
jù zi
  • sentence;sarcastic comments;spatchcock
句子 [jù zi]
  • (1) [sentence]∶词和词组由句法构成的、能够表达完整意思的语言单位

  • 这个句子真长

  • (2) [sarcastic comments]∶冷言冷语

  • 说上去非但不听,而且还要受他们的句子。--明. 罗懋登《三宝太监西洋记通俗演义》

句子[jù zi]
  1. 一个句子可以划分成有意义的各个部分。

    A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments .

  2. 这个句子翻译错了。

    The sentence had been wrongly translated .

  3. 口语中有很多不完整的句子。

    Spoken language contains many incomplete sentences .

  4. 这个句子是什么意思?

    What does this sentence mean ?

  5. 每个空格填上一个单词,把句子补充完整。

    Put a word in each blank to complete the sentence .

  6. 你们要做的就是调换单词的位置以使句子意义通顺。

    Your task is to interchange words so that the sentence makes sense .

  7. 这些规则告诉我们一个句子是怎样分解成若干短语的。

    These rules tell us how a sentence is broken down into phrases .

  8. 想要听起来很自信,使用简短有力的句子不失为一个好方法。

    A good way to sound confident is to use short punchy sentences .

  9. 我们已经学会了如何把重要的信息压缩成简短独立的句子。

    We have learnt how to condense serious messages into short , self-contained sentences

  10. 那个例子告诉你如何改变一个句子使其表达出完全不一样的意思。

    It 's an example of how you can turn around the sentence and create a whole new meaning .

  11. 语法规则中并没有规定句子以介词结尾是错误的。

    There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong .

  12. 我的学生们学会了改述复杂的英语句子。

    My students have learnt to paraphrase difficult English sentences .

  13. 有些鹦鹉能模仿(人的)声音,还能学人说一些单词和句子。

    Some parrots can imitate sounds and repeat words and sentences .

  14. 句子这样一改就简洁了。

    Conciseness is served when the sentence is so corrected .

  15. 这个句子多了一个字。

    There is one word too many in this sentence .

  16. 句子可以分成分句,分句能分成短语。

    Sentences can be broken up into clauses , and clauses into phrases .

  17. ‘北京是中国的首都’,这个句子就是一个命题。

    The sentence , Beijing is the capital of China is a proposition .

  18. 那个句子应该这么译。

    The sentence should be translated this way .

  19. 句子不通顺。

    The sentence doesn 't read smoothly .

  20. 这个句子可以省去。

    This sentence can be omitted .

  21. 翻译这个句子非参照上下文不可。

    This sentence cannot be translated without reference to the context .

  22. 把这两个字颠倒过来,句子就顺了。

    Transpose these two words and the sentence will read right .

  23. 这个句子似乎与上下文脱节。

    This sentence does not seem to connect with the context .

  24. 这两个词掉个个儿,句子就顺了。

    The sentence would be fine if you switch these two words .

  25. 在这个句子中你应该用及物动词。

    You should use the transitive verb in the sentence .

  26. 报告中的句子又长又难懂。

    The report was written in long , opaque sentences .

  27. 请用正确的词完成句子。

    Please complete a sentence with the correct words .

  28. 新闻记者必须学会写紧凑的句子。

    News reporters must learn to write com-pact sentences .

  29. 这个句子是主动语态。

    This sentence is in the active voice .

  30. 高年级课程中的对话以句子类型更为复杂为特点。

    More complex sentence types featured advanced-level dialogues .