
  • 网络ABBOTT;abbott laboratories;Similac;Abbott Labs;Abt
  1. 血糖测定:PrecisionPlus血糖试纸,美国雅培制药有限公司生产。

    Blood glucose was measured by Precision Plus test paper made by abbott laboratory in USA.

  2. 三台雅培全自动免疫分析仪测定AFP、CEA水平的可比性研究

    Comparative Study on AFP and CEA Levels Detected by Three Abbott Automatic Immune Analyzers

  3. 对于那些希望自今天FDA顾问委员会关于雅培减肥药西布曲明的会议得到一个非常清楚信号的人:对不起的。

    To those hoping for a clear-as-a-bell signal from today 's FDA advisory committee meeting on Abbott 's weight-loss drug Meridia : sorry .

  4. 基于PCR和荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术的分子检测手段,用以帮助临床医生选择恰当的药物遗传学方法治疗,雅培在这方面是先行者。

    Abbott is a pioneer in the use of molecular tests based on PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) technologies to aid clinicians in the selection of appropriate pharmacogenomic therapies .

  5. 他今年26岁,是雅培制药公司(AbbottLaboratories)的一位生物医学工程师,获得过两次晋升,还受到领导团队的一致好评。

    This 26-year-old is a biomedical engineer for Abbott Laboratories who has been promoted twice and won recognition from his site leadership team .

  6. 在一份声明中雅培说它提出一个使用该药“全面的”风险管理策略,并将咨询FDA。

    Abbott said in a statement that it proposed a " comprehensive " risk management strategy for use of the drug and will consult with the FDA .

  7. 新京报(BeijingTimes)报道称,雅培公司(AbbottLaboratories)、达能(Danone)、美赞臣(MeadJohnsonNutrition)以及雀巢旗下的惠氏(WyethNutrition)正受到调查。

    The Beijing Times reported that Abbott Laboratories , Danone and Mead Johnson Nutrition were also involved in the probe , along with Wyeth Nutrition , now owned by Nestl é .

  8. 本文采用美国雅培公司产免疫荧光偏振分析仪,在4例成人癫痫中较详细地观察了PHT与VAL单用和合用,在不同时间中血清及唾液药物浓度。

    Using TDX-fluorescence polarized analyser , Concentration of phenytoin valproate both in blood serum and in saliva were determined singly and in combination .

  9. 雅培致力于MAGE-A3领域的研究将进一步确立它在肿瘤诊断和个体化治疗中的领导地位。

    Abbott 's development efforts in areas such as MAGE-A3 will further build its leadership position in cancer diagnostics and personalized medicine .

  10. 要是我冷不丁地碰到你的申请书,我或许会说,鉴于你的GMAT成绩和在雅培制药的工作经验,你被录取的几率是40-50%。

    If I came across your application cold , I would have said your odds were 40-50 % , given your 790 GMAT and work experience at Abbott .

  11. 这是正在使用雅培就其塑料托盘的Humira的预填充注射器医疗封盖。

    It is being used by Abbott Laboratories for medical lidding on its plastic trays of HUMIRA pre-filled syringes .

  12. 【目的】探讨雅培Cell-Dyn3700型全自动血细胞分析仪(简称CD3700)对形态异常细胞检测功能的临床应用价值。

    【 Objective 】 To clinically evaluate the Abbott Cell-Dyn 3700 automatic blood cell analyzer in detecting abnormal morphologic cells .

  13. 雅培公司去年降低了kaletra在泰国等新兴市场的售价,但每位患者每年仍须支付2200美元的药费。

    Abbott last year cut the price of kaletra in Thailand and other emerging countries but still charges $ 2200 per patient per year .

  14. 雅培证明,一个兰利的更正错误适用。

    Abbott proved that one of Langley 's corrections was erroneously applied .

  15. 宝宝一直吃雅培,除了泡沫多,一切都很好。

    Abbott , in addition to the bubble , and all is well .

  16. 以下是联盟和雅培的困境角。

    Here are the horns of the dilemma for the Coalition and Abbott .

  17. 雅培和我们的供应商不要使用牛奶或牛奶蛋白从中国。

    Abbott and our suppliers do not use milk or milk protein from China .

  18. 我孩子吃雅培也有四个月了,效果不错,发育情况较好。

    I eat baby Abbott also has four months , well , better development .

  19. 雅培CELL-DYN1700血细胞分析仪的常见故障和维修保养

    Malfunction and maintenance of Abbott CELL-DYN 1700 system

  20. 不过至少雅培公司为消费者办理了退款。

    At least Abbott gave customers a refund .

  21. 雅培是最好的奶粉之一。

    Abbott is one of the best formula .

  22. 另外,试试雅培的奶粉看,可能会好一点!

    In addition , try to see Abbott 's milk may be a bit better !

  23. 项目组:,由合作伙伴负责人和设计师雅培米勒,克里斯汀施皮尔曼,设计师。

    Project Team : Abbott Miller , partner-in-charge and designer ; Kristen Spilman , designer .

  24. 雅培心美力母乳强化剂婴儿奶粉,适用于低出生体重婴儿作为营养补充,添加了母乳成份。

    Intended for low-birth-weight infants as a nutritional supplement to add to preterm human milk .

  25. 因为雅培的配方更新是用大量的临床数据来支持的。

    Abbott because the formula is updated with a large number of clinical data to support it .

  26. 本文介绍了美国雅培公司生产的TDx-FLx全自动血药浓度监测仪的原理、特点及临床应用。

    This paper gave an introduction to principles , characters and clinical applications of therapeutic drug monitor .

  27. 雅培诊断的历史充满了首个产品和重大科技进步等范例。

    The history of Abbott Diagnostics is filled with examples of first-of-a-kind products and significant technological advancements .

  28. 我也一直和德克萨斯州州长雅培,路易斯安那州州长爱德华保持着联络。

    and I remain in close communication with Governor Abbott of Texas and Governor Edwards of Louisiana .

  29. 我的孩子一直吃雅培的奶粉,大便一直很正常,一天一次。

    My baby has been eating Abbott 's formula , stool has been normal , once a day .

  30. 雅培加营素奶粉,是一个均衡完整的营养来源,可作为营养补充或两餐之间食用。

    Ensure Powder is a source of complete , balanced nutrition for supplemental use with or between meals .