
  • 网络electronic conductance;electronic conduction
  1. 多注双间隙耦合腔电子电导计算与模拟

    Calculation and Simulation of the Electronic Conductance in Double Gap Coupling MBK Cavity

  2. 玻璃的电子电导主要是由钒离子的变价来进行的。

    The electronic conductance of the glass is mainly proceeded through the valence change of vanadium ions .

  3. 钠-β-Al2O3在钠沉积电解中电子电导变化研究

    Study on the Variation of Electronic Conductivity in Sodium - β Alumina with Electrolysis

  4. 二次电子电导摄像管(SEC)在空间慢扫描电视系统中的应用

    Application of Secondary Electron Conduction Target Vidicon In Slow Deflection TV System

  5. MgO掺杂钠β氧化铝的电子电导

    Electronic conductivity in MgO doped sodium β & alumina

  6. Wagner极化法对熔渣电子电导的研究

    Study of electronic conductivity of molten slags with Wagner polarization technique

  7. 在常温下,Pt/TiO2界面处的电子电导对Pt/TiO2肖特基势垒高度的变化非常敏感。

    At room temperature , the electronic conductivity across the Pt / TiO 2 interface leads to be extremely sensitive to the height of Schottky barrier .

  8. Li4SiO4-Li3VO4混合导体中导电Li~+离子对电子电导的作用

    The Effect of the Conductible Li ~ + Cation on the Electronic Conductivity in Mixed Conductor

  9. 氧化锆固体电解质定氧探头在钢铁精炼中已经获得了广泛应用,但是在低氧(10ppm)条件下,传统氧化镁单一稳定的部分稳定氧化锆由于固体电解质电子电导的影响使其测量精度受到影响。

    The oxygen probe for iron and steel refining has been used extensively , but traditional MgO-single stabled zirconia solid electrolyte , due to the effect of electronic conductivity in low oxygen ( 10ppm ) refining conditions , has some measurement precision problem .

  10. 氧化锆固体电解质高温电子电导的研究

    Study on high temperature electronic conductivity of zirconia

  11. 含氟氮超酸锂盐-聚磷腈高分子固体电解质的制备与性能研究氧化锆固体电解质高温电子电导的研究

    On the Synthesis and Properties of Lithium Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonyl Imides-Polyphosphazene Solid Polymer Electrolytes ; Study on high temperature electronic conductivity of zirconia

  12. 然而两者较低的电子电导和离子电导影响了高倍率电化学性能,阻碍了它们商业化应用。

    However , both of them show poor rate performance due to lower ionic and electronic conductivity , which hinders their commercial applications .

  13. 根据测得的稳态极化电流与电压曲线.得出体系的电子电导主要为空穴电子电导;

    It is proved that the electronic conductivity of the system is mainly composed of the cavity conductivity according to the measured steady curve of current to voltage .

  14. 本文从单电荷现象开始,简述了实验研究和理论研究的进程,介绍了纳米粒子中量子点的实现及尺寸效应和纳米粒子系统的电容等基本内容,概括了单电子电导的技术应用。

    In this paper , started with monocharge phenomena , research both on theorem and experiments are introduced , realization of quantum dots , size effect and capacitance in nanoparticles are summed up .

  15. 离子电导实验结果表明,在此阴离子导体中,电子电导占总电导率的9%,而空穴的电导率比电子电导率小1~2个数量级。

    This is a good anion conductors , but the electronic conductivity is rather higher , the electronic transition number t e is 9 % , the hole conductivity is lower than two orders of electronic conductivity in magnitude .

  16. 在分析上述测试结果的基础上,指出了该系材料的本体电导中只有电子电导、没有离子电导;

    After the analysis , it tells that there is only electronic Conductance but no ionic Conductance in this material 's self - conductance , and explains the reason of some phenomena which seemed to be contrary to each other .

  17. 单电子晶体管电导振荡及其解释

    Conductance Oscillation of the Single Electron Transistor and Its Explanation

  18. 我们发现自旋向上和自旋向下电子对电导和散粒噪声的贡献是不同的。

    We find that spin-up and spin-down electrons have different contributions to the conductance and the shot noise .

  19. 这些电子的电导图谱随势垒(耦合区域)的长度和势垒的高度变化呈现出周期或准周期性。

    Conductance of the electrons as a function of potential height and barrier length exhibits a periodic and quasi-periodic pattern .

  20. 其氧渗透能力来自于在中高温条件下材料中的氧离子和电子混合电导。

    The oxygen permeability of this type of membrane arises from its mixed oxygen ionic and electronic conductivity at elevated temperatures .

  21. 掺锡C60薄膜材料的电子结构与电导性研究

    Structure and Conductivity of Sn-deped C60 Thin Films

  22. 第二章用多体关联动力学改进的集团展开方法,研究量子点的输运特性,算出了电子输运电导中的Kondo效应。

    In the second chapter , using cluster expansions method ( which improved by correlation dynamics ) to research the transport properties of quantum dots , we have calculated the Kondo effect in electronic transport conductance .

  23. 基于等效电路模型分析,扩展了谐波回旋速调管放大器的小信号分析理论,获得了谐波回旋速调管放大器的小信号增益和各谐振腔中电子注负载电导的计算公式。

    By extending the small signal theory to the harmonic gyroklystrons based on the model of the gyroklystron equivalent circuit , the formulas of calculating the small signal gain and the electronic admittance of the resonance cavity of a harmonic gyroklystron are derived .

  24. DNA分子链的电子局域性质及电导的研究

    The localized properties of electronic states and conductivity of DNA sequence

  25. 一维双量子点系统的电子隧穿及电导

    The Electronic Tunneling and Spin Polarization in the Coupled Quantum Dots System

  26. 晶粒的激活能与烧结气氛有较大关系,由于氧空位引起的电子的短程跳跃电导、极化子是晶粒电导、电容的主要起源。

    The activation energy of the grain is related with the sintering atmosphere , variable-range-hopping conductivity and polaron caused by the oxygen vacancy is the main origins of the conductivity and capacitance of the grains .

  27. 针对现有无序体系电子输运理论的不足,考虑了电子和声子、外场的相互作用,建立了EPF(electron-phonon-field)电子隧穿电导模型,推导了一维无序体系新的直流、交流电导公式。

    Based on the disadvantage of the former electronic conductance theory applied on the disordered system , and considering the interaction between the phonon > electric field and electron , a EPF ( Electron-Phonon-Field ) conductance model of electronic tunnel transfer is set up , and new D. C and A.