
  • eBook;TXT;e-books
  1. “Timetoread”功能是亚马逊推出的一种新功能,位于电子书的页面底部。

    " time to read " is a new feature Amazon will include at the bottom of the page in an ebook .

  2. 但Web与移动设备(可能是电子书阅读器、电话、网络或笔记本电脑)的结合就足以实施所有类型的交易,无论是大额还是小额交易。

    But the combination of the Web and mobile devices be it an eBook reader , phone , netbook , or laptop is sufficient infrastructure to effectuate all kinds of transactions , small and large .

  3. 新电子书将包括大量的简明指南。

    The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles .

  4. 如此一来,用电子书签保存所找到的网页内容就变得非常简单,日后也可以再次访问。

    This makes it extremely simple to save what you find with an electronic bookmark so you can return to it later .

  5. 玛丽安·贝克特尔独自坐在西棕榈滩的路易酒吧柜台旁,一边静静地读着她的电子书,一边等待沙拉。

    Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach 's Bar Louie counter by herself , quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad .

  6. 研究公司尼尔森(Nielsen)发现,在英国,电子书的销量在下降,而纸质书的销量在上升。

    Research company Nielsen found that in the UK , sales of e-books are falling while sales of paper books are rising .

  7. 研究表明,比起电子书,读者从纸质书中记住的信息更多。

    Research has shown that readers remember more information from paper books than e-books .

  8. 人们在阅读电子书时也更容易头痛或眼睛疼痛。

    People also more easily end up with headaches or sore eyes while reading e-books .

  9. 研究表明,读纸质书的人比读电子书的人记得更多的信息。

    Research has shown that readers remember more information reading from paper books than e-books .

  10. 每年都有更多的故事可以电子书形式购买,并在屏幕上阅读。

    Every year , more stories ( story ) are bought as e-books and read on a screen .

  11. 然而,尽管人们在电子书上花费了很多时间,传统的纸质书仍然受到读者的欢迎。

    However , even though people spend much time on e-books , the traditional paper books are still popular among readers .

  12. 数据显示,青少年阅读课本的时间比阅读小说、电子书、杂志等其他阅读材料的时间要长得多。

    The data shows that teenagers spend much more time reading from school textbooks to some other reading materials , such as novels , e-books , magazines and so on .

  13. 这项服务名为KindleUnlimited,订购用户可以阅读超过4.4万本电子书。

    The service called Kindle2 Unlimited3 gives Chinese subscribers access to more than 44000 e-books .

  14. 一项新的研究表明,纸质书籍比睡前阅读的电子书更好。

    A new study shows that paper books are better than e-books for bedtime reading .

  15. 密歇根大学的研究人员研究了37对父母和孩子如何与电子书和纸质书籍互动。

    Researchers from the University of Michigan studied how 37 pairs of parents and children interacted with e-books and paper books .

  16. 研究人员发现,通过电子书,父母向孩子们提出的问题较少,对这个故事的评论也较少。

    The researchers found that with electronic books , parents asked their children fewer questions and made fewer comments about the story 。

  17. 23日,亚马逊正式推出了一个新的包月服务,用户每月支付12元(1.84美元)即可阅读所有可以阅读的电子书。

    Amazon officially unveiled a new monthly subscription1 service on Tuesday that offers all-you-can-read digital books for 12 yuan ( $ 1.84 ) per month .

  18. 这些是印刷书籍,平板电脑上的基本电子书,以及具有动画,图形和声音效果等功能的增强型电子书。

    These were printed books , basic e-books on a tablet , and enhanced e-books with features such as animation2 , graphics3 and sound effects .

  19. 研究人员发现,与两种类型的电子书相比,父母和孩子彼此之间的互动较少。

    The researchers discovered that the parents and children interacted with each other less with both types of e-books than they did with the printed books .

  20. 这项研究表明,一本好的旧印刷书籍,你用手指转动的真实页面,使得父母和孩子的互动比在阅读电子书时更多。

    The study suggests that the good old printed book , with real pages that you turn with your fingers , makes parents and children interact more than they do when reading with an electronic book .

  21. 手稿可能会被印成纸质书,或者做成电子书。作者的手稿可能是征稿渠道来的(出版社会要求作者写书)或者是非征稿渠道来的(作者写完之后拿着手稿找出版社出售)。

    This may be printed ( a codex ) or digital ( an ebook ) . The author 's manuscript is either solicited ( the publisher asks them to write it ) or unsolicited ( the author writes it , then shops for a publisher ) .

  22. 分别对多个输出设备(如智能手机、电子书阅读器和替代Web浏览器)的内容进行样式化

    Style content separately for multiple output devices such as smart phones , e-book readers , and alternate web browsers

  23. 亚马逊电子书销售主管LiShuangtian解释道。

    Li Shuangtian , a sales director of Amazon 's digital content , explains .

  24. 她裁定,出版商与苹果(Apple)合谋提高苹果商店里的电子书价格。

    She ruled that the publishers had conspired with Apple to raise book prices in its store .

  25. 今年7月,亚马逊(amazon)宣布,其电子书销量已超过纸质书。

    Amazon announced in July that it was now selling more e-books than hardcovers .

  26. 随着Internet和信息技术的快速发展,数字电视、电子书、音乐等数字内容越来越多。

    With the rapid development of the Internet and information technology , more and more digital television , e-books , digital music and other digital content are used .

  27. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearch)在1月份发布的研究指出,美国约有50%的人拥有一部专门的电子书阅读器。

    About 50 % of the U.S. population owns a dedicated e-reader , according to a Pew Research study released last month .

  28. Oyster提供的逾10万本电子书有许多都不知名,但该公司称,你能在其中找到超过1000本《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)畅销书。

    Although many of its 100,000-plus e-books are obscure , you 'll find over 1,000 New York Times best-sellers in the mix , according to the company .

  29. 比如,弗吉尼亚州的亚历山大图书馆(TheAlexandriaLibrary)拥有3.5万种电子书,45万种印刷版图书。

    The Alexandria library , in Virginia , has 35,000 digital titles vs. 450,000 in print , for example .

  30. 亚马逊于2012年12月在中国推出的Kindle电子书商店。

    Amazon launched its Kindle e-book store in China in December 2012 .