
cí xíng
  • form;morphology
词形 [cí xíng]
  • [morphology] 指词的形态,印欧语系语言等词的形态随词表示的语法意义的不同而变化,汉语词的形态变化不丰富

  • 分词或动词的词形

词形[cí xíng]
  1. 第四章主要是阐述新词新语的词形与词义之间复杂的关系。

    The fourth chapter speaks of the complex relation between the morphology and acceptation of neology and neologism .

  2. 在词汇学中,又从词形、词义、用词惯例三个层次进行分析。

    In lexicology , we will study from three levels , morphology , meaning , conventional using of words .

  3. “keep”与“see”这两个动词的词形变化是不规则的。列出(名词、代名词或形容词的)词形变化

    The verbs " keep " and " see " are irregular in their inflections . " to list or state the different grammatical forms of ( a noun , PRONOUN , or adjective ) "

  4. 中古英语的abacus与其希腊词源abax词形上的区别是因为中古英语借用了拉丁文abacus,而该拉丁文又是从希腊词abax的所有格形式abakos演变而来的

    one used by the Arabs.The difference in form between the Middle English wordabacus and its Greek source abax is explained by the fact that Middle English actually borrowed Latin abacus , which came from the Greek genitive form ( abakos ) of abax .

  5. 现代汉语词形的演变与规范

    The Transformation and Standard of the Form of Modern Chinese Language

  6. 二语心理词库提取的语音和词形效应

    Phonological and Morphological Effects in the Access to SL Mental Lexicon

  7. 中国学习者英语语料库的词形失误分析

    An Analysis of Word-form Mistakes in Chinese Learner ′ s Composition

  8. 选定恰当的词形,避免一词多译;

    Choose proper word forms avoiding multiple translations of one word ;

  9. 英汉联想意义的对比与翻译由英语词形转换联想到中西思维模式

    On the Comparison and Translation of Associative Meaning between Chinese and English

  10. 视觉词形加工是阅读机制中的重要环节。

    Visual word form processing is one of essential stages in reading .

  11. 也叫词形记忆法或比较记忆法。

    Also known as word-memory or memory compared with law .

  12. 基于前后文词形特征的生物医学文献句子边界识别

    Sentence Boundary Detection in Biomedical Texts Using Context Morphological Features

  13. 它既有副词的某些特征,又具有介词的词形。

    They share the features of both adverbs and prepositions .

  14. 汉语单字词形&义关系的内隐学习研究

    Research on the Implicit Learning of Form-meaning Connections of Chinese Simple Word

  15. 她则纠正我的发音并帮我断句和改变词形。

    she corrected my pronunciation and helped me to phrase and inflect .

  16. 第二章:邵东方言词汇的词形、词义和词源分析。

    The second part : Shaodong dialect vocabulary and etymology , semantic analysis .

  17. 相关条目是指词典中词义或词形有关联的词目。

    Related Items mean the meaning and form of words in the dictionary .

  18. 动词随着人称、时态、语态和语气的不同可能会有词形的曲折变化。

    Verbs may be inflected for person , tense , voice , and mood .

  19. 因某些词与其它词相似而类推出其词形变化的方法

    Way in which words change their form because of their similarity to other words

  20. 联绵词的词形整理与辞书编纂

    Sorting Out Chinese Two-syllable Clusters and Dictionary Compilation

  21. 该部分显示了在查找过程中会发现的所有词形变化。

    The section shows you all inflections that will be found during a lookup .

  22. 并在出版物中使儿化词词形规范化。

    In publications , the word form of the suffixation " er " is standardized .

  23. 变形词这样一个词形发生屈折变化的词的形式

    The form of such an inflected word

  24. 在字典查找期间,基本形式和变体的词形变化都将被查找到。

    During the dictionary lookup , inflections of the base forms and variants are found .

  25. 基于词形的汉语文本切分方法

    Word Form Based Chinese Text Segmentation Approach

  26. 在词汇方面,借入词语基本上保持原来的词形面貌。

    In terms of lexicon , the original form of loanwords basically remains the same .

  27. 词形式·词的形式·词形组合

    Word Forms , Lexemes and Lexical Bundles

  28. 串频统计和词形匹配相结合的汉语自动分词系统

    An Chinese Word Automatic Segmentation System Based on String Frequency Statistics Combined with Word Matching

  29. 词汇加工途径和词形加工量对汉语词汇形义附带习得的影响

    The Effect of Vocabulary Processing Approaches and Processing Quantity on Form on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition

  30. 某些种类的代词在双语中用法相似,词形却相去甚远。

    Some types of pronouns share the similar usage but have totally different word forms .