
  • 网络thinking development;development of thinking
  1. 强调环境对思维发展的影响;

    Emphasizing the influence of environment on the development of thinking ;

  2. 体育教学与思维发展

    On the teaching of physical education and the development of thinking

  3. 设计的CAD一体化是新型设计系统及思维发展的必然趋势。

    The designable unification for CAD is the inevitable trend for the new type of designable systems and thinking development .

  4. 基于案例推理(Case-BasedReasoning,CBR)作为人工智能由表层的机器模仿向深层的机器思维发展中的一种形式已得到认知科学和人工智能研究者越来越多的重视。

    The Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ) that has developed from the skin-deep machine imitation to the deep-seated machine thinking technology has already been attached more importance by the cognitive science and AI researchers .

  5. 开发思维发展能力&谈创新人才的培养

    Thinking and Competence Developing & on training the creative talents

  6. 基于信息技术的教学开放策略与思维发展应用研究

    Study on Information Technology Teaching Opening Strategy and Thought Development

  7. 强化概念教学促进思维发展

    Stressing the conception teaching to inspire the thought development

  8. 视觉化时代的文化到来是视觉理性思维发展的结果。

    Visual age culture is the result of the development of visual thinking .

  9. 创设教学情景促进思维发展

    Creating teaching contexts to inspire the development of thought

  10. 建构性数学学习与创造性思维发展

    Constructive Mathmatics Study and the Evolution of Creative Thinking

  11. 加工速度、工作记忆与思维发展

    Working Memory , Processing Speed and Thinking Development

  12. 采用灵活多样的教学方法,改变授课方式,注重学生的知识构建和思维发展。

    Flexible teaching method is adopted to promote students'knowledge construction and develop their thoughts .

  13. 初中生的思维发展与数学情境的创设

    The thinking development and the creaton of mathematical situation for junior - school students

  14. 燥证研究的思维发展与创新

    Development of Thinking and Innovation of Dryness Syndrome

  15. 自我中心言语是儿童言语和思维发展过程中的一个重要现象。

    Egocentric speech is a very important phenomenon in childrens development of speech and thinking .

  16. 高中阶段正是学生各种思维发展的关键期,因此在教学过程中必须培养学生创新思维。

    The phase of senior middle school is crucial time to develop the students ' inventive minds .

  17. 最近十年,儿童科学思维发展的研究经历了显著的变化。

    Researches on the development of children 's scientific thinking underwent significant changes during the last decade .

  18. 这也许是因为人类的思维发展顺序的原因吧。

    This may be because the reasons for the order of the development of the human mind .

  19. 马克思主义哲学是关于自然、社会和思维发展的普遍规律的学说

    Marxist philosophy is the theory about the universal law of the development of nature , society and thinking

  20. 对比研究实验组实验前后发散思维发展情况;

    Comparison research on the development conditions of divergent thinking of the experimental class before and after the experiment ;

  21. 现代认知科学视野中的主体思维发展动力研究

    A Study of the Momentum for the Development of Subjective Thought in a View of Today 's Cognitive Science

  22. 关于中小学生创造性思维发展的三个问题之探索

    Exploration on the Three Questions to the Development of Productive Thinking of Students from Primary School and Middle School

  23. 音乐艺术的主要社会功能有认知功能、教育功能、美感功能和促进创造性思维发展功能。

    The main social functions of musical art are cognitive function , educational function , aesthetic function and thinking-creative function .

  24. 对正常儿童、聋哑儿童和盲童的一项比较研究&语言和思维发展的关系

    A Comparative Study In Normal , Deafmute And Blind Children & On Relationship Between The Development Of Language And Thinking

  25. 早在一百多年前,马克思就提出由抽象走向具体的思维发展道路。

    More than a hundred years ago , Marx propose a developing route of thinking from the absract to the concrete .

  26. 近几年思维发展的心理机制的研究成为思维发展领域一个颇引人注目的主题。

    In recent years studies on mental mechanism of thinking development have become an attractive theme in the respect of thinking development .

  27. 卦序中由《泰》到《否》以及《周易》六十四卦序的安排不是任意制定的,而是这种思维发展的逻辑顺序的反映。

    Moreover , the sequence from Tai to Pi in Zhouyi was not arranged by haphazard but a reflection of this thinking trend .

  28. 小学生思维发展中所形成的思维类型和特征,与学校教学中教师的教学态度是有密切关系的。

    The author holds that the thinking types and features in the development of pupils thinking have a close relationship with the teachers attitude .

  29. 本文通过几个方面论述了强化概念教学,促进思维发展的重要性。

    In the article , an emphasis was put on conception teaching as well as significance of inspiring thought development from the following aspects .

  30. 实践中发现,多数幼儿园的科学教育中都包含天气现象认知内容,对促进幼儿科学思维发展起到了积极的作用。

    It is found that science education in most kindergartens including study of weather plays positive role in scientific thinking development of early childhood .