
cóng jù
  • subordinate clause;clause
从句 [cóng jù]
  • [clause] 包含一个限定动词,但不构成一个完整的句子的一组词,它在所属的长句中,或作为一个名词,一个副词,一个形容词,或者包含从属于它的一个或更多的从句,或被这个或这些从句所修饰,或和另一相等的从句相结合

从句[cóng jù]
  1. 这句中有一个主句和一个从句。

    The sentence consists of a main clause and a subordinate clause .

  2. (语法)用以连接从句和主句。

    ( grammar ) serving to connect a subordinate clause to a main clause .

  3. 复合句包含两个或多个从句。

    A compound sentence contains two or more clauses .

  4. 从句;从属分句

    a group of words that is not a sentence but adds information to the main part of a sentence , for example when it rang in She answered the phone when it rang .

  5. 在英语中,一个从句在句子中用作主语时作单数看待。

    In english , a clause acting as the subject of a sentence counts as singular .

  6. 请用线画出短文中的名词性从句。

    Please underline the noun clauses in the passage .

  7. waterdown稀释,降低你得把这种药加水稀释后再服用。what引导宾语从句。

    You have to water down the medicine before drinking it .

  8. 这次老师用it加上从句说一句话,比方It'sgoodthattheycanmovesouth.接着老师提出一个词组,学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里。

    M : It 's good that they can move south .

  9. mind后加that从句时,常省略that。我们必须当心不要伤了我们自己。

    We must mind ( that ) we don 't hurt ourselves .

  10. 学习用功的学生不怕考试。(who代替先行词student,在从句中作主语。)

    The students who studies hard is not afraid of the examination .

  11. 你和那个集团有何关系?whathappenedwas是what引导的主语从句

    Do you have anything to do with this group ?

  12. 他通知我要在这周结束前离开。givenotice后面也可跟that从句。

    notice He gave me a notice to leave by the end of the week .

  13. 制约非断定性词项ever在before从句中使用的条件是什么?

    What is the constraint on the use of the negative polarity item ever in before clauses ?

  14. 前一个polluted为过去分词,属定语从句中的谓语,后一个为过去式,属主句的谓语.句意为:曾被污染的那条河污染了另一条河。

    The river which had been polluted polluted another one .

  15. 如果你不用if从句的话,就没有必要在appreciate后面加it了。

    There is no need to add itif you do not include if .

  16. 第一个isused是定语从句的谓语动词,但是该定语从句省略了引导词。定语从句中三个并列的不定式短语动词toachieveprivacy,tobuildhomesortodesigncities共同作为isused的目的状语。

    The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy , to build homes or to design cities is culturally influenced .

  17. 如果我们的论述中有如果,我们在主张先行词,假设条件句或者结果,然后从句,或者我们说如果P那么。

    If we got an if then statement are we asserting an antecedent , an if clause or the consequent , Q the then clause , or are we saying if P then Q.

  18. 本文为动词同宾结构提供了一个统一的解释:这些句子中的V2(连同其空主语和空宾语)本质上是目的性状语从句。

    I will provide a uniform explanation for OSC in this dissertation : V2 ( with its null subject and null object ) is essentially a purpose clause modifying the matrix clause .

  19. 这篇论文旨在研究和分析让步状语从句在轮机英语(MEE)中的应用及其特点。

    This thesis is devoted to the corpus-based study on Concessive Adverbial Clauses in Maritime Engineering English ( MEE ) .

  20. 本文不打算去探讨这种通常意义上的NP的VP结构,而是去研究其中VP比较复杂的NP的VP格式,它们从句法上看,是主谓结构;

    This thesis has no intention of exploring this structure in its usual sense , but rather endeavors to study the structure of NP de W in which-the VP is complicated .

  21. 本文从句法、语义和话题性方面对重动句(SV1OV2C)准定中结构主语句(N1的N2+VP)进行了考察。

    This paper examines the verb-copying sentence and the sentence with subject made of quasi attributive-heading structure from the aspects of syntax , semantics and the topic .

  22. 由于存在这种差异,ESL学生,尤其是初级水平的学生,容易受母语的影响进而将时间状语从句放在句首。

    Because of the differences , ESL students , especially the lower-leveled ones , are prone to the influence of their native language and put time clauses at the beginning of sentences .

  23. 根据上述分析,通过V-to-v移动,采用量词提升法,我们也能够推导出汉语关系从句中的先行语删除结构。

    If our analysis is adopted , we can derive Chinese ACD in relative clauses via V-to-v under the QR approach without infinite regress .

  24. 本文主要研究汉语并列句中的动词短语省略结构及与之相关的关系从句里的先行语删除结构(ACD)。给我动词短语句的多角度考察

    This thesis focuses on verb phrase ellipsis construction ( VP ellipsis ) in coordinate sentences and the relevant antecedent-contained deletion structure ( ACD ) in relative clauses in Chinese . Study on the Verbal Phrase " Give Me " from different Aspects

  25. 本文从分析影响句子加工的几个主要因素入手,讨论以英语为母语者以及其母语与英语为同一语系的ESL学习者处理含挂靠歧义的英语关系从句的认知过程。

    This paper discusses the processing of English RC ( relative clause ) attachment ambiguity by native speakers and ESL learners whose native languages are of the same language family with English from a cognitive perspective based on an analysis of the main factors related to sentence processing .

  26. 再析定语从句与同位语从句的异同

    Analysis on the Similarities and Differences between Attributive and Appositive Clauses

  27. 中国学生英语定语从句的理解与产生

    Chinese English Learners ' Comprehension and Production of Restrictive Relative Clauses

  28. 定语从句和同位语是英语句子中最常见的语法修饰形式,是基本句子的扩展,在医学英语文章中使用频率相当高。

    Attributive clauses and appositives are the most common English modifiers .

  29. 对比法、英关系从句

    A Comparative Study of the Relative Clauses of French and English

  30. 试论科技英语定语从句的汉译方法

    A study on the techniques of E-C Translation of attributive clauses