
  • 网络sentence group;sentence cluster;discourse
  1. 首先,汉语的句群理论与RST理论的根本假设、主要性质是一致的;

    In fact , Chinese sentence group theory can function as well as RST Theory in annotating Chinese texts .

  2. 句群是多学科共同感兴趣的语言单位。

    Sentence group is a linguistic unit which several studies concern .

  3. Hoey将语义单位关系定为人们根据相邻句子或句群选择语法、词汇和语调来生成句子或句群的认识过程,并将它分为两大类:逻辑顺序关系和匹配关系。

    Hoey defines clause relation as a cognitive process in which people choose grammar , vocabulary and tone to generate sentences and sentence groups according to adjacent clause and clause group , including logic sequence relations and matching relations .

  4. 在变译的变通机制中句群占中枢地位,变译以之为中心展开。

    The clause group is the central unit of variation translation .

  5. 中学语文应重视句群的教学

    Chinese Teaching in the Middle School Should Emphasize Sentence Group

  6. 日语句群中心句的文脉展开功能

    On the Elaborating Function of the Topic Sentence in Japanese Sentence Group

  7. 论以句群为汉英翻译的有效基本单位

    On sentence group as unit of translation in Chinese-English translation

  8. 自然语言处理中句群划分及其判定规则研究

    Research on Rules for Detecting Chinese Sentence Groups in Nature Language Processing

  9. 基于局部话题句群的事件相关多文档摘要研究

    Study on Event Relevant Multi-Document Summarization Based on Partial-Topic-Sentence Group

  10. 句子组合的结果,可以是复句,也可以是句群。

    The results of sentences combination could be complex sentences or sentence groups .

  11. 嵌入句分析对外汉语教学句群测试的分析与思考

    Analysis and reflections on sentence cluster in teaching Chinese as a second language

  12. 现代汉语因果句群研究

    A Study of Causality Sentences in Modern Chinese

  13. 关联词语的合用与句群的组造

    Combination of Conjunctions and Make-up of Sentence Group

  14. 句法部分包括句法结构、单句、复句、句群。

    Syntax includes sentence structures , simple sentences , compound sentences and sentence groups .

  15. 句群的组合与句子的衔接

    Combination of sentence Groups and Their Connection

  16. 因此,本文专题分析现代汉语的因果句群。

    For this reason , this dissertation specially studies the Causality Sentences in modern Chinese .

  17. 日语转折句群的语用分析

    Pragmatic Analysis Adversative Sentence Group in Japanese

  18. 日语句群的组合方式

    Synthetic Patterns of Japaness Sentence Group

  19. 实验表明,划分方法具有很高的句群覆盖率,同时切分规则具有很高的准确度。

    The experiment indicates that the method and the rules are good at detecting the Chinese sentence group .

  20. 全译单位有词、短语、小句、复句和句群。

    The unit of complete translation includes the word , phrase , clause , multiple sentence and sentence group .

  21. 复句中合用的关联词语,有时也能用于句群的组造。

    The combination of conjunctions used in compound sentence sometimes can be also used to make up sentence groups .

  22. 当我们读课文的时间,寄看句子重音,句群,没有完备爆破战连读。

    When we read a text , you should pay attention to sentence stress , sense groups , incomplete .

  23. 思维方式对英汉长句及句群翻译的影响

    The Influence of the Way of Thinking on the Translation of Long Sentences and Sentence Clusters Between English and Chinese

  24. 衔接、连贯和主位结构等是重要的语篇构造手段,使语篇的句群间具有篇章性。

    Cohesion , coherence and thematic structure are important discourse construction devices for textuality across the sentences of a discourse .

  25. 因果句群的询承成分,指处于结果和原因之间、通过询问原因而起连接因果作用的成分。

    The asking composition of Causality Sentences is a kind of composition that joins effect to arouse asking the cause .

  26. 在日语句群中,中心句在意义上居于主导地位,因而具有文脉的统摄功能。

    In any sentence group in Japanese , the topic sentence plays a leading role in meaning , thus possessing the Governing Function .

  27. 在现代汉语中,复合词、短语、单句、复句、句群乃至篇章等语言单位都可以表达因果关系。

    In modern Chinese , compound , phrases , sentences , sentence , sentence group and discourse etc all can express language unit causality .

  28. 分析日语句群与复句、段落的关系,提出切分日语句群的3种主要方法。

    This article mainly explores the relation among Japanese sentence groups , complex sentence and paragraph , and three methods to segment sentence groups .

  29. 询承成分具有特定的语义、语形功能,且因果句群的语义结构单位与语法结构单位具有不一致性。

    It has specific functions of semantic meaning and form . Moreover , the semantic unit of Causality Sentences doesn 't coincide with the grammatical unit .

  30. 连词是连接两个或两个以上词、词组、分句、句子、句群的虚词。

    A conjunction is a kind of function words , which connected to two or more words , phrases , clauses , sentences , sentence group .