
  • 网络Narrow spectrum antibiotic;target therapy;narrowspe-ctrum antibiotics
  1. 犹他大学儿科助理教授、论文作者之一赫什(AdamHersh)说,滥用抗生素的做法存在于两种情况下,一种是用窄谱抗生素也可获得不错的疗效,一种是完全不需治疗。

    ' There is overuse of broad-spectrum antibiotics both in situations where a narrower alternative would be appropriate and in situations where no therapy is indicated at all , ' said Adam Hersh , assistant professor of pediatrics at University of Utah and a study author .

  2. 这三种病症都被推荐使用窄谱抗生素。

    Narrow-spectrum antibiotics were recommended for all three conditions .

  3. 由于青霉素和万古霉素仅仅对革兰阳性菌有效,所以它们被认为是窄谱抗生素。

    Because they only affect gram-positive bacteria , penicillin and vancomycin are considered " narrow spectrum " antibiotics .

  4. 相反,像青霉素、阿莫西林和头孢氨等窄谱抗生素则通常可在瞄准少量细菌的情况下,治愈很多感染类疾病。

    Instead , narrow-spectrum antibiotics , like penicillin , amoxicillin and cephalexin , can usually clear up many infections , while targeting a smaller number of bacteria .

  5. 不同抗生素的抗菌谱是不同的,如青霉素只对革兰氏阳性菌有抗菌作用,故青霉素属窄谱抗生素。

    Different antibiotic table of antibiotic different , such as only getting blue positive fungus have antibiotic function to leather penicillin have , so the penicillin belongs to the narrow table antibiotic .