
  • 网络The Language of Thought
  1. 数学是确切表达科学思想的语言。

    Mathematics is the language in which scientific ideas can be precisely formulated .

  2. 汉语的难以掌握是因为它是一门使用简单言语表达深刻思想的语言。

    It is difficult because it is a language for expressing deep feeling in simple language .

  3. 基于程序设计思想的C语言教学方案

    Based on Algorithm Design C Programming Langugae Instruction Method

  4. 渗透结构化设计思想的计算机语言教学

    Computer language teaching of permeating structured design thinking

  5. 绘画的表现方式其实是一种思想的可视语言,它生长在真情实感的创作之土上。

    Presentation of painting is a visual language of thought , on the creation of soil it grows in true feeling .

  6. 化学语言是表达化学思想的专门语言,是储存、传承和加工化学思想信息的工具。

    Chemistry language is the special language which expresses chemistry ideas , and a tool that stores , inherits and processes chemistry ideas and information .

  7. 交流思想的基本语言单位是句子,而词组是句子的一部分,因此词组运用是否准确,直接影响到句子的表达与效果。

    Since phrases are part of a sentence , the proper use of them has direct influence on the expressiveness and effect of a sentence .

  8. 视觉符号作为意义传达、思想交流的语言和符号,有两组基础概念需要确立,即语言/言语、能指/所指。

    For it is refereed to as language and sign of meaning delivery and thought communication , visual sign has two basic concepts to be delimited : langue and parole , signifier and signified .

  9. 手语是由手形、手臂运动并辅之以表情、唇动以及其它体势表达思想的视觉语言,是聋哑人进行交流的最自然方式。

    Sign language is the most natural way for the deaf to communicate and visual language which is created by arm movement , expression , lips , and other body posture to express ideas .

  10. 口译过程可以分为以下三个阶段:听清楚原语表达思想内容的语言符号,通过分析和理解,搞清这些符号所表达的思想内容,即理解话语中的语言成分和暗喻内容;

    Interpretation may be divided into three stages : hear the language signs of source language , by analyzing and understanding makes clear the idea and content expressed by these signs , namely , understands the language component and metaphor ;

  11. 首先简要介绍了基于面向对象思想的统一建模语言UML的基本概念和特点,然后阐述了UML建模机制;

    The paper briefly introduces the basic concept and characteristic of Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) based object-orient idea , and then explores UML modeling mechanism .

  12. 本文介绍了一种基于积件思想的多媒体辅助语言教学(MCALL)软件的设计,并对该软件的应用模式进行了探讨,使多媒体计算机更加充分发挥辅助教学的作用。

    This paper , after introducing an integrable ware idea based software design of multimedia computer assisted language learning , discussed its application model so as to fully realize the assisting education function of the multimedia .

  13. 他能把复杂的思想用简单的语言表达出来。

    He is capable of putting complicated thought in simple words .

  14. 论高校思想政治工作的语言表达艺术

    The Language Expression Art in the University Thought Political Work

  15. 然后,我将解释账单策略背后的思想以及使用的语言和语法。

    Then I 'll explain the thinking behind billing policy and the language and syntax used .

  16. 死者的交流思想超乎生者的语言之外是用火表达的。

    the communication of the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living .

  17. 语言是思想的产物,语言所表达出来的,都具有普遍性。

    But language expresses nothing but universality ; and so I cannot say what I merely mean .

  18. 他把这些人物如实地形诸笔墨,他们的谈话和思想所用的语言就是他们平常用来谈话和思想的语言。

    He put these people down on paper as they are , and he made them talk and think in the language they customarily used for these purposes .

  19. 春天来临了,在春天的土壤里会长出三片智慧的绿芽:好的思想、好的语言、好的行动。

    Spring has arrived , and the soil in the spring , president of the wisdom of the green shoot out of three : good ideas , good language , good action .

  20. 洛克认为,探求明白的、确定的知识,仅靠对理性或观念的考察是不能获得的,还要转向思想的外壳&语言的批判和分析。

    Loke thinks , seeking clear , definite knowledge , can 't be got while only depending on the investigation of reason or the idea , turning to the outer cover of the thought & Criticism and analysis of the language .

  21. 语言表达的艺术能给人带来情感愉悦和美的升华,思想政治工作的语言表达也是一门艺术,讲究语言艺术对搞好思想政治工作是至关重要的。

    Language expression art can give the person the emotion joyful and the beautiful sublimation , the thought political work 's language expression also is an art , to do well the thought political work , fastidious language art is very important .

  22. 并由此得出唐诗英译要通过对遣词、用韵、意境以及思想的翻译达到语言与文化的统一的结论。

    The author , based on them , draws the conclusion that in translating Tang poetry into English , the translator should , by rendering , reproducing and re-presenting the words and phrases , rhyme scheme , ideorealm and ideology , achieve the unity of language and culture .

  23. 这种历史和文化的残余思想,在今天的语言文字中还可以找到它的蛛丝马迹。

    We can still find clues of sexism in the language nowadays .

  24. 思想以他自己的语言喂养它自己而成长起来了。

    Thought feeds itself with its own words and grows .

  25. 理解拉伯雷的人文主义思想必须了解拉伯雷的语言特征。

    In order to understand his humanistic thought , we must know about his language characteristics .

  26. 语言是思想的载体,而语言的记录、保存、传播和发展主要是依靠文字来进行的。

    Language is the carrier of the thoughts . The record , maintenance , communication and development of the language mainly depend on characters .

  27. 他的反殖民思想的核心是对语言殖民、后殖民国家权力与艺术的对立等问题的反思批判,其理论受到马克思主义和范农思想的双重影响。

    The essence of his anti-colonial thought is his reflection on and critique of problematics such as language colonization and the opposition between post-colonial state power and art .

  28. 在产品结构设计的概念设计阶段,具有一定工程意义的图形单元是工程师实现设计思想图形化的工程语言。

    During the conceptual phase in product structural design , the graph modular with specific engineering semantics is a powerful expressive tool for engineers to convert design intent to drawing .

  29. 中国民族声乐的韵味美是构筑在两大基本美学思想之上的,即语言的表现和曲情的表达。

    The aesthetic aroma in Chinese national vocal music lies in the combination of two principle aesthetic systems , which are composed of language presentation , and the inclination of mode respectively .

  30. 《易经》卦爻辞中格言和谚语以其内容的丰富性、思想的深刻性和语言运用的艺术化形式,具有重要的文学价值。

    The maxims and proverbs in the divinatory words in Yi Qin are of important literary value with the abundance of contents , profundity of thinking , and artistic form in language use .