
  1. 金砖国家建立的新开发银行现在正在与当地政府讨论加入雄安新区建设问题。

    The New Development Bank , formed by BRICS nations , is in talks with the local government to on the building of Xiong'An .

  2. 自2014年成立以来,由金砖国家发起成立的新开发银行一直致力于为金砖国家和其他发展中国家的基础设施和可持续发展项目提供金融支持。

    The BRICS-led New Development Bank has been committed to financing infrastructure and sustainability projects in BRICS and other developing countries since its establishment in 2014 .

  3. 他表示金砖成员国应该加强合作,深化伙伴关系,寻求共同发展,尤其是通过2014年建立的金砖国家新开发银行和应急储备安排。

    He said BRICS members should enhance cooperation and deepen partnerships to seek common development , especially through the BRICS New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement which were established in 2014 .