
  • 网络Film production;Filmmaking;Film-making;film making;Movie Maker
  1. 相对论传媒公司(RelativityMedia)和梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)已在中国电影制作方面投入巨资。

    Relativity media and DreamWorks Animation have invested heavily in film production in China .

  2. 大连万达集团于1月同意了以约35亿美元的价格收购传奇影业(LegendaryEntertainment),一家电影制作与金融公司。

    Dalian Wanda agreed in January to buy Legendary Entertainment , a film production and finance company , for about $ 3.5 billion .

  3. 这是这家公司首次涉足电影制作。

    This is the first time the company has ventured into movie production .

  4. 我们问了娱乐圈里的女性有关电影制作的内幕。

    We asked women in the biz for their low-down on film-making .

  5. 斯图尔特费尽周折才最终开始电影制作。

    Stuart came into film-making via a circuitous route .

  6. ONMOVIEMAKING关于电影制作我所有的电影都是我的孩子们。

    All my films are all my children .

  7. 这个电影制作团队赶在情人节前去世界各地宣传他们的新浪漫爱情片,想借节日大力推广新片。

    The film crew are touring around the world to promote their new romantic comedy prior to Valentine 's. They are making hay while the sun shines .

  8. 电影制作方似乎患上了一种叫做“续集病”的病症。各地的电影制作人都在制作某一部成功影片的续集或者前传。

    Movie studios appear to be suffering from something called " sequelitis " or " sequel syndrome everywhere began to jump on the bandwagon of making sequels or prequels by extending the story of a successful film .

  9. 可是,因为被金钱蒙蔽了双眼,很多电影制作方仍然决定继续拍续集,有些成功了,有些搞砸了,还有些贪得无厌,完全停不下来。

    However , blinded by dollar signs , many in the industry decided to try their hand at the sequel trade . Some were successful , some bombed , and some just didn 't know when enough is enough .

  10. 好莱坞已将重点放在基于3D电影制作的鸿篇巨制之上。

    Hollywood is focusing large scale mega project based on3D movies making .

  11. 最近电影制作技术领域一个引人关注的事件是刚上市只有两个月的超高分辨率数字摄像机Redcamera。

    The buzz in technical movie-making circles these days involves the two-month-old , ultra-high-resolution digital Red camera .

  12. 而我想3D特效无疑地在那方面发挥功效,但它也就是了不起的电影制作。

    And I think the 3D certainly contributes to that , but its also just great film making .

  13. 他去南加州大学(universityofsoutherncalifornia)的图书馆,贪婪地阅读关于电影制作技术的书籍。

    He spent time at the University of Southern California Library , where he devoured books about the technical aspects of filmmaking .

  14. 独立制片公司RelativityMedia投资了一家名为Skyland的传媒企业,这家总部设在中国的公司致力于本土电影制作。

    Relativity Media , an independent studio , invested in Skyland , a China-based media company with the aim of making local films ;

  15. 国影投资由数家具有政府背景的机构发起成立,杨步亭担任董事长。杨步亭此前曾任国有电影制作与发行机构中国电影集团(ChinaFilmGroup)董事长。

    National Film Capital , founded by a number of state-backed institutions , is chaired by Yang Buting , a former head of China Film Group , the country 's state-owned studio and distributor .

  16. RUP的原理并不仅仅针对软件开发或电影制作。

    The principles of the RUP aren 't unique to either software development or movie creation .

  17. 在这个例子中,RUP规程被电影制作相关活动所取代。

    In this example , activities related to making a movie are substituted for the RUP disciplines .

  18. 遵从RUP并不能使得软件开发或电影制作更加简单。

    Conforming to the RUP doesn 't make software development or moviemaking easier , but then , that isn 't the idea .

  19. 计算机3D人脸对象的应用范围十分广泛,包括虚拟现实、辅助教学、远程会议、人机交互、游戏娱乐、电影制作等诸多方面。

    Computer based 3D face model has been widely used in many fields , such as virtual reality , computer aided instruction , teleconference , HCI , computer game , movie making , etc.

