

    Design Of A Best-Target Choosing Method Based On Self-Learning Algorithm In Robot Strategy System

  28. 我要彻底搜查医院所有易受袭击目标点。

    I want a visual sweep of all high-probability target points within the hospital .

  29. 目标点;目标线;目标区(圆);目标区(矩形)

    Target Point ; Target Line ; Target Area ( circle ); Target Area ( rectangle )

  30. 首先根据启发代价函数预测下一个临时目标点的位置;

    First of all , the next temporary target 's position is predicted by heuristic function .