
cí yuán xué
  • etymology
词源学[cí yuán xué]
  1. OK的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。

    The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology .

  2. 在大学时她对词源学产生了兴趣。

    At university she developed an interest in etymology .

  3. 的出典成了词源学梦寐以求的圣杯。

    The origin of OK became the Holy Grail of etymology.OK

  4. 但是如果按照严格的词源学&希腊语中‘auto’意为“自己”,拉丁语的“mobilis”意为“移动的”,那么骑式双轮车可算是第一辆自动车。

    But under the strictest etymology the Greek auto means " self " and the Latin mobilis means " mobile " the riding car was the first automobile .

  5. 第二种广泛为人接受的词源学解释是这个短语是从中国的汉语hǎojǐubújiàn中借译而来的,其意思正是longtime,nosee。

    The second widely accepted etymological explanation is that the phrase is a loan translation from the Mandarin Chinese phrase h ǎ oj ǐ u b ú ji à n , which means exactly long time , no see .

  6. 第二种广泛为人接受的词源学解释是这个短语是从中国的汉语“hǎojǐubújiàn”中“借译”而来的,其意思正是“longtime,nosee”。

    The second widely accepted etymological explanation is that the phrase is a loan translation * from the Mandarin Chinese phrase " h ǎ oj ǐ u b ú ji à n , " which means exactly " long time , no see . "

  7. 同所有好的习语一样,美式词条86-ed在词源学中并不明确。

    As with all the best idioms , the etymology of the American term 86-ed is not clear .

  8. 第一章首先从幽默的词源学探究和基本理论开始。

    Chapter One starts from basic concepts and general theories of humor .

  9. 论比较词源学

    Theories of Selection ; HISTORIES & THEORIES Comparative Etymology

  10. 经验&人际二元功能词及其词源学演变理据

    Lexis of Experiential-Interpersonal Bi-functionality and the Etymological Reason of Evolution DUAL-PURPOSE MANIPULATOR RETAINER

  11. 词源学有关词源的一门语言学分支。

    The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies .

  12. 第四章利用词源学和形态学分析英语派生动词;

    Chapter 4 analyzes the English verbal derivatives from etymological and morphological aspects .

  13. 词源学尤其是一个丰富的矿藏。

    Etymology , more particularly , was a bonanza .

  14. 从词源学考证,异化是一个含义丰富且有争议的概念。

    Estrangement is a abundant meanings and disputable concept on the investigation of etymology .

  15. 词源学:越过英格兰,从一个陆地到另一个陆地,爱尔兰。

    Etymology : over England ; from one land to another ; into Ireland .

  16. 属于词源学的或根据词源学的。

    Based on or belonging to etymology .

  17. 本文从词源学与词义角度分析英语词汇的构成与意义,以期帮助学习者找到记忆词汇的好办法。

    Aiming at the proper way to memorize vocabulary , etymology and semantics are analyzed .

  18. 词源学应用于对外汉语词汇教学,效果是非常明显的。

    The efficiency is obvious about the efficiency of the Chinese teaching from the etymological perspective .

  19. 文化:心灵的程序&中西文化概念之归类和词源学追溯

    Culture-our Mental Programming : The Classification of and Etymological Trace to Chinese and Western Concept of Culture

  20. 对文学理论科学性的怀疑和否定,既有一定的词源学原因,也有一定的语用学原因:既有一定的理论原因,也有一定的现实原因。

    The reason why people doubt or deny the scientific character of literary theory lie in many aspects .

  21. 从词汇学、词源学的角度,采用比较语言学的方法,探讨词汇的反义同形现象及根源。

    In term of lexics and etymology , we use the method of comparative linguistics to explore the root of contronym .

  22. 研究词源学史一定要全面地看材料,才能得出全面准确的结论。

    Studying the history of etymology must roundly research the historical material , so we can get all-around and correct conclusion .

  23. 比较词源学的意义在于:(一)拓宽了汉语词源研究的范围,引进了全新的视角和研究方法;

    Comparative Etymology ( 1 ) has broadened the scope of the Chinese etymological studies by introducing a new perspective and research method ;

  24. 本文通过对权利的词源学和语境论的考察,将权利理解为个人的正当要求。

    Through the exploring of etymology and contextualism of right , right is defined as the just demand of an individual in this Paper .

  25. 魏晋南北朝隋唐五代词源学史述略

    On the History of Etymology in the Periods of Wei , Jin , the South and North dynasties , Sui , Tang and the Five Dynasties

  26. 为了揭示警务战术理念的内涵,从词源学的角度分析了理念的含义。

    In order to make clear the connotation of police tactics , this article analyzes the connotation of " idea " from the perspective of etymology .

  27. 从词源学上看,埃及语中法的不同含义,在一定程度上也反映出古代埃及法的深邃内涵。

    Learning from etymology , " Law " in hieroglyph has different meaning and in a certain extent it reflects the profound connotation of the Ancient Egypt .

  28. 通过对知识分子一词的词源学考察,本文认为,知识分子是一个具有专门文化价值和意义的精神性概念。

    After surveying the derivation of word " intellectual ", this dissertation clarifies that the connotation of intellectual is a spiritual concept with specific cultural value and meaning .

  29. 它们的背后记录着商业文明的痕迹,本文从词源学和词义变化的角度,结合世界商业发展的历史,探讨了商业贸易的发展对专有名词普通化的影响和意义。

    From the perspective of etymology and word change , this article aims at making a probe into the influence of business development on the generalization of proper nouns .

  30. 从科学词源学的角度分析,先秦两汉声训中两词之间的关系基本上有三种类型:同源关系、亲缘关系和异源关系。

    From the perspective of scientific etymology , Shengxun in Qin and Han dynasties has three types : the same oriqination , the close oriqination , the different oriqination .