
diàn shì tái
  • broadcaster;TV station;channel;television/TV station
电视台 [diàn shì tái]
  • [television station] 播送电视节目的地方

  1. 为了争取更多观众,这家电视台不得不迎合低收入阶层。

    To get more viewers the TV station was forced to go downmarket .

  2. 抗议的学生占领了电视台。

    Protesting students occupied the TV station .

  3. 愈来愈多的电视台和广播电台使无线电波段愈来愈拥挤。

    More and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves .

  4. 她步她父亲的后尘,在电视台工作。

    She works in television , following in her father 's footsteps .

  5. 昨天,在德国电视台的采访中,部长否认了那些报道。

    Yesterday , in an interview on German television , the minister denied the reports .

  6. 泰晤士电视台宣布重播《班尼·希尔秀》。

    Thames television announced a re-run of the Benny Hill Show .

  7. 国家电视台播出了大片农田淹没在水中的影像。

    State television showed film of vast areas of farmland underwater .

  8. 电视台摄像师被请进来拍摄他工作的镜头。

    Television cameras were invited in to film him at work .

  9. 意大利电视台绝对不会放过对黑手党的关注。

    The Mafia is by no means ignored by Italian television .

  10. 士兵们征用首都的车辆,并且占领了电视台。

    The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station

  11. 这些是当地电视台来的人。

    These are the folks from the local TV station .

  12. 波兰电视台现场直播了记者招待会。

    The press conference was broadcast live on Polish television .

  13. 很显然,英国独立电视台原创剧集的收视胜过了英国广播公司的节目。

    Clearly , the BBC is being outgunned by ITV 's original drama

  14. 电视台受到警告,要求对暴力场面的描绘采取谨慎态度。

    Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence

  15. 明年这部剧将在美国电视台播出。

    The drama will be shown on American TV next year

  16. 我们想增加一些通晓科学的人手来运作电视台。

    We want to have more scientifically literate people running our television stations .

  17. 后来各电视台被禁止播放任何有关这次游行的画面。

    TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo .

  18. 她是个电视台记者,总是工作到很晚。

    She was a TV reporter and worked long hours

  19. 它自称是英国最受欢迎的电视台。

    It claims to be the most popular television station in the UK .

  20. 空中新闻电视台主要是由原英国广播公司的新闻工作人员运作的。

    The Sky News TV station is largely run by ex-BBC news staffers .

  21. 她在一家电视台的新闻快讯中听到了这则简明新闻。

    She had heard the news-flash on a TV channel 's news update .

  22. 现在公司可以在独立电视台和第4频道上出资做节目广告了。

    Companies will now be able to sponsor programmes on ITV and Channel 4 .

  23. 今天他的节目将在500多家电视台播出。

    Today his programme is syndicated to 500 stations

  24. 英国广播公司世界电视台正24小时不间断地向38个亚洲国家播出新闻。

    World Service Television is pumping out 24-hour news to 38 countries in Asia .

  25. 选举前最后几天,竞选双方占用了所有的广播电台和电视台。

    In the last days before the vote , both sides are saturating the airwaves

  26. 莱辛科对中央电视台相当熟悉。他在那儿工作了25年。

    Lesinko is quite familiar with Central Television . He worked there for 25 years

  27. 女主角是一名电视台的高级主管。

    The heroine is a senior TV executive .

  28. 这些辱骂是冲着电视台的工作人员来的。

    The abuse was directed at the TV crews

  29. 这首歌曲被禁止在电台或电视台播放。

    The song was banned from the airwaves .

  30. 采访通过电台和电视台播出。

    The interview went out over the airways .