
  • 网络xiangshan park;Fragrant Hills;Fragrant Hills Park
  1. 当然,北京香山公园是最好的去处。

    Of course the Fragrant Hills Park in Beijing is the best place to go .

  2. 三天后,警察在密云水库发现了这辆车,而这里离香山公园有一百多公里。

    Three days later , the police found the bus near the Miyun reservoir , more than 100 kilometers away from Fragrant Hills .

  3. 李伟照了香山公园中的山峰。

    Li took photos of the mountains in Xiangshan Park .

  4. 香山公园森林游憩资源价值评估与旅游管理对策研究

    Forest Recreational Resource Evaluation and Management Countermeasure Study of the Fragrant Hill Park

  5. 人为践踏对香山公园绿地的影响分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Man-caused Trample on the Greenbelt of the XiangShan Park

  6. 香山公园古树名木地理信息系统的开发技术研究

    Research on development technology of Geographic Information System for old trees and famous trees

  7. 我会在香山公园门口与你们见面地,别急,别急。

    I would be with you at the entrance of Xiangshan Park just be easy .

  8. 附赠:在香山公园里,当我回顾我的录像是,我发现一位优雅走来的女士。

    Supplement : I found a lady walked elegantly when I was going to review my video in the park .

  9. 香山公园是一座以清代遗址遗迹为主的具有山林特色的皇家园林。

    Xiangshan Park , based on the relics of the Qing Dynasty , is an imperial garden featuring natural forest .

  10. 天色很冷还刮着风,但我们仍然相约在喷香山公园门口。

    It was very cold and windy , but we still got together at the gate of Xiang Shan Park .

  11. 而作为香山公园前身的静宜园,乃是它们中唯一的一座以自然山林风景取胜的大型御苑。

    As the predecessor of Xiangshan Park , Jingyi Park is the only large imperial park known for its natural hills and forests landscape .

  12. 作为历史名园的香山公园,已经成为北京香山地区的经济文化生态中心,它是距离京城最近的一座天然山林风景名胜区。

    As a traditionally famous garden , Xiangshan Park has become the economic , cultural and ecological center of the Xiangshan Park area in Beijing . It is a natural forest scenic area standing nearest to downtown Beijing .

  13. 香山公园2004年的实际接待量约360.50万人,几乎占合理年容量的99%,说明香山的接待能力已经基本饱和,从总量上已没有太大潜力可挖。

    But the actual reception amount of the Fragrant Hill Park was about 3,605,000 people in 2004 which account for 99 % of the capacity . That proved the park has already reached its margin and has not great potentiality .

  14. 以北京香山公园游客调研数据为基础,运用描述性统计分析、因素分析、相关回归分析、结构方程模型以及方差分析等多种统计分析方法对实证数据进行分析。

    Based on the investigation data in the Beijing Xiangshan Park , many methods of statistical analysis were used to analyze the empirical data , such as descriptive statistical analysis , factor analysis , correlation analysis , structural-equation model ( SEM ), variance analysis and the like .

  15. 香山是个公园,从这儿往西有几英里远,以其秋天的红叶著名。

    The Fragrant Hills is a park located several miles west of here . It 's famous for its red leaved in autumn .