
  1. 香港亿万富豪的全部财富相当于香港本地生产总值(GDP)的70%还多。

    The combined wealth of the city 's billionaires is equivalent to more than 70 % of Hong Kong 's GDP .

  2. 纽约非营利组织财政政策研究所(FiscalPolicyInstitute)最近指出了只偶尔在城中居住的亿万富豪涌入的一个负面影响。

    The Fiscal Policy Institute , a nonprofit in New York , recently suggested a downside to the influx of billionaires who are in the city only sporadically .

  3. 著名物理学家史蒂芬·霍金和俄罗斯亿万富豪尤里·米尔纳的联合将外星人搜索推向了一个全新的高度。

    Renowned1 physicist2 Stephen Hawking3 and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner are pushing the search for extraterrestrial life into higher gear .

  4. 周四(10月13日)发布的行业研究报告显示,去年,中国的造富能力在亚洲处于领先地位,同时将经历首个亿万富豪财富代际移交。

    China led Asia in creating billionaires last year and is set to undergo its first inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer , industrial research showed Thursday .

  5. 由瑞银与普华永道联合编撰的亿万富豪报告显示,在亚洲几乎每三日诞生一位亿万富豪,多数来自中国。2015年,中国的亿万富豪财富增长了5.4%。

    Led by China , Asia is creating a billionaire every three days , and China 's billionaires wealth rose by 5.4 percent in 2015 , according to a report released by international investment bank UBS and global accounting1 firm PwC .

  6. 亿万富豪们飞往巴塞尔迈阿密海滩艺术博览会(ArtBaselMiamiBeach),从大型画廊购进作品,私人银行家们告诉客户要提高资产配置多样性,增加艺术品配置;

    Billionaires fly to Art Basel Miami Beach to buy from big galleries , private bankers tell clients to diversify into art ;

  7. 公司创始人里德·霍夫曼(ReidHoffman)不费吹灰之力成为了新的亿万富豪。

    And easily makes its founder Reid Hoffman a newly minted billionaire .

  8. 伊隆·马斯克(ElonMusk),亿万富豪企业家和最低工资收入者。

    Elon Musk , billionaire entrepreneur and minimum wage earner .

  9. 比尔·盖茨(BillGates)从大学退学,迈克尔·戴尔(MichaelDell)和23岁就登上福布斯亿万富豪榜的扎克伯格同样如此。

    Bill Gates dropped out of college . So did Michael Dell . So did Mr. Zuckerberg , who made the Forbes billionaires list at 23.Mr .

  10. 《福布斯》(Forbes)富豪榜显示,印度和中国亿万富豪今年的表现强于美国富豪。

    Billionaires in India and China outperformed their US peers this year , according to the Forbes rich list .

  11. 当时这位电信行业的亿万富豪正在为雅虎日本(YahooJapan)寻找新的技术合作伙伴,他的软银集团(SoftBank)拥有该互联网搜索引擎的大量股权。

    The billionaire telecoms tycoon needed a new technology partner for Yahoo Japan , the internet search engine in which his SoftBank group owns a big stake .

  12. 亿万富豪乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)把旗下对冲基金剩余的外部资金全部退还投资者,使这个问题在美国备受瞩目。

    Billionaire George Soros brought the issue to prominence in the us when he returned the remaining outside money in his hedge fund to investors .

  13. 答:要回答这个问题,先把面具摘下来,翻转过来看看:《钢铁侠》(IronMan)系列电影的亿万富豪主人公,其实是受到了穆斯克的启发。而不是反过来。

    A : To answer this question , put that thing down , flip it and reverse it : the billionaire character at the center of the Iron Man movie series is actually inspired by Mr. Musk , not the other way around .

  14. 得益于此,包括纽约扬基队(NewYorkYankees)已故老板乔治・斯坦布莱纳(GeorgeSteinbrenner)等在内的好几位亿万富豪的继承人留住了本来要交给美国政府的数亿美元。

    As a result , the heirs of a handful of billionaires-including late New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner-got to keep hundreds of millions of dollars that otherwise would have gone to Uncle Sam.

  15. 再看看那些富人社区——比如绿树成荫的波托拉谷(PortolaValley),许多有环保意识的亿万富豪就住在这里——人均用水量远比洛杉矶地区的穷人社区康普顿要高得多。

    Or consider that wealthy communities - say , Portola Valley , woodsy home to many an environmentally conscious tech multimillionaire - use far more water per capita than do the poor of Compton , in the Los Angeles area .

  16. 从去年开始,盖茨、盖茨妻子梅琳达盖茨(MelindaGates)、巴菲特和其他富人主持一系列晚宴招待亿万富豪,讨论发起捐赠誓言的事情。

    Starting last year , Mr. Gates , his wife Melinda Gates , Mr. Buffett and other wealthy individuals hosted a series of dinners for billionaires to discuss setting up the pledge .

  17. 微软(MicrosoftCorp.)创始人之一、亿万富豪保罗•艾伦(PaulAllen),本月被诊断出非何杰金氏淋巴瘤,目前正在接受化疗。

    Investor Paul Allen Diagnosed With Non-Hodgkin 's Lymphoma Paul Allen , the billionaire investor who co-founded Microsoft Corp. ( MSFT ) , was diagnosed earlier this month with non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma and is undergoing chemotherapy .

