
cí gàn
  • stem
词干[cí gàn]
  1. good的词干是good。

    The stem for good is good .

  2. 词干推导根据语法变化得出词汇表中已有单词的派生形式,包括动词的变化,比如write、wrote和written,或名词形式,比如mouse和mice。

    Stem derivation finds derived forms of in-vocabulary words based on grammatical inflection , including verb conjugations such as write , wrote , and written , or noun forms such as mouse and mice .

  3. 如果孩子看到hear这个词,我们就应该告诉他这是hearing和hears的词干。

    If the child sees the word ' hear ' , we should show him that this is the base word in ' hearing ' and ' hears ' .

  4. 注意better在确定词干和词元化的结果时是有区别的。

    Note the difference for better between the result for stemming and lemmatization .

  5. 一个人的智商和个性已经与他是否能做出复杂的词干题和Z分数联系在一起。

    Intelligence and personality have been combined to give sten and z-scores .

  6. 国际非专利名称(INN)所用词干(续)

    Stems of International Nonproprietary Names ( INN )

  7. NLTK中包括一个用于单词词干提取的极好算法,并且让您可以按您的喜好定制词干提取算法

    NLTK includes an excellent algorithm for word stemming , and lets you customize stemming algorithms further to your liking

  8. 由于蒙古语属于黏着语,它的构词和构形都是以词根、词干上连接不同的词缀来完成的,从句子的基本语序看,属于SOV(主宾谓)型语言。

    From the view of the basic word order sentences , Mongolian is belong to SOV ( guest of honor that ) type language .

  9. 在Rexx中,它们被命名为“词干变量”,但是其概念非常类似于很多其他语言中的程序库。

    In Rexx they go under the name " stem variables ," but the concept is very similar that of dictionaries in many other languages .

  10. 词干补笔与速示器辨认的起动效应保持过程的比较

    Comparing word-stem completion and tachistoscopic identification on retention of priming effects

  11. 词干搜索,有时候搜索词干而不是整个单词。

    Word stems are sometimes used instead of actual words .

  12. 您是否需要一个完全由词干构成的索引?

    Do you want an index composed entirely of stems ?

  13. 词干推导不会应用到词汇表之外的词汇。

    Stem derivation is not applied to out-of-vocabulary words .

  14. 词干的原因是词干的一部分。

    Thematic vowels are part of the stem .

  15. 词干补笔测验中意识与无意识分离的研究

    The Study about the Division of Consciousness and Unconsciousness in Word Stem Completion Test

  16. 基于动词词干词缀的蒙古语语音合成系统的研究

    The Research of Mongolian Speech Synthesis System Based on Verb 's Affix and Stem

  17. 或者您是否在索引中同时包括完整的单词和词干?

    Or do you want to include both full words and stems in the index ?

  18. 搜索并不局限于字符串,应用程序所能理解的例如词干分析。

    Searches are not limited to literal strings , the application understands such as stemming .

  19. 维语词的词干-词附加成分切分、音节切分的规律对维吾尔语自然语言处理方面提供更多方便。

    Root-affix and syllable segmentation of Uighur word bring great facilities in Uighur natural language processing .

  20. 查看一些词干,集合中的词干看起来并不是都可用于索引。

    Looking at a few stems , the collection does not look all that useful for indexing .

  21. 奥巴马-(2008)这位美国总统的名字被用作词根或词干。

    The US President 's name as a " root " word or " word stem " .

  22. 后者是子字符串匹配,前者是使用词干匹配的标记匹配。

    The latter is a substring match and the former is a token match that uses stemming .

  23. 具体来说,本文包括以下工作:首先,尝试了哈萨克语词干提取算法。

    Specifically , this paper includes the following : First of all , the Kazakh stemming algorithms .

  24. 与最大匹配法相比,该方法提高了词干提取的正确率。

    Compared with the Maximum Matching algorithm , this method can improve the precision of the stem segmentation .

  25. 在构词方面,在来源于蒙古语或汉语的词干上接续满语的构词词缀,构成新的词汇。

    In words formation , some new words comes from adding Manchu ends to Mongolian or Chinese stems .

  26. 词干可以是一个黏著词根、自由语素或者本身就是一个派生词。

    A stem can be a bound root , a free morpheme , or a derived form itself .

  27. 词干的定义是任何词缀可以加于其上的词的主要部分。

    A stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added .

  28. 儿化后缀诱发的词干交替研究涉及音段结构和音节结构两个板块理论和相关分析。

    The analysis of the syllable structure and segmental structure is analytically crucial and theoretically relevant to this research .

  29. 本文采用了双向匹配和全切分相结合的方法来实现维吾尔语词干提取。

    This thesis intends to solve the problem of the Stem Segmentation by combining the Bidirectional Matching algorithm and Omni-wor .

  30. 所以,本文首先系统地介绍了文本预处理技术,如分词、词干还原、降维等。

    So Firstly this paper introduces the text pretreatment technology such as word segmentation , stemming , dimension reducing systematically .