
cí gēn
  • root;radical
词根 [cí gēn]
  • [root] 词的主要组成部分,词义构成的基础部分

词根[cí gēn]
  1. 单词secretary和secret有同样的拉丁词根。

    The word ' secretary ' comes from the same Latin root as the word ' secret ' .

  2. 这个词的词根是kinein,是希腊语中“移动”的意思。

    The root of this word is kinein , Greek for to move .

  3. 微型公园是指在街上的停车位上建起的小小的,通常是临时的公园。从词根上看,micro是指“微小的”,park是公园,所以不难理解micropark是“微型公园”的意思。

    A micropark refers to a small , usually temporary , public park set up in a street parking spot .

  4. 词根kathizein是希腊语,表示“坐下”。

    The Greek kathizein means to sit down .

  5. 在词的构成成分中,实语素叫词根,虚语素叫词缀

    An affixation compound is composed of a substantive morpheme and an empty morpheme .

  6. 词根是希腊语amaxa,指“马车”,意指最早引发这一恐惧症的车辆。

    This word comes from the Greek amaxa , meaning wagon4 – which suggests the vehicle that first inspired this fear .

  7. 这个词的词根是希腊语aikhmē,指古代标志性的物件“矛”或“镖枪”。

    At the root of this word lies an iconic pointed object of the ancient world : the Greek aikhm ē means " spear " or " javelin3 . "

  8. 在英语语境中,评价(evaluate)的词根是珍惜(value)。

    In English context , the root of evaluation is value .

  9. 假如我们仔细地考量下responsibility(责任心)这个词的话,我们会发现它的词根是由两个词组成:response(反应)和ability(能力)。

    When we take a closer look at the word responsibility we find its roots come from the two words ; response and ability .

  10. 作者查阅了大量文献,特别是Webster'sThirdNewInternationalDictionary,结果表明有一些前缀加在名词或形容词前,构成动词,从而改变了词根的词性。

    After consulting many references , especially " Webster 's Third New International Dictionary ", the author finds more conversion prefixes to change nouns or adjectives into verbs .

  11. 他们又学了拉丁词根later(意思是“边”),并且组成了英语单词bilateral(双边的)和quadrilateral(四边的)。

    They learn the Latin root later , or side , and construct such English words as bilateral and quadrilateral .

  12. 作者将词根X分成4类:及物动词,不及物动词,既可及物也可不及物的动词,非动词词根。

    The root X is divided into 4 categories : transitive verbs , intransitive verbs , verbs that are both transitive and intransitive , non verbs .

  13. Nation把根据前后缀和词根来学单词归类为词汇学习三大策略之一。

    Nation concluded learning words by the analysis of each word in terms of affixes and roots as one of the three major strategies to learn English words .

  14. 在《每日一词》一期关于recruit的文章里,我曾经提到过一个意为成长(togrow)的印欧语系词根ker。

    I mentioned in the podictionary episode on recruit that an Indo-European root ker meant to grow .

  15. “Chronic”原为医学术语,意指“长期”,它与“chronometer精密计时器”含有相同的词根。

    Chronic is originally a medical term meaning " long term " ; it has the same root as " chronometer . "

  16. 信用(credit)一词的词根来源于拉丁语的credere,意思是相信,这不是没有意义的。

    Not for nothing does the root of the word credit come from the Latin credere , meaning to believe .

  17. 本文还讨论DB2全文搜索的特定特性,比如用模糊搜索、接近搜索和词根化在XML文档中搜索关键字或短语。

    This article also explores specific features of DB2 full-text search , such as searching for keywords or phrases in the XML document structure with fuzzy search , proximity search , and stemming .

  18. 二是英语动词词根在过去分词后缀-t(us)前的变体,在这种变体中,除个别词根是元音字母变体外,其余词根都是辅音字母变体。

    Secondly , the variants of English verbal roots before - t ( us ) of the suffix of the past participle , in the variation , except several roots letters have the variants of vowel letters , the rest have the variants of the consonant letters .

  19. 词根verse旋转vi.转向;改变观点;风向顺时针转;调转船尾向上风vt.使转向;使顺风;使船尾向上风n.转向;方向的转变

    to change direction or course of the wind : to shift in a clockwise direction a change in course or direction

  20. 例如,要搜索在评论的“message”元素中有“disappointing”词根形式的产品的名称,可以编写下面的查询

    For example , searching for the name of a product with the stemmed form of the term " disappointing " in the " message " element of its comment can be expressed as follows

  21. 在不使用词根化那样的高级搜索功能的情况下,解决方案可能是使用前面介绍过的contains()XQuery内置函数。

    In cases where no advanced search functionality , like stemming , is used , it is possible to use a workaround using the contains () XQuery built-in function that was previously introduced .

  22. 词根化搜索返回在文本内容中有“creamer”、“creamed”或“cream”等词的文档。

    The stemmed search returns documents having terms like " creamer ,"" creamed ," or " cream " in their textual content .

  23. 电视这个词来源于希腊语词根(tele:远)和拉丁语词根(vision:景象),可以从字面上理解为来自远处的景象。

    The word television , derived from its Greek ( tele : distant ) and Latin ( visio : sight ) roots , can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance .

  24. “电视”这个词来源于希腊语词根(tele:远)和拉丁语词根(vision:景象),可以从字面上理解为来自远处的景象。

    The word " television , " derived from its Greek ( tele : distant ) and Latin ( visio : sight ) roots , can literally be interpreted as sight from a distance .

  25. 由于蒙古语属于黏着语,它的构词和构形都是以词根、词干上连接不同的词缀来完成的,从句子的基本语序看,属于SOV(主宾谓)型语言。

    From the view of the basic word order sentences , Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .

  26. 通过实例考察,化缀词的基本语法功能是动词,但不排除为形容词甚至是区别词,而其整体意义与词根X的联系也有很强的规律性。

    By investigating the examples , we know that the basic syntactic function of the affix word " Hua " is to be verb or adjective or distinguished words . There is regularity between semantic meaning of the affix word " Hua " and " X " .

  27. 比如我们给出词根incl,他们会迅速转化成“关系词汇”比如include,而非中性词汇incline,因为鸡汤激起了他们心中的归属感。

    When given a word fragment like incl , they converted it into a " relationship word " such as include , instead of a neutral term , like incline , because the dish stirred a sense of connection 。 5 .

  28. 这个词根在拉丁语中以crescere的面目出现,它在后来被用来指称正在成长的月亮。

    This same root turns up as crescere in Latin and was then applied to the growing moon .

  29. 汉字百部首两用代码现代维语语料库加工处理中的机器词根词典研究

    The Machine Word Roots Dictionary Research of Contemporary Uighur Corpus Processing

  30. 词根教学在大学英语教学中的必要性和可行性

    Essentiality and Feasibility of Root Teaching Method in College English Teaching