
  • 网络rthk;Radio Television Hong Kong;
  1. 香港电台将不会直播下季的赛马。

    Next season 's live horse racing will not be covered on RTHK .

  2. 香港电台制订「节目制作人员守则」,将行之有素的工作方式编写下来。

    RTHK compiled a set of Producers'Guidelines to document its well-established editorial practices .

  3. 香港电台的困局与出路

    Predicament and the way out of Hong Kong Broadcasting Station

  4. 每天早上我们收听香港电台。

    We listen to Radio Hong Kong every morning .

  5. 香港电台负责制作学校教育电视节目,成立教育电视中心。

    RTHK set up Educational Television Unit , producing educational television programmes for schools .

  6. 香港电台电视部总台迁往前佳视大厦,命名电视大厦。

    RTHK TV headquarters moved to former Commercial Television premise and renamed Television House .

  7. 有一天,心血来朝开香港电台来听,我还以为我已到了香港。

    One day , out of curiosity , I found Hong Kong radio stations online .

  8. 香港电台应该运用资源制作高质素节目,避免和商业机构竞争。

    RTHK should use its resources to make high-quality programmes and avoid competing with commercial organisations .

  9. 本资源为一香港电台制作节目,内容主要介绍一些有关饮奶的有趣资料。

    This resource is an RTHK Programme which provides some interesting information about milk to audience .

  10. 香港电台则负责提供开幕典礼及全体会议的现场电视公共讯号。

    RTHK provided the live ' host ' TV feed of the opening ceremonies and plenary sessions .

  11. 每隔15分钟,6响报时信号便会经由香港电台转播。

    A six-pip time signal is sent to Radio Television Hong Kong for broadcast at quarter-hour intervals .

  12. 电台名称改为「香港电台」,以反映香港电台增加制作电视节目。

    Name changed to " Radio Television Hong Kong "( RTHK ) to reflect increasing television output .

  13. 设立香港电台电脑网页,为本港第一间将电台及电视节目作互联网上广播的传媒。

    RTHK website was established on Internet , the first local broadcaster to put radio and television programmes online .

  14. 香港电台节目制作人员工会对特区政府再次委任政务主任空降港台表示不满。

    The RTHK Programme Staff Union dissatisfied that the SAR has again appointed an Administrative Officer from outside of RTHK .

  15. 今年的讲座亦会由香港电台网上广播站安排网上视像直播,让全球学生有机会观看整个过程。

    Students from all over the world may also view the conference online from the live video webcast on RTHK ON INTERNET .

  16. 他于1978年加入香港电台,担任电视部编导,开创长寿现场直播电视节目&「城市论坛」。

    He joined RTHK 's TV department as a producer in1978.His track record includes the long-standing live TV programme ," City Forum " .

  17. 香港电台拟定公司化计划。但有关建议被拖延多年,港府于九三年宣布搁置。

    RTHK Corporatisation proposal was formulated . However , the proposal was delayed for several years and eventually placed on hold by the Government in1993 .

  18. 此外本院并曾接受香港电台教育部“乐满童心”节目专题采访、示范教学及分享教学心得。

    We were interviewed by the education department of RTHK and shared our teaching experience in a TV programme " Children , Arts & Music " .

  19. 香港电台虽以公帑经营,但编辑方针独立,在资讯、教育及娱乐方面,为市民提供取材客观、分量均衡的广播节目。

    RTHK is a publicly-funded , editorially independent broadcaster whose mission is to inform , educate and entertain people through the provision of balanced and objective programmes .

  20. 香港电台是香港唯一的公营广播机构,其制作范畴包括新闻、时事、艺术、文化及教育方面的电视及电台节目。

    Radio Television Hong Kong RTHK is the sole public broadcaster producing TV and radio programmes covering news , current affairs , arts , culture and education in Hong kong .

  21. 警队又与香港电台电视部联合制作两个电视节目,即分别在本地中、英文台播出的“警讯”。

    The Force has been producing , jointly with RTHK , two TV programmes : Police Magazine and Police Report , which are broadcast on local Chinese and English channels .

  22. 取消ZBW和ZEK电台呼号,八月份开始正式命名为「香港广播电台」。

    Call-signs ZBW and ZEK were abandoned in August and officially named " Radio Hong Kong "( RHK ) .

  23. 一座新型的广播大厦在广播道建成,成为香港广播电台新总部。

    Broadcasting House was built at Broadcast Drive , which has become the new headquarters of RHK .

  24. 香港广播电台设立新闻部(在此以前,新闻简报由政府新闻处提供)。

    RHK set up its own newsroom ( prior to that , news bulletins were prepared by the Government Information Services ) .

  25. 在传媒业高度商业化的香港,香港电台作为惟一一家由政府所办电台具有独特的地位。

    In the highly commercialized media market , Hong Kong Broadcasting Station as the solely government run station has its own unique position .

  26. 陈日君周三在香港一家电台的脱口秀节目中说,他的退休申请原则上已经被批准了,教皇本笃十六世已经应允他了。

    Speaking Wednesday on a local radio talk show , Cardinal Zen said that his retirement had been approved in principle , and promised to him by Pope Benedict XVI .

  27. 梁继璋先生是香港一位名电台节目主持人,也是一位儿童心理学导师。

    Michael Leung , a famous TV Host and MC / DJ in Hong Kong , is also a child psychotherapist .