
  • 网络satiety;satiation
  1. 杏仁中的脂肪和纤维还有助于使人产生饱腹感,从而避免无意识地过多摄入。

    The fat and fiber in almonds also contribute a feeling of satiety that helps prevent mindless snacking .

  2. 多吃复合碳水化合物,比如全麦食品能够平稳血糖A,高纤维食品能够提高饱腹感。

    Focusing on complex carbs like whole grains helps stabilize blood sugar , and lots of fiber increases satiety .

  3. 西瓜含有的大量水分可以产生饱腹感,让你总体上摄入的热量减少。

    The high water content in watermelon can also be filling and help you eat fewer calories overall .

  4. 毕竟,已有的研究表明早餐可以增加饱腹感,减少能量总摄入,并让我们全天都可以更好地选择食物。这可能是因为我们的早餐吃得好,如富含纤维、营养丰富的食物。

    After all , previous research has shown that breakfast increases satiety14 , reduces total energy intake and sets us up to make better food choices throughout the day , likely because we start out with better breakfast options like fiber - and nutrient-dense foods .

  5. 香蕉中富含维他命C,可以另身体迅速分泌脂肪酸和脂肪纤维,从而使你产生饱腹感。

    They contain Vitamin C which helps the body flush fatty acids & fiber , which helps you feel full .

  6. 蘑菇确实是一个摄入维生素B的极好来源,而维生素B是健康饮食的必备成分,蘑菇的膳食纤维含量极高,可以让人维持较长时间的饱腹感。

    It 's true that mushrooms are an excellent source of B vitamins , which are needed for a healthy diet , and their high level of dietary fibre can keep us from feeling hungry for longer .

  7. 美国网络新闻媒体&美国国家公共电台NPR报道称,方便面由面粉经棕榈油炸制而成,它的油脂再加上汤,容易让人有持久的饱腹感。

    According to the NPR , a US-based online news outlet , the fat in instant noodles , which are made with wheat flour fried in palm oil , combined with the soup , keeps one feeling full for longer .

  8. 这种饱腹感要用一个小时

    It takes about a half hour for that full feeling

  9. 吃固体的食物有饱腹感。

    When you eat solids , you get full .

  10. 绝大多数实验对象对膳食纤维食品的口感、饱腹感及总体感觉评价良好(88.5%)。

    Most of the experimental subjects considered the dietary fiber fine ( 88.5 % ) .

  11. 食用瘦蛋白--比如半熟虾或鸡块--可以让你的饱腹感更持久。

    and lean protein-such as pre-cooked shrimp or chicken strips-to keep you feeling full longer .

  12. 并且,同所有蛋白质一样,食用鸡蛋能使人们饱腹感持续更长,从而有助于控制食欲。

    And like all protein , they help control your appetite by keeping you full longer .

  13. 这将有助于你维持饱腹感而且充满活力,不让你感觉昏昏欲睡。

    This will help keep you feeling full and energized without giving you that lethargic feeling .

  14. 生理上的对于食物的饱腹感或满足感都是以时间作为参照的。

    The physiological feedback of feeling full or the satiation signal comes with a time lag .

  15. 通过增加饱腹感,喝水也可以减少人们对于不健康食物的渴望。

    Water will also help you feel full , which will decrease cravings for unhealthy treats .

  16. 柚子的含水量高有助于增加饱腹感,柚子的热量非常低。

    The high water content in grapefruit helps increase feelings of fullness while providing very low calories .

  17. 还通过添加蛋白质和有益脂肪,这能使你长时间有饱腹感。

    Also by adding the protein and good fats , it 'll keep you fuller for longer .

  18. 除了能抑制食欲、提供饱腹感,水还能提高代谢率。

    Aside from suppressing your appetite and stimulating your satiety , water also helps boost your metabolic rate .

  19. 牛奶中的蛋白质(乳清和酪蛋白)比含糖饮料更能产生饱腹感。

    Milk 's proteins ( whey and casein ) can make you feel more satisfied than sugary drinks .

  20. 拉姆齐说:这就是饱腹感信号传递到大脑所需的时间。

    That 's about how long it takes for that fullness signal to reach your brain , says Rumsey .

  21. 福利:早晨摄入的蛋白质越多,饱腹感就越持久,同时还能避免盲目的早午餐零食。

    Bonus : More protein in the a.m. will keep you full and help you avoid mindless midmorning snacking .

  22. 因为富含纤维,橘子是最能产生饱腹感的水果之一。

    An orange is one of the most satisfying grabs from the fruit bowl & thanks to all that fiber .

  23. 香蕉富含钾元素,不仅能增加能量,同时也能使你的饱腹感更持久。

    Packed full of potassium , bananas don 't just provide an energy boost and make you fuller for longer .

  24. 但是,瑞伯乐和其同事的研究发现,纤维不是让人产生饱腹感的唯一原因。

    However , it 's not just the fiber content that matters , according to Rebello and her fellow researchers .

  25. 她说,吃各种食材做成的热食让她一整天都有饱腹感。

    Eating a variety of foods prepared in a hot dish keeps her feeling full through the day , she says .

  26. 可发酵纤维,即可以被肠道细菌分解的纤维会让人们有饱腹感,尽管吃的很少。

    Fermentable fiber - fiber that is broken down by gut microbes - makes people feel full after eating somewhat less .

  27. 剥开包装纸的动作会让你放慢速度,让你的饱腹感荷尔蒙有时间来发挥作用,让你感到满足。

    The act of peeling off a wrapper will slow you down and give your satiety hormones time to register satisfaction .

  28. 韩国科研人员发现松仁中对心脏有益的脂肪酸可以激活饱腹感激素,让你感觉很饱。

    The heart-healthy fatty acids in pine nuts boost satiety hormones that make you feel full , according to Korean researchers .

  29. 同时,苹果中含有的纤维在榨成果汁后也都流失了。正是这些纤维有助于增加人的饱腹感。

    Also , the fiber - which is what helps you fill up faster - is left out of the juice .

  30. 大量研究证实,睡眠不足会改变体内与饥饿感和饱腹感相关的消化激素的分泌。

    An abundant amount of research indicatesthat a lack of sleep alters the digestive hormones that areresponsible for hunger and fullness .