
ɡōnɡ nénɡ zhànɡ ài
  • dysfunction
  1. 一位性方面的专家,尤指能为那些有性功能障碍人士提供咨询的治疗专家;

    A sex expert , especially a therapist who treats persons complaining of sexual dysfunction ;

  2. C组:前庭功能障碍3个月大鼠3只;

    Group C : 3 rats with vestibular dysfunction of 3 months ;

  3. Digitaldementia指由于长期使用数码产品导致的记忆和认知功能障碍,即“数码痴呆症”。

    Digital dementia refers to impaired functioning due to the extended use of digital devices .

  4. 脑损害患者的高级功能障碍与P(300)对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Advanced Nervous Disorder with P_ ( 300 ) in Brain Damaged Patients

  5. 喉部分切除术后功能障碍的CO2激光治疗

    CO_2 laser therapy for malfunction after partial laryngectomy

  6. 维生素E对家兔多器官功能障碍血管内皮细胞的保护作用

    The Protective Effect of Vitamine E on Vascular Endothelial Cells in Rabbit Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

  7. HBV感染DC功能障碍及HBsAg对其的免疫刺激作用

    DC Function Abnormity in HBV Infection and Curative Effect of HBsAg on It

  8. 糖尿病(DM)是勃起功能障碍(ED)的危险因子之一。

    Diabetes mellitus is a well documented risk factor for erectile dysfunction .

  9. 紫外光谱位移实验和荧光淬实验进一步证明这种结合。提示国产洋红霉素的抗肿瘤机理可能与药物和DNA结合后,引起DNA分子模板功能障碍有关。

    The results of the experiments of a UV spectrum shift and fluorescence - quenching further proved a bind of CMM with DNA .

  10. 兔心肌挫伤心功能障碍与心肌细胞内Ca~(2+)和线粒体ATP酶的变化

    Mechanism of cardiac dysfunction after myocardial contusion in rabbits

  11. 银杏叶提取物对糖尿病学习记忆功能障碍大鼠脑内载脂蛋白emRNA表达的影响

    Effects of ginkgo leaf extract on expression of apolipoprotein E mRNA in brain of diabetic rats with learning and memory dysfunction

  12. 结论X综合征患者ET-1、ET-1/NO比值异常升高,提示其存在内皮功能障碍;

    Conclusions ( 1 ) The significant increases of ET-1 and ET-1 / NO indicate endothelial dysfunction in syndrome X.

  13. Alzheimer病和轻度认知功能障碍患者认知功能与局部脑血流灌注的相关性研究

    Study on the Correlation between Cognitive Functions and Regional Blood Flow in Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment

  14. 糖尿病结肠功能障碍是糖尿病(DM)极为常见并发症,该病的突出的临床症状为腹胀和便秘。

    Colonic dysfunction is a frequent complication of diabetes mellitus , and constipation is the most common clinical situation .

  15. 哥德堡市的MCI研究:轻度认知功能障碍是一种异质状态

    The Goteborg MCI study : Mild cognitive impairment is a heterogeneous condition

  16. 实验和临床SCI研究表明直接或间接地抑制SCI后炎症反应可减轻损伤后神经功能障碍。

    The experimental and clinical SCI indicated direct or indirect inhibit inflammation could lessen neurofunctional disturbance after SCI .

  17. 勃起功能障碍(erectiledysfunction,ED)为男性常见疾病,其发病率有上升趋势。

    Erectile dysfunction ( ED ) is a common disease in male populations , and the morbidity is increasing .

  18. Oddi括约肌运动调节与功能障碍的诊断和治疗

    Locomotion regulation of Oddi sphincter muscle and diagnosis and treatment of SOD

  19. 其中手术组采用双侧髂内动脉结扎的方法制备动脉性勃起功能障碍(ED)大鼠模型,假手术组作为对照组只切开腹腔不结扎髂内动脉。

    Operated group was made a rat model of arterial erectile dysfunction by ligating bilateral internal iliac arteries of rats .

  20. 目的了解动脉硬化危险因子(ARF)与勃起功能障碍(ED)之间的确切关系。

    Objective To study the accurate relationship between the erectile dysfunction and atherosclerosis risk factors ( ARF ) .

  21. 结论弥漫性脑损伤后激活NF-κB,肠黏膜上皮细胞凋亡增加,两者在肠黏膜屏障功能障碍发生中可能起重要作用。

    Conclusion NF - κ B activated by cellular stress , and apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells might play an important role in the development of intestinal mucosal barrier dysfunction after diffuse brain injury .

  22. 目的:脑震荡(Brainconcussion)是指外力致头部损伤后,即刻引起脑功能障碍,轻者表现短暂昏迷,重者伴有记忆力障碍,多可自行恢复的状况。

    Objective : Brain concussion is a transient disturbance of brain function immediately after an outside force on head , which can recover automatically .

  23. 结论尿动力学检查发现CP患者有不同程度的下尿路功能障碍。

    Conclusion The different level dysfunction of the low urethral tract of the patient with CP was discovered in the urodynamics study .

  24. 烧伤患者血浆IL-8、VCAM-1的变化与呼吸功能障碍的关系

    The plasma levels of IL-8 and VCAM-1 concentrations in different burn area patients with or without lung dysfunction

  25. 目的观察早期干预对防治缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE)病儿脑功能障碍的效果。

    Objective To study the effect of early medical intervention on neonates with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy ( HIE ) .

  26. 对没有出血情况或准备进行有创性操作的病人,不建议规则使用新鲜冰冻血浆改善实验室显示的凝血功能障碍。(2D级)

    We suggest that fresh frozen plasma not be used to correct laboratory clotting abnormalities in the absence of bleeding or planned invasive procedures ( Grade2D ) .

  27. 延误诊断及漏诊7例(12%),2例死于术后多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)。

    Delayed diagnosis and missed injuries totaled seven cases ( 12 % ) . Two cases were died of postoperative MODS .

  28. EGb可明显抑制糖尿病学习记忆功能障碍大鼠海马的APOEmRNA的表达水平。

    EGb could inhibit significantly the mRNA expression of ApoE in hippocampus of diabetic rats with learning and memory functions deficit .

  29. RA的心血管损害以动脉粥样硬化为主,而血管内皮功能障碍被认为是启动动脉粥样硬化进程的第一步,与动脉粥样硬化的发生发展密切相关。

    Endothelial dysfunction is considered a first step for starting the process of atherosclerosis , so it associates with the generation and development of atherosclerosis closely .

  30. 目的探讨骶神经电刺激(Sacralnervestimulation,SNS)治疗顽固性排尿功能障碍的临床效果。

    Objective To explore the clinical effect of sacral nerve electrostimulation ( SNS ) on the patients with refractory voiding dysfunction .