
jù fǎ ɡuī zé
  • syntactic rule;syntax
  1. 内隐学习、先内隐学习后外显学习的学习方式不适用于较简单句法规则的学习;

    Explicit learning following implicit learning was sufficient for English syntax .

  2. 属于、关于或依照句法规则。

    Of or relating to or conforming to the rules of syntax .

  3. 汉语句法规则的自动构造方法研究

    Research of the Automatic Construction Methods for Chinese Context-Free Grammar

  4. 基于词性和语义知识的汉语句法规则学习

    Chinese Grammar Rules Learning Based on Syntactic and Semantic Knowledge

  5. 彼得·艾森曼建筑话语的句法规则

    Syntax Rules of Peter Eisenman 's Architectural Discourse

  6. 二元属性文法及汉语的句法规则体系

    Chinese binary grammar and system of syntactic rules

  7. 本文对汉语句法规则的自动构造方法进行了一些探索。

    In this paper , we explored methods to construct Chinese syntactic rules automatically .

  8. 学习者在其英语写作中往往使用汉语句法规则以及词语对等翻译,从而导致迁移失败。

    The learners tend to apply Chinese syntactic rules and translational word equivalents in their English writing .

  9. 本文介绍一种从实例中获取词典-句法规则的学习方法。

    This paper presents an example based learning method for the acquisition of lexico - syntactic patterns .

  10. 句法规则的自动生成

    Automatic generation of syntactic rules

  11. 消解·重构&浅析迈耶作品中的形式句法规则

    Deconstruction and Reconstruction & Analyzing simply sentence structure rule of the form used in Richard Meier 's works

  12. 关于其谓语功能的增强,我们认为,这与汉语句法规则的稳定性有很大的关系。

    The enhancement of function as predicate is closely related to the stability of linguistic rules in Chinese .

  13. 传统上,回指被认为是建立在语言表层上的互指关系,受人称、性、数一致等句法规则的支配。

    Anaphora is traditionally regarded as a syntactically controlled co - referential relationship on the surface level of language .

  14. 通过这个标注语料库学习了385条句法规则,用于句法分析系统。

    The system learned 385 rules from this signed corpus , and the rules are used in syntactic analysis processing .

  15. 两者在用于反问句中时,由于英汉语言的差异,都会受各自的句法规则所制约。

    When they are used in rhetorical questions , because of different language systems , they are limited by some syntactic rules .

  16. 单纯的内隐学习方式或单纯的外显学习方式都不利于对句法规则的掌握。

    For English syntax learning of Chinese children ( 1 ) Implicit learning and explicit learning were both inadequate for learning English syntax .

  17. 本文就是研究如何突破现有的句法规则对语法形式进行变异,从而取得最佳表达效果的。

    This thesis aims at how to violate the syntactic rules through the syntactic variation in order to gain the best effects of expression .

  18. 因此,翻译者应加强英语词汇语义关系和搭配的学习以及对句法规则的掌握,减少语内错误。

    Therefore , translators should focus on the semantic relations of words , lexical collocations and grammatical rules so as to reduce intralingual errors . 2 .

  19. 一是提出并实现了词类概率模型,它具有较高的性能和较低的时间复杂度,是基于句法规则的语义分析和语言理解的基础。

    The proposed Word-Class Stochastic Model ( WCSM ) is the basis for syntax rule based semantic parsing and spoken language understanding which has better performance .

  20. 任何一种语言的句法规则都包含了说话者的头脑中的语言知识系统(称为语言能力)。

    Universally found in the grammars fall human languages , syntactic rules comprise the system of internalized linguistic knowledge of a language speaker known as linguistic competence .

  21. 语句的不同成分在线性序列中的位置分布不仅受句法规则的制约,而且受其承载的信息内容的制约。

    The distribution of the sentence elements in the linear sequence is not only affected by syntactical rules , but also by the kinds of information the sentence elements carry .

  22. 任何语言的句法规则的数量是有限的,但说话者可以理解和表达的句子的数量是无限的。

    The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number , and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce and comprehend .

  23. 想想那个,我们假设,语言除了作为一套语法句法规则之外,也是对言语行为的一套定义。

    Think about that . Language , we suppose , is , in addition to being a set of grammatical and syntactical rules , also a set of definitions made available for speech acts .

  24. 对汉语短语句法规则进行符号化形式化的分析,给出了句法模型,定义了一整套汉语的句法规则体系及相应的语义处理方案。

    In order to build a complete analysis system of Chinese syntactic rules , we have defined the sets of words , attribute , pinyin , relations , terminals and non terminals for the syntactic analysis .

  25. 由于句法规则很难穷尽,而且对汉语真实语料的处理能力不够,基于真实语料数据库的句法分析成为目前句法分析的主流。

    As the rules of syntax hard to come to an end , and it is not enough to process real Chinese corpus , syntactic analysis based on database of real corpus became into the mainstream of syntactic analysis .

  26. 我们仅通过考察符号的类别和顺序(句法规则)就可以确定意义关系问题,尤其是能够确定逻辑-数学语句的真值,这就是分析性定义所确立的有效性标准。

    We can define the relation of meanings and especially the truth of logic-mathematic statements by just examining the kinds and sequences of symbols ( i.e. , syntactic rules ) . This is the criteria of validity which analytical definition develops .

  27. 该文法的主要工作机制就是对语言各个层次的单位进行同义转换,其强大的转换能力对建立汉语词汇与句法转换规则具有重要作用。

    Its powerful transformational capability will be very useful in building transformational rules in treating Chinese lexicon and syntax .

  28. 同时也可结合频率、标记程度、句法的规则程度和复杂程度等多方因素综合考量,对二语习得中的某些现象进行分析。

    Meanwhile , frequency , markedness , regularity and complexity can be combined as comprehensive factors to analysis some phenomena in SLA .

  29. 内在时间属性是事件时间分布的体现,是区分动词语义类别和句法组合规则的重要理据。

    The intrinsic feature expresses the temporal distribution of the event and provides an important motivation to draw a distinction between semantic categories of verbs and syntax combinatorial rules .

  30. 构式语法的创始人Goldberg认为语言的基本单位是构式而非句法单位及规则。而构式则被其定义为形式和意义的配对。

    Goldberg , the founder of Construction Grammar , advocates that the basic units of language are not syntactic units and rules but constructions , which are defined as " form-meaning pairs " .