
sī biàn zhé xué
  • speculative philosophy
  1. 对黑格尔思辨哲学的态度是费尔巴哈早期思想的精髓

    The Attitude to Hegel 's Speculative Philosophy Is the Prime of Feuerbach 's Thinking of the Early Stage

  2. 随着对经验领域的研究逐步深入,马克思开始怀疑并走向批判传统思辨哲学。

    Along with deep research in the experience field , Marx disbelieved and animadverted on traditional speculative philosophy .

  3. 首先,通过对克尔凯郭尔的思想背景的探源,揭示其非理性主义倾向和反抗思辨哲学(黑格尔)的基本思想特征。

    The first to show the essential characteristic of Kierkegaard 's thought - irrationalism that is oppose to speculative philosophy .

  4. 这样的实证研究方法,为陷入瓶颈期的美学的思辨哲学研究带来生机。

    The empirical method of this study , bring vitality to the study of philosophy into the bottleneck period of aesthetics .

  5. 克尔凯郭尔从自己人生信念找到一个愿为之生,为之死的真理出发,针对当时的思辨哲学进行了激烈的批评。

    Based on his life faith of finding the truth that deserves living and death , Kierkegaard vehemently criticized the prevalent speculative philosophy .

  6. 儒家宗教的合理性终极追求,进一步得到思辨哲学的论证。

    It was Confucian religious philosophy that made the thinking model of Chinese traditional culture , and its rationalization of ultimate pursue was proved too .

  7. 《神圣家族》是一部论战性的著作,马克思恩格斯通过批判青年黑格尔派的思辨哲学,构建新哲学。

    The Holy Family is an argument work in which Max and Engels constructed new philosophy through the criticizing of the young Hegel parties ' speculative philosophy .

  8. 他在苏格拉底哲学反讽精神的影响下,在批判以黑格尔为代表的思辨哲学的过程中逐渐形成了独特的思想观点。

    Influenced by the " Irony " of Socrates ' philosophy , he formed his unique ideas during the process of criticizing the speculative philosophy that represented by Hegel .

  9. 摘要对黑格尔思辨哲学的批判是费尔巴哈思想的核心,而“感性对象性原则”则是费尔巴哈批判思辫哲学的立足点。

    Criticism of hegel 's reflective philosophy is the core of Ludwig feuerbach 's thoughts , and the sensible and objective principle is the standpoint of his criticism of reflective philosophy .

  10. 但自从20世纪初的一场哲学革命之后,随着形而上学的被抛弃,身心问题也被英美哲学家们看作思辨哲学的最后堡垒而被抛弃了。

    But after a philosophical revolution in the early 20th century , this issue is abandoned by Anglo-American philosophers as the last fortress of speculative philosophy along with the abandonment of metaphysics .

  11. 克尔凯郭尔穷尽一生都在拒斥理性对个体的操控。为此,他提出与思辨哲学相对立的生存哲学。

    Therefore , Kierkegaard exhausted his entire life to reject the control of reason over individual . He put forward the " existence philosophy " which is in opposition to speculative philosophy .

  12. 摘要马克思主义哲学的研究与发展,既不能只着重哲学方面,回归到思辨哲学上去,也不能只着重经济学方面,成为纯粹的经济学。

    The research and development of Marxist philosophy can neither emphasize the philosophical side , which can give rise to thinking inclination , nor stress the economical side , which can lead to the pure economics .

  13. 在德国古典哲学中,费尔巴哈率先高扬感性的旗帜试图突破思辨哲学理性的迷雾,他颠覆了传统认识论意义上的感性概念从而使其获得了存在论的地位。

    In German classical philosophy , Feuerbach is the first man who held the perceptual banner to breakthrough irrational frog of speculative philosophy . But he made the traditional epistemological concept of the perceptual into the ontological one .

  14. 费尔巴哈认为,以黑格尔思辨哲学为代表的整个近代哲学乃至一切形而上学的全部秘密和根本错误都在于颠倒了思维与存在、自我意识与现实的人的真实关系。

    Feuerbach thinks that the whole secret and the main fault of the modern philosophy and metaphysics as a representative of Hegelian speculative philosophy are in inversion of relationship between thought and existence and between self-consciousness and real human being .

  15. 费尔巴哈的宗教批判之所以能够本质性地超越前人,费尔巴哈对马克思哲学革命的本质影响,就在于费尔巴哈的宗教批判本质上是由感性对象性原则出发的对思辨哲学的批判。

    The reason for Feuerbach 's critique of religion essentially surpassing his predecessors and his influence on Marx 's philosophy revolution are that Feuerbach 's critique of religion is essentially the critique of speculative philosophy based upon the objective activity of sensibility .

  16. 哲学的革命首先要拒斥醉心于自我直观的德国哲学,把哲学拉回现实,使思辨哲学转变为实践哲学;无产阶级实践的理论呼唤要求进一步把实践哲学转变为革命哲学。

    Revolution of Philosophy , first rejection of intuitive self-obsessed German philosophy , take philosophy back to reality , make speculative philosophy into a practical philosophy ; the practice of proletariat demands calls for further change from philosophy of practice to revolutionary philosophy .

