
fù zá jù
  • complex sentence
  1. 并将以此为基础,对汉语中包含V的结构复杂句的分类和处理进行了较为深入的讨论。

    And based on this , had carried on a more thorough discussion to Chinese Structure ' V + de ' complex sentence classification and processing .

  2. 所以任何复杂句都能把他们合在一起。

    So any complex sentence just keep them together .

  3. 采用句子-图画验证任务(sentence-pictureverificationtask)探讨了抽象图形汉语空间关系复杂句的心理表征项目互换效应问题。

    In this research , sentence - picture verification task is adopted . It describes one experiment designed to examine the item exchanging effect in psychological representation of complex Chinese sentences of spatial relations .

  4. 还要避免有很多从句的长句复杂句。

    Also avoid long and complex sentences with multiple clauses .

  5. 也可以用简单、复合或者复杂句来增加句子结构的种类。

    Vary sentence structures by blending simple , compound , and complex sentences .

  6. 基本式句模以简单句模为主,复杂句模较少,说明由字句基本式的语义结构不是很复杂。

    It shows that the semantic structure of You sentence pattern is not complicated .

  7. 现代汉语复杂句蜕块研究

    Studies on Complex Sentence Decomposition in Modern Chinese

  8. 注意这是个复杂句,两句话融为一句。

    Notice that that 's a complex sentences there are two sentences within the sentence .

  9. 通过合并简单句培养学生书写复杂句的能力

    Learn to Write Complex Sentences Through Sentence-combining

  10. 一个并列句,如果包含一个或一个以上的复杂句作为并列成分,这便是并列复杂句。

    Two or more coordinated independent clauses with at least one complex clause make a compound-complex sentence .

  11. 本文研究了复杂句蜕块的各种类型及其分布,并探讨了它们的处理策略。

    We Studied on CSD and discussed the processing strategies of each type of CSD in this thesis .

  12. 复杂句中,会出现核心谓词连接、小句中心连接以及小句连接等复杂结构。

    In complex sentences , there would be complex structures as nuclear junctures , core junctures and clausal junctures .

  13. 语言图式的使用扩充了学生的单词量并改善了学生对复杂句的理解。

    The use of linguistic schema enlarges students ' vocabulary and improves their understanding of complex sentences . 3 .

  14. 恩,这个或者使的两个句子,成为一个复杂句,你们应该留下那个。

    Um this or here is making these two sentences a complex sentence so you should leave that in .

  15. 复杂句中的主句至少有一个主语和一个动词。

    The main ( or independent ) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb .

  16. 第三,从提供的句法信息来看,两本词典使用的并列句和复杂句数量有限。

    Thirdly , seeing that syntactic information , the number of compound and complex sentences in examples is limited in both dictionaries .

  17. 你们明白实际上这是个条件句,一个复杂句也可以是结论。

    Can you see that the fact that it 's a conditional sentence a complex sentence doesn 't stop it from being a conclusion .

  18. 教授:是的,前提必须是句子,可能是复杂句,但必须是句子。

    Prof. : in order to be a premise it has to be a sentence it might be a complex sentence but it has to be a sentence .

  19. 结果:前部失语患者均表现为不能正确地组合语句,口语障碍为语句不完整,少长句及复杂句;

    Result : The anterior aphasics couldn ′ t construct the word orders , their oral failures were uncompleted sentences , which were lack of long and complex sentences .

  20. 法律语言做为法律的载体,有其自身特点。比如频繁使用古语和外来语,多使用长句、复杂句等。

    As the carrier of law , legal language has its own features , such as frequent use of archaic and loan words ; frequent employment of long and complicated sentences .

  21. 该方法的好处是可以将句法分析的任务分步处理,将词数较多的复杂句简单化,从而提高句法分析的速度和精度。

    The advantage of the method is the task of syntactic analysis can be step by step processing , and simplification of the complex sentence , so enhanced the speed and accuracy of syntactic analysis .

  22. 医学专业文献的特点是长句、复合句、复杂句多。如果结合语篇分析法中的衔接理论来分析这些学生不易明白的句子,学生读文章时就会觉得轻松许多。

    Long sentences , compound and complex sentences are the characteristic of medical articles , but if we apply the cohesion to teaching these difficult sentences , then , it is easy for students to understand them .

  23. 它还涉及到复杂的句法语义特征。

    Besides , it involves complicated syntactic and semantic features .

  24. 反问句是现代汉语一个常用但复杂的句类。

    Rhetorical question is a very common use as well as very complicated kind of sentences in modern Chinese .

  25. 统计数据显示高水平学习者比低水平学习者更多使用复杂存在句。

    Statistics show that learners with higher proficiency produce more complex there-sentences than learners with low proficiency . 4 .

  26. 从句法上看,复动补充复句主句谓语形式复杂,补句重复或部分重复主句中的谓语核心动词,再带结构助词得后跟补语。

    From the syntax perspective , the principal clause of Chinese verb-copying supplementary complex-sentence is in the form of complex predicate , and the subordinate clause duplicates or duplicates partly the core predicate verb of the sentence , adds structural particle - " de ", and then brings the complement .

  27. 含有复杂宾语的句子叫做复杂宾语句,复杂宾语句主要有(主)+谓+复杂宾语等六种常见句型,每种类型还可分为若干小类。

    The sentence containing complicated object is called complicated object sentence which mainly has six kinds of sentence pattern like "( subject ) + predicate + complicated boject " and so on . Each pattern can be further divided into several classifications .