  20. 一些演员也在努力为自己创造角色。瑞茜和别人联合创立了电影制作公司PacificStandard和媒体工作室HelloSunshine,也一直都在争取更多的女主角。

    Some have forged their own roles to build opportunities for themselves : Witherspoon cofounded her Pacific Standard production company and Hello Sunshine media house to option rights for female-led parts ..

  21. 萨哈伽尔女士向电影制作公司workingtitle发出呼吁,要求将这种关系描绘成尼赫鲁家族一直坚持认为的、有品位的柏拉图式爱情,而不要描绘成一种性关系。

    She appealed to working title , the film production company , to depict what the Nehru family has insisted was a Platonic love affair with taste and not to depict it as a sexual relationship .

  22. 因此当我介绍了RUP的基本原理后,我将会阐述这些要点是怎样和电影制作相对应的。

    So after I outline the essential principles of the RUP , I 'll describe how each of these principles has its counterpart in the moviemaking process .

  23. 如果说科曼教会了他基本原理,那么斯坦利库布里克(StanleyKubrick)则激发了他对电影制作的兴趣。

    If Corman taught him the basics , he has Stanley Kubrick to thank for sparking his interest in filmmaking .

  24. 最后,文章第四章从数字电影制作环节、放映和观看环节来介绍制作流程,关键技术,和一些电影设备使读者对数字3D立体电影有更理性认知。

    At last , the fourth chapter introduces the production process , key technologies and some film equipments of digital movies through procedures of production , screening and watching which enables readers to understand the digital 3D movies more rational .

  25. 此外,RUP的基本原理可以用来解决其它类型的不可预知问题,如电影制作或撰写书籍。

    Furthermore , the basic principles of the RUP can be transferred to solve just about any other kind of unpredictable problem , such as making a movie or writing a book .

  26. 第四章介绍了从数字合成技术、非线性编辑技术、二维和三维动画设计以及VR、VRML的应用原理等,对数字化电影制作过程进行概括性的表述。

    Chapters 4 introduces Digital synthesizing technique , nonlinear edit technique , two dimension and three dimension cartoon designation and the mechanism of VR and VRML and describes the producing processes of Digital movie .

  27. 联合睿康在周四表示,其子公司睿康股份(ReconHolding)将收购千禧年影业51%的股权。千禧年影业是阿维?勒纳(AviLerner)和特雷弗?肖特(TrevorShort)于1996年成立的一家独立电影制作公司。

    Recon said on Thursday that its Recon Holding subsidiary was acquiring a 51 per cent stake in Millennium , an independent film producer founded in 1996 by Avi Lerner and Trevor Short .

  28. 中国最大电子商务集团旗下在香港上市的阿里影业(AlibabaPictures)周日表示,它将买入美国电影制作和发行公司、斯皮尔伯格的AmblinPartners的少数股份,并在该公司获得一个董事会席位。

    Alibaba Pictures , a Hong Kong-listed unit of China 's largest ecommerce group , said on Sunday that it would take a minority equity stake and board seat in Mr Spielberg 's Amblin Partners , a film production and distribution company .

  29. 中国一家铜加工企业宣布将购入出品《拆弹部队》(TheHurtLocker)的好莱坞电影制作公司的80%股权,这是中国公司不可思议的进军美国娱乐行业的业务多元化举措之一。

    A copper processing company has announced one of the more unlikely diversifications by Chinese companies into the US entertainment sector , taking an 80 per cent stake in the Hollywood film production company that made The Hurt Locker .

  30. 在过去几年中,蓝光和HD-DVD格式的支持者为争夺高清DVD市场的主导权展开了激烈的竞争,他们在吸引电影制作公司、零售商以及顾客上都下了很大功夫。

    Supporters of Blu-ray and HD-DVD spent much energy wooing movie studios , retailers and consumers as they fought fiercely to dominate the high-definition DVD market over the past several years .