
  • Treasure Island;Yerba Buena Island
  1. 这场美味之旅会穿过这座城市,到达金银岛,在著名的旧金山酒庄停留。

    This delicious tour goes through the city on its way to Treasure Island where we will stop at the famous Winery SF .

  2. 不到三分钟我就轻而易举地驾着伊斯帕尼奥拉号沿着金银岛顺风而行了。

    In three minutes I had the Hispaniola sailing easily before the wind , along the coast of Treasure Island .

  3. 乡绅屈利劳尼、李甫西大夫和其他几位绅士让我把金银岛的故事从头至尾写下来。

    Squire Trelawney , Dr3 Livesey , and the others have asked me to write down all I know about Treasure Island .

  4. 尽管阳光灿烂而温暖,我却憎恨这个金银岛,害怕可能发生的一切。

    Although the sun shone bright and hot , I hated the thought of Treasure Is - land , afraid of what would happen there .

  5. 他们拼凑出一个导航系统,并说服加州高速公路巡警(CaliforniaHighwayPatrol)让这辆车驶过海湾大桥――从旧金山行驶到金银岛。

    They patched together a guidance system and persuaded the California Highway Patrol to let the car cross the Bay Bridge-from San Francisco to Treasure Island .

  6. 像《吉他英雄》(GuitarHero)这类视频游戏也用到了MIDI技术,而拉斯维加斯的百乐宫喷泉(BellagioFountain)和《金银岛海盗》表演(TreasureIslandPirate)也不例外。

    Video games like guitar hero boast MIDI technology , as do the Bellagio fountainand Treasure Island pirate shows on the Las Vegas Strip .

  7. vt.称做;定名为;给称号作者将他的书定名为《金银岛》。

    entitle The author entitled his book " treasure island . "

  8. 我从来没有看到金银岛四周平静过。

    I have never seen the sea quiet round Treasure Island .

  9. 斯蒂尔兄弟被金银岛解雇了。

    The Steele brothers were fired from the treasure island show .

  10. 那天是我们预计到达金银岛的前一天。

    It was the day before we expected to see Treasure Island .

  11. 作者将他的书定名为《金银岛》。

    The author entitled his book " treasure island . "

  12. 伊斯帕尼奥拉号向金银岛的航行开始了。

    The Hispaniola had begun her voyage to Treasure Island .

  13. 杨军在金银岛示范拍摄剪影。

    Richard demonstrating how to take silhouette at Treasure Island .

  14. 你读完《金银岛》。

    finishing your copy of " Treasure Island . "

  15. 你认为会有人找到金银岛吗?

    You think somebody 'll ever find treasure planet ?

  16. 《一千零一夜》和《金银岛》都是传奇故事。

    The Arabian Nights and Treasure lsland are romances .

  17. 史蒂文森写了一部名叫《金银岛》的小说。

    Stevenson wrote a book called Treasure Island .

  18. 他没读过《金银岛》?

    Your son hasn 't read treasure island ?

  19. 我永远不会再回到金银岛上,

    I will never return to Treasure Island ,

  20. 是他们决定要将《金银岛》搬上银幕的。

    It 's their decision to make a film version of " Treasure Island " .

  21. 西沙群岛金银岛和东岛礁平台的分带特点

    Zonation characteristics of the reef flat of the Xisha islands , guangdong province , china

  22. 《金银岛》是一本可读性很强的书。

    Treasure Island is very readable .

  23. 而且从第一眼看到它时起,我就恨透了这个金银岛。

    And from that first look onward , I hated the very thought of Treasure Island .

  24. 《金银岛》《吉姆》,甚至是黑格尔的《精神现象学》都被续写了。

    There are sequels to Treasure Island , Kim , and even Hegel 's Phenomenology of Spirit .

  25. 浅议文学翻译中的译者风格&《金银岛》节选三个译本的赏析

    Translators ' Styles in Literary Translation & A Brief Study on Chinese Translations of Extract from Treasure Island

  26. 试用等效翻译理论评析《金银岛》两个中译本的语言流畅度

    Trying to Analyze the Language Fluency of Two Chinese Translation Versions of Treasure Island With the Equivalent Effect Theory

  27. 这种古代金石铭文,一刻千金。《一千零一夜》和《金银岛》都是传奇故事。

    Every cut of ancient epigraph of this kind is precious . The Arabian Nights and Treasure lsland are romances .

  28. 当你到三亚进行商务考察或旅游,三亚金银岛海景大酒店无疑是您的最佳选择。

    There is no doubt that Sanya Treasure island Hotel is the best choice for your business investigation or travel .

  29. 人们看过《金银岛》的电影后,再去看书,也不会因此而混淆不清。

    It did not confuse me to see " Treasure Island " in the movies and then read the book .

  30. 还没到下午,金银岛就消失在视野中了,能离开这个地方使我高兴不已。

    Before afternoon , Treasure Island had disappeared from view , and I had never felt happier to leave a place behind .