
cí yǔ
  • terms;expression;words and expressions
词语 [cí yǔ]
  • [words and expressions] 词和语的合称,包括单词、词组及整个词汇

  • 新词典词语丰富,信息量大

  • 运动界的技术性词语

词语[cí yǔ]
  1. 词语结构组织与HSK词汇学习

    Organizations of Words and Expressions and HSK Vocabulary Learning

  2. 同时,本文从词语历史发展的角度探寻现代汉语副词还的语义来源,提出现代汉语副词还来源于古汉语动词还(huan)的观点。

    At the same time , from the words and expressions 's historical development angle , this article inquires the semantic origin of modern Chinese adverb " hai ", and proposes the viewpoint that the modern Chinese adverb " hai " originates from the ancient Chinese verb " huan " .

  3. 层次较高的学生必须意识到词语搭配的重要性。

    Advanced students need to be aware of the importance of collocation .

  4. 体育解说员翻来覆去说着同样的词语,真叫人腻烦。

    Sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam .

  5. 她本想道歉,但词语生硬。

    She made a clumsy attempt to apologize .

  6. 用黑体突出重要词语。

    Highlight the important words in bold type .

  7. 他总是使用异常复杂的法律词语。

    He 's always using fancy legal words .

  8. 这些词语互换着使用。

    These terms are used interchangeably .

  9. 我们被教导要以特定的方式理解这些词语。

    We are taught to construe these terms in a particular way .

  10. 我打算有意含糊笼统地使用这些词语。

    I intend to use these terms in a deliberately non-specific and all-embracing way .

  11. 正如贵方信中所提到的,我也认为从政治角度来说,有一些词语表意上的问题。

    Further to your letter , I agree that there are some presentational problems , politically speaking .

  12. 双方已达成协议,在提及对方时使用中性的词语,避免有争议的字眼。

    Both sides had agreed to use neutral terms in their references to each other , avoiding controversial ones

  13. 修订版收入许多新词语。

    Many new words and phrases have been included in the revised edition .

  14. 他总是爱用没几个人懂的词语。

    He affects long words that few people can understand .

  15. 文章里夹杂着不少生造的词语。

    The article is cluttered up with unclear coined expressions .

  16. 她使用的粗鲁词语在节目播出之前的剪辑中给删掉了。

    The words she used were edited out before the programme was broadcast .

  17. 一种语言的基本词汇即那些必须掌握的词语。

    The basic vocabulary of a language is those words that must be learnt .

  18. 有了密码本,你可以写下代表其他单词的词语。

    With a code book , you might write down words that would stand for other words .

  19. 但是你可以做一些事情……使用字典;查查困难的词语。

    But there are a few things you can do ... Use a dictionary ; look up the difficult words .

  20. 有礼貌的人总是用这些神奇的词语和别人很好地交流。

    People with good manners always communicate with others well by using these magic words .

  21. ●写汉字●理解同一个词语在不同句子里的意思●读中文诗歌

    ● Writing Chinese characters ● Understanding the same word in different sentences ● Reading Chinese poems

  22. 在中文里的读音为:si。这个词语第一次引入到西方是公元552年走私者将蚕、桑叶从中国带到西方的时候。FengShui风水

    The word was first introduced to Western culture by smugglers who took silk worms and mulberry leaves out of China in 552 Common Era ( CE ) .

  23. 这两个可以互换的词语是“Damn”一词的礼貌说法,不过其实所有人都知道你想表达的是什么意思,有没有稍微“礼貌”一点,也没有人会在意。

    DARN / DANG ! These two interchangeable words are polite ways of saying ' Damn ' , though as everybody knows what you mean it 's a wonder anybody bothers .

  24. 1Heebie-jeebies焦躁不安这些不寻常的词语用来表达恐惧和不舒服的感觉。

    These unusual words are used to express a feeling of fear and being uncomfortable .

  25. 尽管有大量语法错误,偶尔词语误用,《不可能的政府》仍具通俗性和可读性。

    Despite a profusion of grammatical errors and the occasional malapropism , " the impossible state " is accessible and readable .

  26. 可惜,这是不可能的。我们能做的只是想出一些新的词语来描述这些小小的,惹人怜爱的小家伙。

    Unfortunately , that 's not possible , and instead we just have to come up with new words to describe these tiny , precious things .

  27. 帕纳姆和瑟森斯翻译过来就是“面包和马戏”,写这个词语的人是说,平民百姓为了获得温饱和娱乐,放弃了他们的政治责任,也就放弃了他们的权力。

    Panem Et Circenses translates into " bread and circuses " . The writer was saying that in return for full bellies8 and entertainment , his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power .

  28. 面向Internet的中文新词语检测

    Internet-oriented Chinese New Words Detection

  29. 之所以人体词语“back”有最高转义量是因为它有突出的特征。

    The reason why the body-part term back has the highest quantities of transferred senses is because the back has distinct features .

  30. 不同依恋风格个体,对于各种情绪类型词语均表现出了显著的AB效应。

    Every kinds of attachment style show significant AB effect on every kind of target words .