
  • 网络vocabulary system;lexical system
  1. 语言的词汇系统总是处在发展变化之中。

    The lexical system of the language has been constantly changing .

  2. 先秦汉语服饰词汇系统研究

    A Study of Lexical System on Chinese Dress Words of Pre-Qin Dynasty

  3. 然后,分析当前替换算法的特点,采用LRU算法对词库进行更新,从而丰富和发展了词汇系统,也保证了词库的时效性。

    In addition , the paper analyzes the features of the current replacement algorithm , updates the lexicon using LRU algorithm , so as to enrich and develop vocabulary system ensures that the efficiency of the lexicon .

  4. 现代汉语词汇系统研究的多维视角

    The Multidimensional Angles on Studying the Vocabulary System of Contemporary Chinese Language

  5. 首先,从词汇系统性出发。

    First of all , starting from the systemic vocabulary .

  6. 新词语的产生极大地丰富了现代语言的词汇系统。

    The new words have greatly enriched the modern language lexical system .

  7. 农业词语是中古汉语词汇系统的重要组成部分。

    Agricultural words are an important part of mid-ancient Chinese vocabulary system .

  8. 新词语的出现,不断的更新词汇系统。

    The emergence of new words , constantly refresh the vocabulary system .

  9. 现代汉语缩略语是现代汉语词汇系统的重要组成部分。

    Modern Chinese abbreviation is an important component of the Modern Chinese lexicology .

  10. 其词汇系统在历史发展中留下不同于共同语的词义演化轨迹。

    Its vocabulary system left various tracks from Mandarin Chinese during historical development .

  11. 汉语成语是汉语词汇系统的特殊部分。

    Chinese idioms are special part of Chinese vocabulary .

  12. 汉语外来词汇系统的层级体系

    On the hierarchy of the loan words in Chinese

  13. 第三部分是对词汇系统外部功能的认识。

    The third part is to aware the external functions of vocabulary system .

  14. 第二部分是对词汇系统内部构造的描写。

    The second part is to describe the internal structure of vocabulary system .

  15. 参照汉语普通话词汇系统描述了它在现代生活中的使用情况。

    Refer to Chinese Putonghua glossary system to describe its usage in modern life .

  16. 本文旨在通过对汉语颜色词,主要是基本颜色词的研究,来进一步阐述汉语符号系统对客观世界的表记功能,从而从一个侧面对汉语词汇系统进行更深入的研究。

    This paper focuses on Chinese color words , mainly the basic color words .

  17. 在一个义类词汇系统内部,词与词之间形成一种协作与竞争的关系。

    In the semantic lexical system , words cooperated and compete with one another .

  18. 它们丰富了汉语词汇系统,使语义表达更为鲜活,突出了所描绘事物的特性。

    They enriched the Chinese lexical system and highlighted the feature of described things .

  19. 试论词汇系统的语义性本质

    On the Semantic Essence of the Lexical System

  20. 汉语类词缀对当代汉语词汇系统的影响

    Influence of quasi-affixes on contemporary Chinese vocabulary system

  21. 三音节组合在现代汉语词汇系统中占有越发重要的地位。

    The three-syllable words in the modern Chinese vocabulary system occupy more important position .

  22. 现代汉语词汇系统的问题

    Problems Existing in Modern Chinese Lexical System

  23. 从词汇系统内部上看,是词汇系统的磁盘碎片整理。

    Internal cause , which originated of the defrag of the system of the vocabulary .

  24. 中学英语词汇系统化教学

    Systematic Teaching Of Middle School 's Vocabulary

  25. 亲属称谓是词汇系统中颇具特色的主题集合之一。

    The appellation of the relatives is one of the subject gathers in the glossary system .

  26. 颜色词作为汉语词汇系统的重要组成部分,有着鲜明独特的个性。

    Color words , an important part in Chinese vocabulary system , have a particular character .

  27. 语言表现民族历史文化的基本要素是语言中的词汇系统。

    The basic element that language expresses national historical cultures is vocabulary system of the language .

  28. 整体与部分关系在汉语词汇系统中的表现及在汉语句法中的突显性

    The Expression of " Whole-part " Relation in Chinese Vocabulary System and Its Prominence in Syntax

  29. 古代汉语词汇系统中,人体词语占据了非常重要的地位。

    In ancient Chinese glossary system , the human body words and expressions remain an important part .

  30. 词汇系统的建构,要在大批词语的义征分析基础上才能够逐步实现。论语义场的类型与语义的模糊性

    The construction of lexical system and semantic fields can only be realized by large scale semantic analysis