
  • 网络WELLS;welles;Wales;Wels
  1. 韦尔斯本应当出一半的钱,但后来他食言了。

    Wells was supposed to put up half the money , but later backed out .

  2. “你必须承认这个男人有魅力,”尼科尔森说。“是诱惑力,”韦尔斯纠正说。

    ' You must admit that the man has got charm , ' said Nicolson . ' Glamour , ' amended Wells .

  3. 高盛称,公司上周五收到SEC发来的韦尔斯通知(Wellsnotice),得知可能受到指控。

    The firm said it was told of the impending charges by the SEC in a wells notice last Friday .

  4. 帕特里克•麦吉(PatrickMcGee)和彼得•韦尔斯(PeterWells)补充报道

    Additional reporting by Patrick McGee and Peter Wells

  5. 严格得到了充满敌意的父亲hg韦尔斯;行为严谨的六英尺魁梧大汉;严格的训诫者;严格的教养。

    A parent severe to the pitch of hostility-h.g.wells ; a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien ; a strict disciplinarian ; a Spartan upbringing .

  6. CopainWines的韦尔斯・格思里喝的是BrooklynBrewery的啤酒。

    Wells Guthrie , of Copain Wines , was drinking a beer from Brooklyn Brewery .

  7. 其中,cordially为副词,表示“诚挚地”。韦尔斯诚邀您参加本公司20周年庆典。

    Wells cordially invites you to our 20th Anniversary party .

  8. 而根据《电视指南》杂志的报道,制片人韦尔斯更是证实Jimmy其实是死掉了。

    As reported by TV Guide Magazine , Wells confirmed during the panel that Jimmy did in fact die .

  9. 证交会官员表示,向相关公司发出“韦尔斯通知”(wellsnotice),正式警告对方他们正受到调查,然后提起指控而不再进一步联系该公司,这种做法是正常惯例。

    SEC officials say it is normal practice to send companies a " wells notice " formal warning that they are under investigation and then file charges afterwards without any further contact with the company .

  10. 富国银行(WellsFargo)周二也公告获得了SEC的一张韦尔斯通知,涉及一宗次级抵押贷款债券的信息披露问题。

    Wells Fargo also disclosed on Tuesday that it too had received an SEC wells notice related to disclosures it made related to a subprime mortgage bond .

  11. 韦尔斯资本(WellsCapital)股票策略师詹姆斯保尔森(JamesPaulsen)指出,在1970年、1975年和1990年的经济衰退时期,股市的回升始于就业率下降第二个月的数周之内。

    James Paulsen , equity strategist at Wells Capital , points out that in the recessions of 1970 , 1975 and 1990 , the stock market 's recovery started within weeks of the second month of falling employment .

  12. 该公司亚洲业务负责人韦尔斯(GregoryWells)表示,过去他们看到过不少起伏,每六个月或者九个月就会出现一次低迷,之后形势又再次好转。

    ' We 've seen ups and downs in the past * downturns happen every six , nine months and then things pick up again , ' says Gregory Wells , the firm 's Asia head .

  13. 对Netflix来说,国内用户增长放缓意味着它需要积极开拓新市场。该公司的首席财务官戴维o韦尔斯在投资者见面日上已经强调过这一点。

    For Netflix 's part , slowing domestic user growth means the company needs to expand actively into new markets , a point that CFO David Wells stressed during an investor event .

  14. 这份韦尔斯通知标志着,SEC首次寻求就CDO的评级对评级机构提起诉讼。CDO与住房抵押贷款资产池相关。

    The Wells notice marks the first time the SEC has sought to pursue charges against a ratings company in connection with its rating of a CDO , linked to pools of residential mortgages .

  15. 这是李娜网球生涯中第一次在WTA一级赛事印第安韦尔斯网球赛中闯入半决赛。在半决赛中她将迎战斯洛伐克的丹尼拉和以色列的沙哈之间的获胜者。

    Li moves to the Indian Wells semi-finals for the first time in her career where she willface the winner of a match between Slovakia 's Daniela Hantuchova and Shahar Peer of Israel .

  16. 1978年他成了萨德勒韦尔斯芭蕾舞团的艺术指导。

    He became artistic director of the sadlers wells ballet in1978 .

  17. 雇用韦尔斯的男人:他到底有多危险?

    Man who hires wells : just how dangerous is he ?

  18. 韦尔斯博士和凯特琳与此事无关。

    Dr. Wells and Caitlin had nothing to do with this .

  19. 韦尔斯博士我们拿到了最新的天气报告

    Dr. Wells , we just got the latest weather report .

  20. 韦尔斯公司马上就要同国家钢铁公司合并。

    Wells and Company are about to incorporate with National Steel .

  21. 韦尔斯并非全盘抛弃传统规则。

    She hasn 't thrown out all the traditional rules .

  22. 我知道你的小秘密,韦尔斯。

    You know , I figured out your little secret , Wells .

  23. 2006年她在印第安韦尔斯网球赛上的最好表现是赢得了第四名。

    Her best previous result at Indian Wells was a fourth round in2006 .

  24. 《魅惑》杂志琳达·韦尔斯:我看得到骨头。

    LINDA WELLS , ALLURE : I see bones .

  25. 他的脉搏很弱但他还活着韦尔斯博士

    His vitals are weak , but he 's alive , dr. Wells .

  26. 易怒的人喜欢踢和打碎东西-H.G.韦尔斯。

    Men of the choleric type take to kicking and smashing - H.G.Wells .

  27. 韦尔斯博士粒子加速器已经准备好随时可以注入粒子了

    Dr. Wells , the accelerator is primed and ready for particle injection .

  28. 我在等你出招呢韦尔斯博士

    I 'm waiting on you , Dr. Wells .

  29. 你根本没保护好你的遗产,韦尔斯先生,你谋杀了它

    You didn 't secure your legacy , Mr. Wells ; you murdered it .

  30. 为什么,韦尔斯先生

    And why is that , Mr. Wells ?