
bǎo hé
  • saturation;satiate;saturate;fill to capacity
饱和 [bǎo hé]
  • [satiate;saturate;fill to capacity] 在一定温度和压强下,溶液中所含溶质达到最高限度,比喻事物达到最大限度

饱和[bǎo hé]
  1. 电脑游戏市场已达到饱和。

    The market for computer games has reached saturation point .

  2. 改革已经使得市场上商品饱和。

    Reforms have led to the saturation of the market with goods

  3. 那家公司的产品已使电子记事簿市场饱和。

    The company had saturated the market for personal organizers .

  4. 鱼油不如动物脂肪饱和。

    Fish oils are less saturated than animal fats .

  5. 每天相当于两大汤匙多重不饱和油的量就足够了。

    The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day

  6. 多不饱和油对健康很重要。但是,食用过量就会有害。

    Polyunsaturated oils are essential for health . Excess is harmful , however .

  7. 饱和营销的概念是完全有道理的。

    The concept of saturation marketing makes perfect sense

  8. 公路交通已达到饱和点。

    Road traffic has reached saturation point .

  9. 用多不饱和抹酱取代黄油。

    Use poly8.5unsaturated spread instead of butter .

  10. 该地区的医院数量已经饱和。

    The region is glutted with hospitals

  11. 随着市场上商品饱和,经济趋于平衡,通货膨胀就减弱了。

    As the market was saturated with goods and the economy became more balanced , inflation went down .

  12. 旧汽车市场已经饱和。

    The market for the used car is saturated .

  13. 当过饱和是正值时,则出现凝结。

    Condensation occurs when the supersaturation is positive .

  14. 正常的遗忘甚至是一种可以确保避免大脑过度饱和的安全机制。

    Normal forgetting may even be a safety mechanism to ensure our brain doesn 't become too full .

  15. 概述了磁饱和式可控电抗器的基本结构和工作原理。

    The basic structure and the principle of controlled saturable reactor were described .

  16. 她没有化浓妆,只是化妆品过饱和了。

    She does not wear too much makeup , she is cosmetically oversaturated .

  17. 这家公司的产品销售量在许多西方国家已接近饱和。

    The company 's sales are now close to saturation in many western countries .

  18. 氯化钠饱和溶液

    a saturated solution of sodium chloride

  19. 跑步装备和赛事的市场在过去30多年间日趋成熟,但还远远没有达到饱和的状态,因为跑鞋总会穿破(真的很快会破),而赛事总是办完一个还有另一个。

    Both of these markets have matured during the past 30 or more years , but if history is any guide , are nowhere near saturation2 , because shoes will continue to wear out ( quickly ! ) and events are even more disposable .

  20. 饱和地基中埋置点源荷载的动力Green函数

    Dynamic Green 's functions of saturated soils subjected to the internal excitation

  21. 适用于微机母线保护的CT饱和识别新判据

    A Novel Criterion to Identify CT Saturation Suitable for Micro-processor Based Busbar Protection

  22. H型件轧边端孔型中的张力饱和现象及其计算

    On the Tension Saturation Phenomenon under H-beam Edging with Tension and Its Calculation

  23. 硒化不饱和脂酸及相应脂酸对人肝癌细胞株DNA合成的抑制作用

    Inhibition of Unsaturated Fatty Acids and its Selenide on DNA Synthesis in Human Hepatocarcinoma Cell Line

  24. 对流放电CO2激光器的饱和特性

    The saturation characteristics of electric discharge convection co_2 laser

  25. 电流互感器(CT)饱和时,电流继电器能不能正确动作,一直存在二种载然不同的观点。

    There are two different points of view on whether current relay operates correctly or not , when CT saturates .

  26. 用胰蛋白酶水解铁饱和的猪血清转铁蛋白,可同时获得含单一铁结合部位的N端和C端半分子。

    N - and C-half molecules containing a single iron-binding site were simultaneously obtained from trypsin digest of iron-saturated pig transferrin .

  27. 常压下,水饱和样品的QP值低于干燥样品。

    It is found that the Qp value of water-saturated samples in the atmosphere is lower than that of dry ones .

  28. 通过SEM,FT&IR等手段观察不饱和聚酯/海泡石纳米复合材料的微观结构和形态。

    The microstructure and modality of the UP / sepiolite nanocomposites were characterized by FT-IR and SEM .

  29. HAT循环中饱和器的动态仿真

    Dynamic Simulation of Humidifier in HAT Cycle

  30. 高强度预应力钢丝在饱和Ca(OH)2+NaCl环境中的应力腐蚀开裂

    Stress corrosion cracking of a high strength prestressing steel wire in saturated ca ( oh ) _2 + nacl solutions