
  • 网络cisco;CSCO;CCNA;CCNP;Sisco
  1. 全球电子产品生产巨头思科系统公司的主席约翰·钱伯斯说“我们和市场转型竞争,而不是和对手竟争。”

    John Chambers , chairman of Cisco Systems Inc. , a worldwide leader in electronics products , says that " we compete against market transitions , not competitors . "

  2. 目前思科在太空中已经有了一个IP路由器。

    Cisco already has one IP router in space .

  3. 松岛市的伟大智慧来自于思科公司。

    The   great   mind   behind   Songdo   is   from   the   company   Cisco .

  4. 我是在思科刚启动IP电话业务时加入公司的。

    I was with Cisco when we started the world of IP telephony .

  5. 思科携手电信运营商开始IP下一代网络之旅

    Cisco and Telecom Carriers Start IP NGN

  6. 这是自1998年以来的首场罗思科作品大型回顾展,包括他鲜艳的色场(ColorField)帆布画。

    The first major retrospective of Rothko 's work since 1998 , featuring his luminous Color Field canvases divided into hovering rectangles .

  7. 一个ERP专案执行经理能从思科案例中学到什麽?

    What can an ERP implementation project manager learn from the Cisco case ?

  8. 思科IPHotel成功案例&中国香港朗豪(LanghamPlace)酒店

    Successful Case of Cisco IP Hotel-Langham Place Hotel Hong Kong

  9. 思科首席执行长(CEO)钱伯斯(JohnChambers)将华为列为自己公司最强大的竞争对手。

    Cisco CEO John Chambers pointed to Huawei as its toughest competitor .

  10. 光通信系统中思科交换机CPU死机的解决方案

    Solution of cisco switch CPU halted in optical communication

  11. 谷歌(Google)、雅虎(Yahoo)和思科(Cisco)等公司的孵化器;

    incubator of giants like Google , Yahoo and Cisco ;

  12. 像苹果(Apple)和思科这样的市场引领企业在技术和品牌知名度上占有优势,且现金储备殷实。

    Leaders like Apple and Cisco boast an edge in technology and brand recognition , and have bundles of cash .

  13. 思科系统公司(CiscoSystems)正在“转化”为一家更多以软件和服务为重心的公司,然而这一进程还远未完成。

    Cisco Systems ' " transformation " into a more software - and services-centric company is far from complete .

  14. 与思科(ciscosystems)一样,该公司进入了服务器和存储业务,与ibm和惠普相分庭抗礼。

    Along with Cisco Systems , it has moved into the server and storage business against IBM and HP .

  15. 不久前,人们以为国际商业机器公司(IBM)、思科系统(CiscoSystems)、英特尔(Intel)和甲骨文(Oracle)在科技领域是不可打败的。

    Not long ago people thought IBM , Cisco Systems , Intel and Oracle were unbeatable in tech ;

  16. 投资者一直在呼吁,思科公司应该关闭消费者业务,尤其是Flip业务。

    Investors had been clamoring for the company to exit the consumer business .

  17. 思科于2009年以5.9亿购买下flip。

    Cisco bought flip in 2009 for $ 590m .

  18. 思科最近推出了Quantum软件产品组合中的几款新产品,用户可以通过这些产品跨越移动与无线网络来处理数据。

    The company recently unveiled several products from its Quantum software portfolio that will enable users to process data across their mobile and wireless networks .

  19. 上述ip网络以思科公司(cisco)的硬件为基础,将球场内每一部电话、个人电脑(pc)和安全摄像头连接在一起。

    The IP network , based on Cisco hardware , connects every phone , PC and security camera in the stadium .

  20. IBM、思科、戴尔和丰田&除了是世界知名的公司,这些公司还有一些其它的共同点。

    IBM , Cisco Systems , Dell and Toyota - besides being world famous companies , these firms have something else in common .

  21. (思科(Cisco)可能是潜在的买家之一)。

    ( Cisco could be a potential buyer ) .

  22. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)把思科的这两个问题精简成了一个问题。

    Goldman Sachs figures it breaks down to two parts Cisco problems to one part global economy .

  23. 这个月,5名教员在思科认证网络学院(CiscoCertifiedNetworkingAcademy)完成了为期2周的强化强化培训。

    This month , five instructors completed two weeks of intensive training known as the Cisco Certified Networking Academy .

  24. 思科津津乐道的一个例子是,它曾经帮助德国某地区在一个单一的IP(网络协议)网络上管理所有道路。

    As an example , Cisco likes to boast about how it helped a region in Germany manage all of its roads on a single IP network .

  25. 目前的情形让人回想起2007年,当时苹果首次宣布推出iPhone,而该名称的使用权为思科系统公司(CiscoSystems)所有。

    The situation is reminiscent of 2007 , when Apple first announced the iPhone and Cisco Systems owned the rights to the name .

  26. 不过思科对精简后的组织结构和未来有可能接任CEO的罗伯特•劳埃德给予了很高的期望。

    But Cisco has high hopes for its new , streamlined organizational chart and its possible future CEO , Robert Lloyd .

  27. 埃里森担任该职位已有37年,以后他将担任该公司执行董事长兼首席技术官,萨夫拉•卡茨和马克•赫德将出任思科公司联席CEO。

    He 'll become executive chairman and CTO , ceding the top spot to SafraCatz and Mark Hurd after 37 years .

  28. 眼下对于思科公司(Cisco)的人力资源体系来说并不是个好时候。

    These aren 't the best of times for the company behind the human network .

  29. 我们这次将为一家全球公司效力,我的公司是思科(Cisco)。

    This time we shall work with a global firm , in my case Cisco .

  30. 坏:思科代客加不支持双频段,它没有对存储或打印服务功能的USB端口。

    The bad : The Cisco Valet Plus doesn 't support dual-band and it has no USB port for storage or print-serving features .