
  • 网络SENTENCE ELEMENTS;sentence components;members of sentences;Members of a Sentence;Members of the Sentence
句子成分 [jù zi chéng fèn]
  • [sentence element] 句子的组成部分,包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、补语、状语六种

  1. 英语和汉语都属于SVO型的语言,基本语序几乎一致,句子成分也以同样的方式进行位次的变化。

    English and Chinese are in the same type of SVO , so their basic word order are almost same and sentence elements ' order are changed in same way .

  2. 英语句子成分分隔现象研究

    Research on Splitting of Sentence Elements in English

  3. 这NP是日常生活中的一种常见结构,它可以以句子成分、句子等多种形式存在。

    Zhe NPis a kind of common structure in our life , it can exist as the form of sentence element , sentence and so on .

  4. 无论SOV型语言还是SVO型语言,表示过程中的句子成分虽然相同,但语序构建规则却各异,呈现出各自的结构特征和排列顺序。

    In SOV and SVO sentence patterns , the members of sentence are the same , but the construction of word order is not , displaying different structural features and sequence of words .

  5. 本文不但继续深入探讨了句子成分的对应问题,深入分析了这两种句式结构共性和差异产生的原因及规律,而且还进行了SVOC句式和兼语式句子层面上的对比。

    The thesis not only contributes to the study of the components corresponding relations further and analyze the reasons and laws of the similarities and differences caused between the two language structures further , but compare the two language structures at the sentence level .

  6. (语法)指称或修饰限定另外一个句子成分。

    ( grammar ) referring to or qualifying another sentence element .

  7. 论英汉翻译中词性和句子成分的转换

    On the Conversion of Part of Speech and Sentence Components in Translation

  8. 为什么要从句子成分学起?

    Why should we start from the sentence constituent ?

  9. 分析句子成分就能多了解一些英语语法

    By analyse the parts of the sentence we learn more about english grammar

  10. 古代汉语句子成分分析释疑

    The Constituent Analysis of Ancient Chinese Sentence Structure

  11. 句子成分是指句子中的不可缺部分,定语和状语都不属于句子成分。

    Sentence element refers to the unit that is a must in a sentence .

  12. 定语,无论在英语还是在汉语中都是一种出现频率很高的句子成分。

    Attribute is a sentence element which appears frequently in both English and Chinese .

  13. 下面,试着把每个句子成分和相应的名称搭配在一起。

    Try to match up the example words with the name that describes them .

  14. 英语句子成分与谓语结构新探

    On English sentence elements and sentence predicate

  15. (语法)从与其他句子成分的一般性句法关系中独立出来。

    ( grammar ) standing apart from a normal syntactical relation with other sentence elements .

  16. 日语句子成分的划分与翻译

    Differentiation and Translation of Japanese Sentence Elements

  17. 用来指例如关系代词和从属连词之类的词,用以使句子成分变成从属成分。

    Used of words such as relative pronouns and subordinating conjunctions that serve to subordinate sentence constituents .

  18. 构成句子成分的一组单词并做为一个独立的单元存在。

    A group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit .

  19. 从语法方面来看,它可以做主语、谓语、定语、状语等各种句子成分;

    Grammatically , it can be used as subject , predicate , attribute , adverbial modifier and so on .

  20. 在羌语中,否定词、动词、助词以及语气对句子成分位置的影响很大。

    In Qiang 's language , verb , adverb , negative word and auxiliary word may influence constituent position deeply .

  21. 在本单元的语法练习中,我们将复习不同句子成分的英文名称。

    In this unit 's grammar exercise , we will review the names of the different parts of a sentence .

  22. 在句法功能上,它可以充当主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语等各种句子成分。

    In its syntactical function , it can serve as subject , predicate , object , attribute , adverbial and complement .

  23. 在韩国语与汉语的固定语序中,句子成分的排列顺序必须符合句法要求。

    The order of sentence elements must conform to the syntax requirements in the fixed sentence order of Korean and Chinese .

  24. 俄语传统语法历来认为语气词不充当句子成分,不发挥任何句法作用。然而,这种特性在口语中却发生了变化;

    Traditional Russian grammar always assumes that particles do not act as sentence parts , nor do they have any syntactic functions .

  25. 这部分包括对比分析了句子成分、简单句、并列句、复合句和混合句。

    This part includes the contrastive analysis of simple sentence , compound sentence , complex sentence and compound-complex sentence in two languages .

  26. 在这一章中我们讨论了瞬间动词和瞬间情状的关系,构成瞬间情状需要的条件,瞬间情状句中句子成分之间的关系。

    The relationships between momentary verbs and momentary situations , relationships among sentence parts and conditions needed in a momentary situation are also discussed .

  27. 一般来说,没有实在意义,不能单独回答问题的,不能单独充当句子成分的词叫做虚词。

    Function words , in general , there is no real significance . , cannot answer individual questions and cannot act as a sentence .

  28. 利用生成的双语模板,可以得到翻译记忆系统所需要的句子成分级的英汉翻译单元。

    The translation units of English-Chinese from the slots of the templates are obtained by extracting contents of the slots for translation memory system .

  29. 这些句子成分包括具有参照时间义的时间名词、时间副词,也包括动态助词和趋向动词、语气词等。

    These elements include time noun , time adverbial , dynamic auxiliary words , directional verb and modal particle with the implication of referent time .

  30. 他们增加了句子成分的清晰度,吸引人注意并提高句子的连贯性,但是如果使用过度,也会增加句子的戏剧性,对句子造成破坏性。

    They add clarity , call attention to sentence elements and improve the flow , but they also add drama and are destructive if over-used .