
  • The Pursuit of Happyness;The Pursuit of Happiness;Will Smith
  1. 第三章分析了《当幸福来敲门》中不同符号的象征意义,正是这些符号深化了影片的主题。

    In Chapter Three , different symbols in The Pursuit of Happyness are analyzed in order to strengthen the theme .

  2. 贾登•史密斯:《当幸福来敲门》及《重返地球》这位14岁的年轻演员兼音乐人作为他父亲的终极电影搭档,在2006年的传记电影中饰演挣扎中的推销员的儿子。

    JADEN SMITH : THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS AND AFTER EARTH The young actor-musician , 14 , served as his dad 's ultimate movie sidekick , playing the son of a struggling salesman in the 2006 biographical film .

  3. 从电影《当幸福来敲门》看美国文化价值观

    Exploring American Cultural Values in the Film The Pursuit of Happiness

  4. 当幸福来敲门的时候,我或许不在家。

    When happiness finally comes knocking , I might not even be at home .

  5. 看完当幸福来敲门这部片子后,我感慨良多。

    The movie , The Pursuit of Happiness , touched the chord in my heart .

  6. 这个人生阶段,这小小的阶段是:“当幸福来敲门”

    This part of my life , this little part , is called " Happiness . "

  7. 我最喜欢的电影是《当幸福来敲门》,因为这部电影很感人。

    My favorite movie is " when happiness to knock ", because this film is very moving .

  8. 本文分为六章,分析了《当幸福来敲门》和《卡特教练》这两部美国黑人电影。

    This paper analyzes two popular black films-The Pursuit of Happyness and Coach Carter and falls into six chapters .

  9. 本片源自真实故事的启发,(当幸福来敲门)是一部父亲教育儿子「事在人为」的电影。

    Period . Inspired by a true story , The Pursuit of Happyness is about a father who teaches his son that nothing is impossible .