  18. 尽管政府没有提供官方数据,但坊间充斥着内地亿万富豪用现金购买九龙站(KowloonStation)附近多套豪华住宅的传闻。对于那些频繁往返内地和香港之间的人而言,九龙站是个非常受欢迎的地段。

    While the government provides no official figures , anecdotes abound of mainland billionaires paying cash for multiple units in new luxury apartment blocks near Kowloon Station - a popular area for those who shuttle frequently across the border .

  19. 查特公司及其大股东亿万富豪约翰·J·马龙(JohnMalone)长期以来一直寻求跻身美国宽带行业的顶级阵营,收购时代华纳有线将让他们得偿所愿。

    The potential acquisition of Time Warner Cable completes a lengthy quest by Charter and its main backer , the billionaire John C. Malone , to break into the top tier of the American broadband industry .

  20. 在美国东海岸,格林尼治森严的豪宅为那些有意避开公众视野的对冲基金亿万富豪提供的私密程度,近乎于贝弗利山(beverleyhills)。

    And the gated mansions of Greenwich provide the closest thing to the privacy of Beverley Hills available on the east coast for the hedge fund billionaire who eschews publicity .

  21. 该组织援引《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志亿万富豪榜的数据称,制药和卫生保健领域亿万富豪的财富净值跃升了47%。

    Using data from Forbes magazine 's list of billionaires , it said those listed as having interests in the pharmaceutical and health care industries saw their net worth jump by 47 percent .

  22. 与FT共进午餐之前,查尔斯•科克(CharlesKoch)并不需要看菜单。这位亿万富豪选择了一家他特别熟悉的餐厅:位于堪萨斯州威奇托市,他公司总部内的自助食堂。

    Charles Koch does not need to look at the menu before lunching with the FT. The billionaire has chosen a restaurant he knows well : the in-house canteen at his company headquarters in Wichita , Kansas .

  23. 咨询公司WelchConsulting的布罗纳尔斯(StephenBronars)说,这方面排名世界第二和第三位的是黎巴嫩和俄罗斯,其本国亿万富豪财富总额分别相当于本国GDP的33%和25%。统计中没有包括人口低于100万的国家和地区。

    Nos. 2 and 3 by that measure are Lebanon and Russia , with ratios of 33 % and 25 % respectively , according to Welch Consulting 's Stephen Bronars , whose analysis excluded nations with less than a million people .

  24. 上述差异一直是这两人间不断讨论的话题。他们在过去两年间结成友谊,并最终谈判达成前述交易。这宗交易足以令库姆成为一名亿万富豪,并将这家共有55名员工的初创企业并入Facebook这张社交网络。

    These differences have been a continual topic of discussion for the two men as they developed a friendship over the past two years and ultimately negotiated the deal that would make Mr. Koum a multi-billionaire and bring his 55-person startup inside the social network .

  25. 亚洲首富、香港亿万富豪李嘉诚控股的长江实业集团有限公司(CheungKongHoldingsLtd)准备豪掷约20亿美元,打造一支拥有60架客机的机队,以此为前景光明的亚洲航空公司提供飞机租赁服务。

    Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd , controlled by Asia 's richest man , Hong Kong-based billionaire Li Ka-Shing , is to pay around $ 2 billion to build a fleet of some 60 airliners that it will lease to the continent 's up-and-coming airlines .

  26. 胡润百富(HurunReport)和上海传媒投资公司群邑智库(GroupMKnowledge)对中国富人的最新调查显示,截至去年底,中国内地千万富豪多达102万,亿万富豪达63500人。

    The latest survey of China 's rich from publisher Hurun Report and GroupM Knowledge , a Shanghai-based media investment company , shows mainland China had as many as 1.02 million millionaires and 63500 superrich as of the end of last year .

  27. 以伦敦为业务重点的房地产开发商Quintain得到香港亿万富豪郑家纯(HenryChengKar-Shun)的支持,从而为完成伦敦史上最大住宅项目之一铺平了道路。

    Quintain , the London-focused property developer , has paved the way to complete one of the UK capital 's largest housing projects after teaming up with Hong Kong billionaire Henry Cheng Kar-Shun .

  28. 全美最大的餐饮公司——Landry的老板,亿万富豪蒂尔曼-费尔蒂塔说他有兴趣买下休斯顿火箭队。

    Billionaire restaurateur Tilman Fertitta , owner of Landry 's Inc. , one of the nation 's biggest restaurant corporations , says he 's interested in buying theHouston Rockets .

  29. 身为中国互联网游戏先驱的一对亿万富豪夫妇向加州理工学院(Caltech)捐赠1.15亿美元用于大脑研究,目的是帮助人类接受死亡。

    A billionaire couple who pioneered internet games in China are donating $ 115m to the California Institute of Technology for brain research in an effort to help humans accept mortality .

  30. 多年来,很多人因为比尔·盖茨(BillGates)的慷慨而受益,但在本周,当这位亿万富豪慈善家参加了社交新闻网站Reddit组织的礼物交换活动,成为其一名幸运用户的神秘圣诞老人时,他真得充当了一次圣诞老人。

    Many people have benefited from Bill Gates " generosity over the years , but the billionaire philanthropist truly got to play St. Nick this week when he became one lucky Reddit user 's Secret Santa , as part of the annual Redditgifts holiday exchange .