  17. 为了正确理解马克思的实践概念,有必要将它与过于强调内在超越的意识哲学或思辨哲学以及过于强调外在客体的经验主义等区分开来。

    To comprehend Marx 's conception of " praxis " exactly , it is necessary to distinguish the practical philosophy from the philosophy of consciousness or speculative philosophy with overemphasis on inherent transcendence , and from the empiricism with overemphasis on exterior object .

  18. 11年前关于全球变暖的末日影片《后天》在观众中引发了人与自然和谐相处的讨论,《末日崩塌》却似乎将这样的思辨哲学忘得一干二净,只是局限于表现英雄主人公。

    Eleven years ago , memorable global warming doomsday flick The Day After Tomorrow asked viewers to question their part in the balance between man and nature . San Andreas foregoes the armchair philosophy , instead focusing almost exclusively on the hero himself .

  19. 从对黑格尔哲学真正生长点的辨析中可以发现,黑格尔哲学还具有当代意义和价值,因此不能简单地把黑格尔的“思辨哲学”归结为“非批判的实证主义”和“非批判的唯心主义”。

    An analysis of the real growing point of Hegel philosophy shows that Hegel philosophy is of modern significance and value , and his " speculative philosophy " cannot be simply summed up as " non critical positivism " and " non critical idealism " .

  20. 第三,刘基的思辨哲学明显具有先秦老庄朴素辩证观的特点的,他继承了老庄辩证法的对立转化、反本复原的基本思想,同时还对福祸相依的转化思想有所创新。

    Third , Liu Ji Qin Lao speculative philosophy was simple with the characteristics of the dialectical view , he inherited the Taoist dialectics into the opposition , which breach the basic idea of recovery , but also dependent on the fortune or misfortune to the transformation of ideological innovation .

  21. 因此,韦尔施以多元性为出发点,继承了德国思辨哲学传统,使鲍姆嘉通所提倡的感性认识更加本质化,试图重构美学,建立认识论审美化。

    Therefore , Welsch imposed the " diversity " as the starting point , he inherited the tradition of German speculative philosophy , and made the " perception " that advocated by Baumgarten more essentially . Moreover , Welsch attempted to reconstruct aesthetics , to establish " aesthetic epistemology " .

  22. 本研究属于法律理论研究,自然离不开思辨的哲学。

    This research is a theoretical legal study and therefore , can not exist without reasoning philosophy .

  23. 加缪是有明晰、自觉的哲学观念的文学家,在文学创作中,他把抽象思辨的哲学思想充分融入文学形象之中,使其哲学观念在文学作品中实现了文学化。

    In literary works , he fully melted his abstract and reflecting philosophic thoughts into literary images , which makes his philosophic views expressed in literary works .

  24. 然而,传统思辨历史哲学的失败不能从根本上否定历史科学化的可能性,这完全可能是研究方法的错误造成的。

    However , the failure of traditional speculative philosophy of history cannot fundamentally denied the possibility of historical scientific research methods it might just be the fault .

  25. 将科学的人类学方法引入美学研究,使思辨的哲学研究方法在客观、真实的探究中找到出路。

    The method of scientific research of anthropology into aesthetics , the speculative research methods of philosophy and find a way out in the objective , true inquiry .

  26. “无条件”问题是康德在《纯粹理性批判》一书中提出的。它是认识论范围内特有的问题。它最能凸现思辨理性哲学的本质特性。

    In Critique of Pure Reason Immanuel Kant proposed the question of " infinite condition ," which remains in particular in the sphere of epistemology , and peculiarities the inherent speculative reason .

  27. 在西方哲学史上,一直存在着两种不同的哲学理解范式:一个是寻求普遍性知识的思辨意识哲学理解范式,一个是探究价值意义的文化哲学理解范式。

    In the western philosophy , it has been two kinds of paradigm of philosophy : speculative philosophy aiming at seeking universal knowledge and cultural philosophy aiming at exploring the value and meaning .

  28. 从世界历史思维发展的逻辑来看,人类经历了朴素辩证的哲学思维方式、形而上学的哲学思维方式和思辨的哲学思维方式。

    From the logic of thinking development in the world history , people have gone through mode of simple and dialectical philosophy thinking , mode of metaphysical philosophy thinking and mode of ideological philosophy thinking .

  29. 作为思辨历史哲学代表的文明形态史观却把宗教当作历史进步的尺度,并且与目的论和宿命论联系起来,受到批判历史哲学的质疑和批评。

    It is questioned and criticized by critical historical philosophy that , as the representation of speculative philosophy of history , the historiography of civilization formation views religion as the measure of historical progress and relates it to teleology and fatalism .

  30. 超越实证与思辨&马克思哲学的历史思维方式

    Beyond Positivism and Reflectivism : the Historical Thinking of Marxian Philosophy