
mù lù xué
  • bibliography
目录学[mù lù xué]
  1. E-learning呼唤图书馆时代呼唤新的目录学著作

    E-learning calling for libraries An Era for New Bibliography Works

  2. 论目录学理论与实践的契合

    On the Theory of Bibliography Corresponds to the Practice of Bibliography

  3. 目录学知识积累时期的中西目录活动和目录学

    Chinese and Western Catalogue Activities and Bibliography in Knowledge Accumulation Period

  4. 我国目录学发展趋势和研究方向探讨

    The Discussion of the Development and Research Direction of Chinese Bibliography

  5. 1998年以来目录学史研究综述

    A Study on the Research of Chinese Bibliography History after 1998

  6. 中国现代文学目录学的特点是鲜明的。

    The characteristic of contemporary literature bibliography of China is vivid .

  7. 资源描述格式兼容的理论意义在于该研究能促进目录学、编目学理论的发展。

    Points out the significance of the compatibility of description formats .

  8. 网络信息环境下目录学的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the Bibliography under the Network Information Environment

  9. 传统目录学的伦理价值及其形而上学侧面

    The Ethical Values and the Metaphysical Aspect of the Traditional Bibliography

  10. 试论21世纪中国目录学研究的基本特征

    Bibliographic Study in China in the 21st Century : General Characters

  11. 目录学正走向知识的整合。

    The trend of Bibliography development is towards the combination of knowledge .

  12. 中国文化传统的演绎与目录学之发展

    Deduct of Cultural Tradition in China and Development of Bibliography

  13. 论20世纪中国目录学的公共应用性特征

    On Public Application Characteristics of the Chinese Bibliography in the 20th Century

  14. 对目录学现状问题讨论的回顾与述评

    The Recalling and Commentary on Discussion of the Bibliography status

  15. 构建知识地图&论现代目录学理论的发展与创新

    Building Knowledge Map : Development and Innovation of Modern Bibliographic Science Theory

  16. 基于文献计量的2000&2008年目录学研究成果分析

    The Analysis of Bibliography Study Based on Bibliometrics from 2000 to 2008

  17. 试论梁启超近代目录学思想

    Study on Liang Qichao 's Bibliographical Thoughts in Modern Time

  18. 目录学:现代化过程中的知识整合

    Bibliography : Integration of Knowledge in the Process of Modernization

  19. 目录学理论研究存在的问题及对策

    The Questions and Countermeasures on the Theory of Bibliographical Research

  20. 这些环境为目录学的发展提供了良好的条件。

    These environments have offered the good condition for development of bibliography .

  21. 近代目录学史的研究进展(1840-1919年)

    The Recent Study of Modern Bibliographic History ( 1840-1919 )

  22. 古代通俗小说目录学论略

    A Brief Discussion of Bibliography of Ancient Popular Novels

  23. 知识组织智能化与现代目录学的发展

    Intelligential Knowledge Organization and the Development of Modern Bibliography

  24. 二十世纪目录学的发展与中国戏曲著作的编目

    Cataloguing Ancient Chinese Plays and Development of Bibliographical Studies in the Twentieth Century

  25. 孔子与郑樵目录学思想异同浅论

    Discussion on Differences and Identities of Confucian and Zheng Qiao 's Bibliographic Thoughts

  26. 中国目录学的现状与未来

    On the Present and Future of Bibliography in China

  27. 文章还讨论了21世纪目录学的发展转向。

    The transforming trends of bibliography in the 21st century are also discussed .

  28. 中西古代目录学比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Ancient Chinese and Western Bibliographies

  29. 西方十八世纪文献的目录学研究

    Bibliographic Studies on Western Documentations in the 18 ~ ( th ) Century

  30. 文华图专目录学教育与目录学思想现代化

    Bibliographic Education of Boone Library School and Bibliography Modernization