- supreme command

Since he has proclaimed that " the period of political tutelage will be shortened ", he should not reject the demand for reorganizing the government and the Supreme command .
We declare to all our fellow-countrymen and to the people of the whole world : the supreme command in Chungking cannot represent the Chinese people and those Chinese armed forces which have really fought japan ;
The high Command was jockeying its force into place for attack .
The German High Command took the bait anyway .
On the Roles of Soviet Supreme Command in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany
Supreme Command Allied Powers , in Tokyo
To be transferred from supreme Headquarters to the field seemed to me a welcome prospect .
The German Army Command had from the first regarded the invasion of England with considerable qualms .
Goering was a dissolute and often wanted to sit on the hobbyhorse to get his haircuts .
It must be borne in mind that the enemy 's supreme command is not lacking in strategic insight .
Unfortunately , in1977 , the Belgian Air Force high command halted the team existence for a considerable period .
The Chongqing headquarters soon gained evidence pointing to Fang 's guilt , which was , however , dismissed by Chiang .
As it happened , the Eurasian Higher Command had launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone .
On May 4 the German High Command surrendered to Montgomery all German forces in northwest Germany , Denmark and Holland .
Its site was carved out of Bushy Park , itself largely given over to Supreme Headquarters , Allied Expeditionary Forces .
It would almost seem as though the Allied Supreme Commander 's intelligence staff had been infiltrated by British and American mystery writers .
Distance was not too large , and several minutes later we approached the house where Marshal Voronov , Stavka representative , was stationed .
All above-mentioned was reported to the representative of the Stavka , Marshal of Artillery Voronov , and to the member of the Military Council , General-Major Telegin .
The pre-D-Day , " Bombing Strategy " decision was made and perfected in the Supreme Command by way of argument about task and affect of the strategic air force in " Overlord " .
In order to conquer the Fascists , the Soviet Union established the supreme command , which was the center of every department in the course of changing into the war system at that time .
Northwest of the No. 1 vault is the No. 3 vault which covers an area of 520 square metres . This looks like the command post of the forces in the two other vaults .
Such " neo-traditionalists " want NATO 's planners at SHAPE ( Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe ) to make credible plans for the defence of NATO 's borders , and surrounding seas and airspace .
At10:28 AM , the top floors of the north tower imploded , bringing the rest of the building down . As it happened , the Eurasian Higher Command had launched its offensive in South India and left North Africa alone .
I have assurances from Peace Marshal Command that the situation is well under control , but that does little to ease my mind .
At Krampnitz , between Berlin and Potsdam , where the now Fuehrerless OKW had set up temporary headquarters , he found him , and Jodl told his Air Force friend the whole sad story .