
  • 网络unicode;Unified Code
  1. 慈善组织Scope上周五强烈要求统一码协会增加残疾人士和残奥会运动员的表情符号。

    On Friday , the charity Scope urged Unicode to add new emoji featuring disabled people and Paralympic athletes .

  2. 新款emoji是统一码联盟13.0标准的一部分,包括117个新的动画角色,将于今年秋季发布。

    The new set , part of Unicode 's 13.0 standard , includes 117 new animated characters and will be released this fall .

  3. 可扩展标记语言(XML)提供了描述不同类型数据的标准格式,它建构在Unicode(统一码)之上,提供了对多语种的支持。

    However , eXtensible Markup Language ( XML ) provides the standard format describing data in various types . XML builds on Unicode , so it supports many languages and has the virtue of globality .

  4. 统一码联盟称,emoji通常要在1月份通过审批,然后在9月份才可以在手机上下载。这就意味着苹果和安卓手机用户在2021年看不到新款emoji了。

    Emojis are typically approved in January before they 're available across devices in September , the Consortium said , which means iPhone and Android users won 't see new emojis in 2021 .

  5. 统一码联盟是一家非营利性机构,监督emoji标准,并负责发布新品。该联盟说受新冠病毒影响,新一批emoji将推迟6个月发布,从2021年3月推迟到9月。

    The Unicode Consortium , a non-profit that oversees emoji standards and is responsible for new releases , said it 's delaying its new batch of emojis by six months from March to September 2021 because of fallouts from coronavirus .

  6. 上个月针对“有所作为网”上的请愿书,苹果公司的一名发言人在接受MTV音乐电视网采访时表示:“我们正在与统一码联盟进行紧密合作,努力更新已有标准。表情字符集确实需要多样化。”

    In response to the DoSometing.org petition , an Apple spokesperson last month told MTV that " we have been working closely with the Unicode Consortium in an effort to update the standard . There needs to be more diversity in the emoji character set . "

  7. 统一码创造文字输入的效率和快乐。

    Unifies Software , we made text input pleasant and effective .

  8. 此消息中含有统一码的字符,已经以二进制附件的形式发送出去了。

    The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment .

  9. 一旦统一码联盟给某个表情符号开了绿灯,每个科技公司就要考虑是否在其操作系统中添加这一表情符,戴维斯说道。

    Once Unicode greenlights an emoji , individual tech companies decide whether to include it in their operating systems , Davis says .

  10. 统一码协会是决定世界通用表情符号的机构,该机构表示智能手机用户将有33个可选男女的角色表情符号。

    The Unicode consortium , the body that decides global standards for emoji , said 33 existing characters would be altered to allow smartphone users to pick between male and female options .

  11. 该联盟创始人之一、谷歌软件构架师马克·戴维斯在接受《华尔街日报》采访时表示,当看到一封充满表情符号、难以理解的日文邮件时,统一码联盟决定解决这个难题,为表情符号编码。

    Unicode decided to take on emoji after problems emerged in understanding Japanese e-mails filled with the symbols , Mark Davis , co-founder of the consortium and a software architect for Google , told The Wall Street Journal .

  12. 事实上,表情符号主要由非营利性组织统一码联盟掌控。该组织由一批电脑程序员创立于上世纪八十年代,曾设计出适用于世界各地的网络平台以及多种语言的编码系统&统一码标准。

    As it turns out , emoji are largely controlled by a nonprofit group called the Unicode Consortium , formed by computer programmers in the 1980s . The consortium designed the Unicode Standard , a coding system to fit worldwide platforms and various languages .

  13. 汉字统一数字码的开发

    Development of Unified Digital Code of Chinese Characters

  14. 本方案综合跳频因素考虑,每16比特信息编码为一个统一块码。

    In the channel coding part of the proposed scheme , each 16-bit are encapsulated into one code block , which is consisted of information bits and parity bits .

  15. 在全国金融系统实行统一核算码无疑是一个解决金融统计存在问题的好方法,它有助于发挥计算机强大功能,实现证券市场在内的金融运行监控电子化。

    In nation-wide financial system implement unified account number is a good method of solving financial statistical existent problem undoubtedly , it is helpful to develop computer powerful function .

  16. 满足中国电信充值付费卡发展的最终目标:以客户为中心,向客户提供统一产品名称,统一接入码,全业务充值付费的充值付费卡产品。

    Therefore ultimate objective of charge cost payment card : take the customer as the center , provide the unitive product range , the unitive connection code , entire service charge cost payment charge cost payment card product to the customer .