
  • 网络electronic database
  1. 电子数据库的微观结构及词典文本的生成机制

    Microstructure of Electronic Database and Generation Mechanism of Dictionary texts

  2. 电子数据库保护制度研究

    Research on the Protection System of Electronic Database

  3. 方法:在MEDLINE、EMBASE及Scopus电子数据库及主要胃肠病学会议中搜索相关的观察性文章。

    METHODS : The search for relevant observational studies was undertaken in the MEDLINE , EMBASE , and Scopus electronic databases , as well as in the proceedings of major gastroenterology meetings .

  4. 电子数据库的著作权保护与文献情报工作

    The Copyright Protection of Electronic Databases and Documentation and Information Work

  5. 高校图书馆采购全文电子数据库的成本效益分析

    Cost and Benefit Analysis on Full-text Database Acquisition of Academic Libraries

  6. 这些纸张形式文档可以存放在一个三环的活页夹中吗?或者您会使用有些种类的电子数据库?

    Will you keep the paperwork in a three-ring binder or an electronic database ?

  7. 帮助电子数据库建立、维护和使用的软件系统。

    A software system that facilitates the creation and maintenance and use of an electronic database .

  8. 他们拍照和编目,建立一个电子数据库的包装技术和想法。

    They 're photographed and cataloged , creating an electronic database of packaging technologies and ideas .

  9. 电子数据库的发展意味着,诸如夸大在校学习成绩之类的谎言很容易就会被识破。

    The growth of electronic databases means that untruths such as bumped-up academic results are easily uncovered .

  10. 电子数据库的版权保护问题以及网络环境下电子文件管理所涉及的版权问题。

    The copyright protection of electronic database and some copyright issues about the electronic records management under the network environment .

  11. 电子数据库已成为与计算机、通讯技术并称的信息社会的三大支柱。

    The electronic database has been one of the three pillar industries of information society together with computer and communication technology .

  12. 文章揭示了电子数据库pqdd所蕴含的丰富的学科信息内容,并详细介绍了查询其内容的检索方法和技巧。

    The article is to reveal maximal information abort pqdd-the electron data-bank as well as to introduce the retrievable methods and skills .

  13. 使用电子数据库和电话号码簿随机选择样本,以保证样本可代表澳大利亚各州和地区。

    The sample was randomly selected using an electronic database and printed telephone directories to ensure sample representativeness from all Australian states and territories .

  14. 然而在保护模式的选择上,各个国家又有不同,进而导出我国电子数据库保护模式的选择问题。

    However , in choice of protected mode , every country is different , and choice of China 's electronic database mode is derived .

  15. 然而,为了要给你的候选资格最好的可能考量,我们想要维持我们的电子数据库的你的履历表作为将来的叁考。

    However , in order to give your candidacy the greatest possible consideration , we would like to maintain your resume in our electronic database for future reference .

  16. 一般情况下,独创性的数据库可以受到各国版权法的保护,而非独创性的数据库(尤其是大型的电子数据库)并不能满足独创性要求,从而游离在版权法的保护之外。

    In general , for the most countries , original databases can be protected through copyright law , but non-original databases ( for particular large electronic databases ) can not .

  17. 通过对现实社会发展状况的描述以及对未来社会技术发展的构想,引出了数据库&尤其是电子数据库的重要性这一话题。

    Based on the description of the real situation and the conception to the future development of technology leads to the database , particularly the importance of the electronic database .

  18. 情报科学的核心理论问题是确定电子数据库不同“主题检索点”的有用性。这个问题也与含义和语义学理论有关。

    The core problem of the theory of information science is to judge the value of access points of various subjects in electronic databases , which relates to the theory of meaning and semantics .

  19. 作为信息社会人类获取信息的不可或缺的重要工具,数据库特别是电子数据库,由于其经济价值和投资的巨大性以及侵权的简便性要求法律给予其充分完全的保护。

    As an indispensable tool in current information-intensive society for human to obtain the information , database especially electronic database , have asked the law protection just because of its enormous investment and the easy to duplicate .

  20. 由于著作权法未明确数据库的地位,与计算机程序结合在一起的电子数据库能否作为软件的一部分而接受法律的保护受到质疑。

    Since the legal status of a database is not so clear in copyright law , it is queried that if the database which connect with the program can be protected as a important part of a piece of software .

  21. 近年来,数据库特别是电子数据库在信息检索方面发挥的作用越来越重要,然而我国对数据库并没有提供专门的法律给予保护。在世界范围内,针对数据库的法律保护也没有形成统一的标准。

    In recent years , the database , especially electronic database play an increasingly important role in information searching , but our country did not provide specific legal protection to database , even in the world , for the legal protection of databases does not form a unified standard .

  22. 基于Web的高句丽电子文献数据库平台的构建

    The Construction of Koguryo Electronic Document Database Platform Based on Web

  23. 利用WEBOFSCIENCE评价电子期刊数据库内容

    How to Evaluate Electronic Journal Databases Using Web of Science

  24. 基于Oraclespatial电子海图数据库的构建及实现

    Design and Establishment of Oracle Spatial-based ENC Database

  25. 介绍了利用GPS和电子地图数据库信息进行传感器参数在线标定的方法。

    A kind of online modification of sensor parameters with GPS and digital map database in DRS is studied .

  26. 方法提取2000&2004年6月医院电子病案数据库中肿瘤出院病人的资料,用SPSS软件进行统计分析。

    Methods The electronic medical records from 2000 to 2004 were collected and analyzed with SPSS software .

  27. 用户通过客户端的多文档界面对运行于UNIX服务器上的电子文档数据库进行访问和管理。

    The user can access and manage the electric document database running on UNIX server through the multi-document-interface .

  28. Web文本挖掘是发现文本中所包含的内容和意义的过程,在Web信息源爆炸式增长的同时,电子图书数据库中的数据也以很快的速度不断的扩大。

    Web text mining is a process of discovering the content contained in the document . At the same time the Web information sources explosively grows , the data in the database e-books expand at a faster rate .

  29. 在福州大学访问电子文献数据库(EI美国工程索引)的日志基础上,设计开发了一个Web日志挖掘系统。

    Lastly , we design a web log mining system base on the access log of EI ( Ei Village 2 ) visited by user from Fuzhou University .

  30. 概述了SDOS全文电子期刊数据库,介绍了其检索技术、检索方法和检索结果的保存方式。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of full-text electronic periodicals database SDOS . The retrieval skills , methods and how to save the search results are discussed .