
  • 网络compound control;composite control
  1. PID和Fuzzy控制相结合的分段复合控制

    Staged Composite Control Combining PID and Fuzzy Control

  2. 基于专家、模糊和PID复合控制的设计

    Design of composite control based on expert 、 fuzzy 、 PID controller

  3. 预焙阳极焙烧炉控制中模糊PID复合控制的应用

    Application of Fuzzy-PID Technique in Controlling of the Anode Pre-baking Furnace

  4. 对结晶器钢水液位控制采用了基于专家知识的智能PID模糊复合控制策略。

    Comparison and research on strategy of mold level control are made .

  5. 一种自适应模糊PID复合控制在液压仿真转台中的应用

    Application of an Integrated Adaptive Fuzzy with PID Control in Hydraulic Simulator

  6. 基于数字PID的逆变电源复合控制技术

    Complex Control Technology of Inverter Based on Digital PID

  7. 模糊PID复合控制系统及其在锅炉一次风压力控制中的应用

    Fuzzy-PID Multiplex Control System and its Application to Boiler 's Primary Air Pressure Control

  8. 机组组合问题的复合控制有色Petri网模型

    Compound controlled colored Petri net model of unit commitment

  9. 在此基础上,结合PID控制的优点,提出了小脑模型神经网络与PID复合控制的算法。

    On the base of it , the control algorithm of combining CMAC and PID is implied .

  10. 道路模拟试验台CMAC与PID复合控制仿真研究

    Simulation Research of Hydraulic Servo Road Simulation Rig and CMAC-PID Compound Control

  11. 对比了普通PID控制算法和PID/PD复合控制算法的恒定切削力控制性能。

    A simple PID control algorithm and PID / PD control algorithm is presented and their performances are compared .

  12. 将重复控制与比例控制构成的复合控制应用于UPS逆变器控制。

    A repetitive compound control is applied to the control system of UPS inverter .

  13. 在分析了它的缺点后,对其进行了改进,提出了基于PID控制和重复控制的复合控制策略。

    On analyzing its disadvantage , the compound control strategy based on PID and repetitive control has been put forward .

  14. 基于PFC与PWM复合控制的电池充电技术研究

    The Battery Charging Technology Research Based on the Compound Control of PFC and PWM

  15. 针对加压机较为特殊的工作原理,采用模糊PID复合控制算法对加压机进出口阀门进行分程控制,来实现煤气压力的自动调节。

    Aim at special principle of the pressure-up machine , introduce a FUZZY-PID complex controller to adjust the gas pressure automatically .

  16. 电站锅炉汽包水位的CMAC神经网络与PID复合控制

    CMAC Neural Network and PID Combined Control of Water Level in Power Plant Boiler Drums

  17. 针对工业慢时变系统非线性、调节时间长、参数难以用常规PID控制方法整定等的特点,提出了一种混合神经网络参数自整定复合控制方案。

    To overcome the defects of the slow time-varying system , a mixed neural network of parameters self-setting control strategy is proposed .

  18. 本文分别对基本模糊PD控制、模糊PID复合控制及模糊增益调整PID控制这三种控制方案进行了系统仿真实验。

    This paper uses normal fuzzy control , an improved fuzzy-PID control and fuzzy gain adjustment PID control to control SRD .

  19. 电动舵机的一种分离PI与MRAC复合控制算法研究

    A Compound Control Algorithm Combining Detaching PI with MRAC for Electric-Servo-Actuator

  20. 在位置控制的基础上,对电控喷油系统中的电控调速系统进行了控制研究,并结合实际情况采用了模糊和分段PID复合控制算法。

    On the base of position control system , electronic governing system was investigated . A fuzzy PID compound control algorithm is proposed .

  21. 基于PMAC的微喷阵列孔加工宏微复合控制系统的研究

    Research on PMAC-Based Macro-Micro Control System for Array Micro-Jet Holes Fabrication

  22. 空空导弹反作用侧向力/气动力复合控制系统设计增强型ABS控制系统及其对汽车侧向稳定性的影响

    Reaction jets / aerodynamics blended control system design for air-to-air missile Improved ABS and its influence for vehicle lateral stability

  23. 这种复合控制方法应用于UPFC的动力学模型收到了良好的效果。

    This composite control used in UPFC dynamics model produces a good result .

  24. 基于CMAC神经网络的舰载雷达转台的复合控制

    Complex control of the turntable of a shipborne radar based on CMAC neural networks

  25. 电动负载模拟器的CMAC神经网络复合控制

    CMAC Neural Network Control on Electrical Load Simulator

  26. 在分析了模糊控制和PID控制特点后,提出了参数自寻优Fuzzy-PID复合控制的恒压供水系统。

    After the Fuzzy-control and PID-control are analysed , the system of supply water with constant pressure are designed by using the method of self-approach ultimate parameter Fuzzy-PID compound control .

  27. 采用复合控制的移相谐振变流器LLC谐振变换器的原理与设计

    The Phase Shift Converter with Multi-Control Theory and Design of the LLC Resonant Converter

  28. 为进一步提高控制质量,燃气、空气回路采用Fuzzy-PID复合控制,空/燃比可在线变步长寻优。

    In order to improve the control quality , the compounded Fuzzy-PID control is used in fuel and air loops , and the air / Juel ratio can be self-optimizing on line .

  29. 该方法通过基于H∞理论的鲁棒控制器、同步控制器及协调控制器的复合控制作用,分别控制各通道的电液或电气比例阀,实现6个液压加载通道与4个气压加载通道的同步协调加载。

    By means of controlling the electro-hydraulic proportional valve or electro-pneumatic proportional valve of each channel , a proving structure is loaded by 6 hydraulic actuators and 4 air chambers synchronously .

  30. 一种BPMFN逆模型补偿的复合控制结构方案研究

    Study of Compound Control Structure Scheme Based on Offset of BP MFN ( Multilayer Feedforward Network ) Inverse Model