
zhǎi xiá
  • narrow
窄狭 [zhǎi xiá]
  • (1) [narrow-minded]∶心胸、气量、见识等不宽广

  • 为人处世不能太窄狭了

  • (2) [narrow]∶宽度小

  • 这么窄狭的桥我可不敢过

  1. 世路窄狭,人心叵测。

    Life 's path is narrow and men 's hearts are hard to fathom .

  2. 五个人住这套房子显得比较窄狭。

    With five people living inside , this house seems quite narrow .

  3. 在这个窄狭的房间里面我感到憋闷。

    I am stifling in this close room .

  4. 他们步行穿过老城中心弯弯曲曲的窄狭街道。

    They walked through the narrow , tortuous streets of the old city centre .

  5. 你们在我们心内并不窄狭,而是你们的心肠窄狭。

    You are not straitened in us , but in your own bowels you are straitened .

  6. “巷内有个古庙,因地方窄狭,人皆呼作葫芦庙.”

    " In this lane stood an old temple , which being built in such a narrow space was known from its shape as Gourd Temple . "

  7. 诺第留斯号从窄狭的水道,穿过外围的一道石带,走在暗礁岩石里面了,这里的海水深度为五十米至六十五米左右。

    After clearing the outer belt of rocks via a narrow passageway , the Nautilus lay inside the breakers where the sea had a depth of thirty to forty fathoms .

  8. 一天,出现了这样的事。是啊,那颗明亮的星一点儿没有讲到过它。它没有看见,但是我们知道这件事;一群显赫的罗马人走进这条窄狭的微不足道的小街。

    Now , it happened one morning - the bright Star tells nothing about this , but we know it occurred - that a noble Roman company came into the narrow lane .