
  • 网络Thinking Process;Process of thought;mental process;thought processes;thought
  1. 另一方面,电视或电话可能会缩短思维过程。

    On the other hand , the TV or phone may cut short the thinking process .

  2. 教师应按照思维过程来设计教学过程。

    Teachers must design the teaching process according to thinking process .

  3. 从别人那里寻求建议不仅能够提供新的视角和思维过程,而且经常能带来更为冒险的决定。

    Getting input from others not only omrs a fresh perspective and thought process , it often also includes riskier choices .

  4. 首先,考察反事实思维过程中是否存在锚定效应;其次,不同的锚定条件下,反事实思维的ERP成分是否存在差异。

    To make sure whether there is the anchoring effect in counterfactual thinking ; 2.exploring different ERP components of counterfactual thinking in different anchoring conditions .

  5. 而比尔•盖茨(BillGates)的涂鸦是一系列散落的盒子&暗示出一种更为意外无序的思维过程。

    Bill Gates ' doodles , on the other hand , were a series of loosely connected boxes - implying a more unexpected , disorderly thought process .

  6. 关于GDSS对群体的影响,已取得了较多的研究成果,但是对于群体决策支持系统如何避免人类在决策思维过程中产生各种认知偏误,仍是研究的空白。

    There have been many achievements about the impact of GDSS on groups . But few studies have paid any attention to how can GDSS conquer the cognitive biases produced in the decision process .

  7. 结论多层螺旋CT横断位结合MPR、VRT、SSD可提高骨关节创伤的诊断准确性,简化思维过程,为临床诊治提供更多有价值的信息。

    MPR was better in displaying courses of fracture line . [ Conclusion ] Axial imaging MSCT , combined with MSCT imaging postprocessing technique can increase the diagnostic accuracy , simplify the course of diagnosis and give more help to clinical treatment .

  8. 结论螺旋CT3D重建对脊柱骨折具有重要诊断价值,简化了观察者的思维过程,并能为选择治疗方案和评价预后提供可靠依据。

    Conclusion Spiral CT 3D reconstruction of spine fracture can greatly simplify the thoughtful course of viewer and provide the reliable evidence for planning the surgery protocol and evaluating the prognosis .

  9. 其中Suh提出的公理设计是具有代表性的设计理论,该理论力图为设计建立一个科学基础,通过为设计者提供一个基于逻辑和理性思维过程及工具的理论基础来改进设计活动。

    Among which the Axiomatic Design ( AD ) is a representative design theory . Axiomatic design offers a scientific base for design and improves design activities by providing the designer with a theoretical foundation based on logical and rational thought processes and tools .

  10. 运用个性测验探讨对思维过程改变的护理

    To Explore the Nursing of the Thought Change through Personality Test

  11. 递归性是人的思维过程中普遍存在的动力机制。

    Recursiveness is ordinarily a power machanism in human thought process .

  12. 在高等代数解题教学中突出思维过程教学

    Stressing the Thinking Procession in Solving A Problem on Higher Algebra

  13. 改变你的思维过程就从积极主动地做出最理性的决定开始吧。

    Actively make a conscious decision to change your thought processes .

  14. 试论数学思维过程中两种思维形式的交互作用

    Mutual Effect of the Two Modes in Mathematical Thinking Process

  15. 知识是与具体的思维过程相联系的。

    Knowledge is related to a definite process of thinking .

  16. 战略思维过程及方式初探

    Preliminary analysis of the process and methods of strategic thinking

  17. 知识进化和高级思维过程的逻辑基础

    The Logical Foundation of Knowledge Evolution and Higher Mental Processes

  18. 产品设计中技术创新的思维过程模型研究

    Research on the Thinking Process Model of Technological Innovation in Product Design

  19. 广告创意过程是一种复杂的思维过程,同时它与民族文化密切相关。

    The process of the ad creation is a quite complicated thinking ;

  20. 了解书面语文消息的思维过程。

    The cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message .

  21. 从展示数学思维过程谈数学教学

    The Discussion on Mathematical Teaching from Showing Mathematical Thinking Process

  22. 创设问题情境关注思维过程

    To Construct Problem Scene To Attend to Thinking Process

  23. 在这个思维过程中有着自己一套普适性的思维操作模型,即以赋形思维为终极目的的路径思维、策略思维和文本思维的四位一体的自组织生长和谐调的过程。

    In this thinking process there is an universal operation model of thought .

  24. 中学生在数学思维过程中错误产生的原因分析及对策

    Error Analysis and Strategies in the Maths Thought Process of High School Students

  25. 这些创作思维过程形成了数码图像艺术创作的独特思维方法。

    These creative thoughts form an unique process of Digital Images ' creation .

  26. 认知隐喻框架下的翻译思维过程探索

    An Exploration into Mental Process of Translation in the Framework of Cognitive Metaphor

  27. 我们在思维过程中常常会陷入僵局。

    We often reach an impasse in our thinking .

  28. 建立正确证据的思维过程。

    The cognitive process of establishing a valid proof .

  29. 形状设计思维过程的模式

    Patterns of thinking process in scheme design about shapes

  30. 它是一种多方面、多角度、多层次的思维过程。

    It is a thinking process of different aspects , angles and levels .