
chún shōu yì
  • net income
  1. 论资本化率与纯收益的匹配问题

    On the matching of capitalization rate and net income

  2. 订单生产模式对小麦种植纯收益影响的实证分析

    Positive analysis of effect of contract farming on net income from wheat production

  3. 新增纯收益率22.42%,边际成本报酬率3.33。稻田种植春玉米高效耦合技术包括部分放开冬春茬,稻田冬春季改小麦为菜果经济作物;NET开发了基于规则的特钢企业调度系统。

    The increased net profit ratio is 22.42 % and the marginal benefit-cost ratio is 3.33 . Efficient techniques for system coupling of planting spring-corn in rice field include that the winter and spring can be freed , and the wheat can be changed to the economic crops ;

  4. 根据模型用电子计算机模拟寻优,得到亩产大于500kg,亩纯收益大于800元的技术方案48套。

    According to the model , 48 sets of technique schemes of yield over 500 kg / mu and benefit over 800 Yuan RMB / mu were obtained by simulating optimization of computer .

  5. 用户可以按照不同的情形输入不同的参数,计算机输出将给出经济阈值及纯收益。

    User can input different parameters according to different situations .

  6. 块根产量比对照纯收益增加21.86元/亩。

    The net income increased 21.86 yuan ( RMB ) / mu .

  7. 收益还原法中纯收益的确定

    The determination of the objective income in revenue capitalization approach

  8. 城镇土地估价中土地纯收益的研究

    Study on Land Net Objective Income in the Evaluation of Urban Land Price

  9. 林地收益价格主要由纯收益和还原利率决定;

    The income price is mainly decided by pure income and rate of interest .

  10. 资本化率的确定不应该是孤立的,必须和纯收益的处置相匹配。

    Thus capitalization rate should not be determined independently and must match net income .

  11. 应用综合性栽培措施,增加产量,提高单位面积的纯收益。

    Integrated cultivation should be practised to increase the yield and profit per hectare .

  12. 过量施肥并不能有效提高果实产量,对纯收益存在负面影响。

    Excessive fertilization can not increase the yield significantly , but has negative effect on profit .

  13. 所得税是对企业的所得额(纯收益)征收的一种税。

    Corporate income tax is the amount of income ( net income ) levy a tax .

  14. 鉴于此,可以用投入&产出的方法来计算取得的纯收益,估算地价。

    Therefore , the investment-product method could be used to calculate the pure income and estimated the land price .

  15. 而客观纯收益的确定往往依赖于农业客观总收入扣除客观总费用。

    And the objective net benefit determination is frequently dependent on the objective gross income of farming which the objectively total cost is deducted .

  16. 收益期短于、等于经济周期时,宜预测每年的纯收益。

    When the stages of the earning is shorter then the period of an economic circle , the net earning should be calculated from year to year .

  17. 结果表明,农民习惯施肥的产量略高于平衡施肥,但未达显著水平,其纯收益却明显低于平衡施肥;

    The result showed that the yield of regular fertilization is slightly higher than the balanced fertilization , but the income is significantly less than the balanced fertilization .

  18. 东北农业机械化特点及其对种植业纯收益的贡献率订单生产模式对小麦种植纯收益影响的实证分析

    Analysis of Characteristics and Profit Portion of Agricultural Mechanization in the Northeast of China ; Positive analysis of effect of contract farming on net income from wheat production

  19. 鄂西北全程地膜覆盖湿润栽培模式产量达到7815kg,纯收益比露地移栽水稻增加2625元;

    The yield of the model in the northwest of Hubei reached 7 815 kg / ha . The pure benefit was 2 625 RMB higher than the transplanting rice .

  20. 研究了纯收益和还原利率在实际应用中的若干问题,重点探讨了纯收益中包含的内容,尤其是否包含折旧,并介绍了确定还原利率的综合方法。

    Income approach is an important method to estimate the cost of real estate , it depends on two major parameters : net income and capitalization rate for correct application .

  21. 在研究中主要选用单位净产值指标排定投资优先序,以成本纯收益率和每劳动日净产值指标排定优先序作为参考。

    Every Day Is A Gift He chooses unit net produce value to rank the priority order with the help of cost net income rate and per time net produce value .

  22. 试验期间亩产皮棉145.3~161.75kg,霜前花比地膜覆盖增加14.6%,亩增纯收益50.46元。

    In comparison with of one layer film-mulched cotton , the flowers before frost increased by 14 . 6 % , pure income per mu increased by 50 . 46 yuan .

  23. 根据纯收益、结合总收益和实物产量的变化特征,可以将农地边际化的进程区分为初始边际化、中期边际化和完全边际化三个不同的发展阶段,完全边际化农地即边际农地。

    According to net return , total return and crop output , arable land marginalization course can be differentiated into three phases of early marginalization , middle marginalization and complete marginalization .

  24. 该文系统地论证了利用灰色系统建模来预测农用地预期纯收益的可行性,并分析了整个建模过程。最后将模型应用到湖北省武穴市农用地估价中。

    The paper demonstrates that forecasting of the anticipative net return by making use of the Grey Model ( GM ( 1,1 ) ) is feasible and analyses the process of modeling .

  25. 其中鄂东南三熟三高模式全年水稻双季产量(公顷产量,下同)达到18495kg,经济效益比常规栽培增加4260元,纯收益高,边际成本低;

    The rice yield of Hubei 's southeast model reached 18 495 kg / ha in two-season rice a year . Its economic benefit increased 4 260 RMB per ha than ordinary planting .

  26. 鄂中稀、控、重模式产量达到12099kg,纯收益比常规栽培增加2970元;

    The rice yield of the planting model in the middle of Hubei reached 12 099 kg / ha . The pure benefit was 2 970 RMB per ha higher than ordinary planting .

  27. 作为该方法中最重要的参数之一,客观纯收益的确定往往依赖于农业客观总收入扣除客观总费用。

    Being one of the most important parameter in this method , the objective net benefit fixing is frequently dependent on the objective gross income of farming which the objectively total cost is deducted .

  28. 本文在作物水盐生产函数和农田水盐动态模型基础上,以单位面积纯收益最大为目标函数提出了制定咸水灌溉制度的模型。

    On the basis of crop-water-salt production function and water-salt transport model , the maximum yield per unite area is taken as the target function to establish the model for saline water irrigation scheduling .

  29. 以不施氮为对照,施氮量在150kg/hm2时,新增纯收益最大(为13.91%),而施氮量在75kg/hm2时,则可取得最高的边际成本报酬率及氮肥农学利用率。

    Net profit with nitrogen level of 150 kg / hm2 was largest ( 13.91 % ), while margin cost reward rates and nitrogen agronomic efficiency with nitrogen level of 75 kg / hm2 was highest .

  30. 第2级树种结构优化模型的目标为各树种的纯收益之和最大;第3级龄级结构优化模型的目标为调整期内总收获量最大。

    The second one is the structure of tree species and the third class is the structure of age classes , their objectives are the maximum of total net revenue and of total timber yield respectively .