
chún tài
  • pure state
纯态[chún tài]
  1. 量子纯态与混合态的几何代数分析

    Geometric Algebra Analysis of Quantum Pure State and Mixed State

  2. 讨论和介绍了纯态与混合态的区别和联系。

    Distinction and relationship of pure state and mixed state are discussed .

  3. 好,这就是A的化学势,在纯态,温度为T,压强为p总时。

    Well , that 's just the chemical potential of A , in the pure state , at temperature T and pressure pT .

  4. 对于所选取的纯态,其QuantumDiscord与形成纠缠是相同的。

    In the pure states we selected , Quantum Discord is equal to the entanglement of formation .

  5. 本文主要从几何的角度讨论了密度态空间D(H)中纯态D~1(H)的一些问题。

    This paper studys some problems about pure states D ~ 1 ( H ) in density states D ( H ) from the geometric point of view .

  6. MexSy&所考虑的纯态的熔融硫化物;

    Me_x S_y & the pure molten sulphide under consideration ;

  7. 现在当我们看反应的Q反应,商它不包含,任何纯态物质。

    And so now , when we look at the Q for the reaction , the reaction quotient , it doesn 't contain any of the pure species .

  8. 通过在化学还原过程中引入超声波制备了纯态NiB非晶态合金,并与同等条件下采用化学还原法制备的NiB非晶态合金进行比较。

    The amorphous NiB alloys were prepared by ultrasonic-chemical reduction and chemical reduction .

  9. 本文研究初始纯态演化的二能级原子SU(2)压缩的混态临界行为。

    In this paper , the mixed & state critical behavior in SU ( 2 ) squeezing of two-level atom with initial pure state evolution are studied .

  10. 采用银诱导化学镀溶液自发分解法制备了纯态NiB非晶态合金催化剂;

    The amorphous NiB catalyst was prepared by introducing decomposition of electroless nickel plating solution with Ag + .

  11. 采用诱导沉积法及粉末化学镀法分别制备了纯态NiB及负载型NiB/TiO2非晶态合金催化剂。

    NiB and NiB / TiO 2 amorphous alloy catalysts were prepared by induction-che mical deposition method and power electroless plating method , respectively .

  12. 热释电性能测试表明,晶体的自发极化、热释电系数和热释电优值大于纯态的TGS。

    The measurement of pyroelectric property is shown that the spontaneous polarization , pyroelectric coefficience and pyroelectric merit are large than that of pure TGS crystal .

  13. 首先介绍了三量子比特纯态情形对称正则形式的特点和LU多项式不变量与随机LOCC分类的关系。

    The feature of symmetric canonical form and the relation between the LU polynomial invariants and SLOCC classification in pure three-qubit case are presented at first .

  14. 随着认识的不断深入,目前人们已经能够对两体纠缠态进行较好的度量,提出了多种纠缠度量方法,如针对两体纠缠纯态的部分熵,两体纠缠混态的Concurrence和Negativity等。

    With the deepening of understanding , we can now properly measure the quantum entanglement of two-body . Many measures have been proposed , such as partial entropy , concurrence , and negativity .

  15. 研究了初始时刻原子处于激发态,双模腔场为关联双模SU(1,1)相干态时,双模双光子Jaynes-Cummings模型中原子和场的纯态演化规律。

    We study the pure-state evolution laws of the atom and the field in the two-mome two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model with the atom initially being in excited state and the field in SU ( 1,1 ) coherent state .

  16. 结果表明,在随机局域操作与经典通信(SLOCC)等价的意义下,纯态的纠缠方式可用所定义纠缠度的不同极大值来表征。

    The results show that different ways of pure state entanglement can be characterized by extremal values of the corresponding entanglement measure under the stochastic local operation and classical communication ( SLOCC ) .

  17. 纯态的可分性已经得到了很好的解决。

    For pure states , the separability is quite well understood .

  18. 真正的电解质在纯态下由离子组成。

    A true electrolyte consists of ions in the pure state .

  19. 量子纠缠纯态的特性、制备和应用

    Properties , Preparation and Application of Quantum Entanglement Pure States

  20. 多体纠缠纯态纠缠度描述的比较

    A Comparison of the Entanglement Measures for Multipartite Pure States

  21. 高斯纯态的高阶压缩与信息熵

    ^ Higher-order Squeezing and information Entropy for Gaussian Pure State

  22. 量子对策与量子纯态纠缠的关系

    The Relation Between Quantum Game and the Entanglement of Quantum Pure State

  23. 三态两体纯态系统的纠缠分类及度量

    An Entanglement Measure and Complete Classification of Tristate Bipartite Pure State Systems

  24. 光子的本征偏振态、纯态及混合态

    Eigen 、 Pure and Mixed Polarization States of Photons

  25. 系统地研究了三粒子纠缠纯态的纠缠特性。

    We have studied the entanglement properties of some tripartite entangled pure states .

  26. 非交换C~-代数张量积的纯态和谱

    Pure States and Spectra of Tensor Products of Non-commuting C ~ - algebras

  27. 大家都知道纯态的铁几乎没有用处。

    It is common knowledge that iron has little use in its pure state .

  28. 纯态、混合态及其纠缠态

    Pure State 、 Mixed State and Entangled State

  29. 关于纠缠纯态研究的新进展

    Recent Progress on Entanglement of Multipartite Pure States

  30. 量子信息中的纯态和混合态

    Pure State and Mixed State in Quantum Information