
yǎ ěr tǎ
  • Yalta
  1. 他援引了其他一些例子,包括罗斯福总统(FranklinRoosevelt)和他女儿安娜(Anna),1945年,安娜曾陪同罗斯福赴雅尔塔,会晤丘吉尔(Churchill)和斯大林(Stalin)。

    He cites other examples , including Franklin Roosevelt and his daughter Anna , who accompanied him to Yalta in1945 to meet with Churchill and Stalin .

  2. 美国政府的错误在于想当然地认为雅尔塔协定(YaltaAgreement)也伴随着柏林墙的倒塌而失效,因此昔日臣服于苏联帝国的民族和国家应该可以自由选择。

    Washington 's crime was to assume that the Yalta agreement had fallen along with the Berlin Wall , and that the peoples and nations of the erstwhile Soviet empire should thus be free to make their own choices .

  3. 雅尔塔协定、中苏条约与重庆谈判

    A study on Yalta agreement , China-USSR treaty and Chongqing negotiation

  4. 雅尔塔体制瓦解质疑

    Question on " the disintegration " of the Yalta System

  5. 只看雅尔塔交易一个例子就可以了。

    Take only one example - the Yalta deal .

  6. 雅尔塔会议与德国赔偿政策的确立

    Conference at Yalta and establishment of German reparations policy

  7. 近10年来雅尔塔体制问题研究的新进展

    New Development of the Study on Yalta System in China from 1990 's

  8. 他们派出高级官员前往雅尔塔并在黑海接待了各国来宾。

    It sent senior officials to Yalta and hosted a reception on the Black Sea .

  9. 战后日本问题,本质上说就是雅尔塔体系问题。

    In essence , the Japan issue in the postwar era derives from the Yalta system .

  10. 两起爆炸之间,苏联解放了日军占领的东三省,并签署了雅尔塔协议。

    Between the two bombs , the Soviets invaded Japanese-held Manchuria , as agreed at Yalta .

  11. 好吧,每个人都记得雅尔塔。

    Well , everyone remembers Yalta .

  12. 市场雅尔塔招致天价重罚法三大移动运营商操弄市场成被告

    Market ″ Yalta ″ Results in Heavy Penalty Three French Mobile Carriers Become Defendants for Market Manipulation

  13. 雅尔塔协定的批评者都倾向于忽略俄国也作了重大让步。

    Critics of the Yalta agreements tend to forget that the russian , also , made substantial concessions .

  14. 在雅尔塔会议上,斯大林同意在波兰进行自由选举,那是一次很庄严的承诺。

    Stalin agreed at Yalta to hold free elections in Poland , and that 's a serious commitment .

  15. 但是,各种不利因素使英国的战车难以驶上雅尔塔体制规定的世界五强的轨道。

    However , a variety of unfavourable factors prevented Britain maintaining its position as one of the big five .

  16. 在雅尔塔形成、并仍受到俄罗斯拥护的世界秩序,在21世纪是不可能实现的。

    The world order shaped in Yalta and still sought by Russia cannot be possible in the 21st century .

  17. 从其战略目标来分析,苏联是维护雅尔塔体系,保证其既得利益。

    Form its strategic object , the Soviet Union tries to maintain the Yalta system to ensure its own profits .

  18. 二战结束后,雅尔塔体系形成了战后东亚安全秩序的雏形。

    After World War ⅱ, the prototype of post-war security order in East Asia was ruled by the Yalta system .

  19. 1945年的今天,罗斯福总统,英国首相丘吉尔和苏联领导人斯大林在雅尔塔召开战时会议。

    1945-President Roosevelt , British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Josef Stalin began a wartime conference at Yalta .

  20. 前大使蒲立特则怪那个雅尔塔交易,罗斯福总统在那次交易中邀请斯大林进入满洲参加对日战争。

    Bullitt in the Yalta deal whereby President Roosevelt invited Stalin to come into Manchuria and join the war against Japan .

  21. 关于雅尔塔体制的性质、特点和评价有明显的分歧,但都对传统观点有突破。

    There have been different views on the nature , features and assessment , but breakthroughs have been made in the traditional views .

  22. 以及越来越多的分门别类,如研究战争中的丘吉尔,丘吉尔在雅尔塔,民众们记忆中的丘吉尔。

    And new and more specialized studies of Churchill at war , Churchill at Yalta , and Churchill in the memory of his countrymen .

  23. 雅尔塔到波茨坦会议对德国赔偿问题做出了决议,三大国代表为此进行了激烈争论。

    Allies made resolution about Germany reparation in Yalta and Potsdam Conference , and the three powers representatives had a heated debate to this end .

  24. 第二次世界大战后,根据战时大国安排和战后国际力量对比的变化,国际舞台上形成了以两极格局为主要特点的雅尔塔体系。

    After world war two , according to the arrangement and power comparison of great nations , the Yalta system characterized by bipolarity was formed .

  25. 雅尔塔会议确定了德国以实物支付赔偿的原则,波茨坦会议确定了分区赔偿原则。

    In Yalta Conference established the principle of payment of reparations in kind , and then in Potsdam Conference determined the " zonal reparations " principle .

  26. 在雅尔塔会议上,在没有波兰代表参与的情况下,苏美英三大国初步商定了波兰东部的边界。

    On Yalta Conference , without Poland representative attending , The Russia , the America and the British initial established the eastern boundary of the Poland .

  27. 民族国家的建立和发展经历威斯特伐利亚体系、维也纳体系、凡尔赛&华盛顿体系和雅尔塔体系四个体系,每个体系展现不同的特点。

    The establishment and development of nation-states experienced four systems : Westphalia system , Vienna system , Versailles-Washington system and Yalta system . Each has different characteristics .

  28. 为加速日本投降,美国以雅尔塔密约为条件劝说苏联对日宣战。

    In order to accelerate the surrender of Japan , the United States offered the Yalta deal as the reward for Soviet Union declaring war on Japan .

  29. 二战后,美苏主导的雅尔塔体系代替了凡尔赛体系,欧洲安全局势发生巨大变化。

    After the Second World War , the European security situation changed greatly when the Yalta system which the United States and the Soviet Union dominated founded .

  30. 苏东剧变结束了二战以来的雅尔塔体制,也结束了冷战秩序。论冷战后东北亚安全体系的挑战者

    The collapse of Yalta System disintegrated the Cold War Order . On the " Challenger " of the Security System in Northeast Asia after the Cold War