
  • 网络Sansha
  1. 去年7月,中国在永兴岛正式设立了三沙市。

    China officially set up the city of Sansha on the small Yongxing Island last July .

  2. 2013年7月,三沙市政府成立了管理委员会,来管理该岛及其周边海域。

    In July 2013 , the Sansha government set up a management committee to administer the islands and their surrounding waters .

  3. 周三,在中国南海新设立的城市-三沙市签发了该市首批身份证和居住许可证。

    The newly created Sansha city in the South China Sea issued its first identity cards and residence permits on Wednesday .

  4. 在菲律宾政府发出以上指责之前,中国宣布在纳入西沙群岛的三沙市开建学校。

    The Philippine government 's accusations come following the announcement of the construction of a school in Sansha , a Chinese city incorporated in the Xisha Islands .

  5. 我国最南端的城市--海南省三沙市已禁止在“三沙永乐龙洞”及其周边从事渔业生产、旅游观光活动,作为该市保护南海海洋环境的举措之一。

    Sansha in Hainan , China 's southernmost city , has banned fishing and tourism in and around the Sansha Yongle Blue Hole as part of its efforts to protect the maritime environment in the South China Sea .

  6. 根据三沙市永乐群岛管理委员会发出的通知称,无论是组织还是个人,都禁止在龙洞周边1海里开展活动。

    Organizations and individuals are forbidden from the activities in Longdong - known as " Dragon Hole " - or within 1 nautical mile of the blue hole , according to a notice issued by the management committee of the Yongle Islands in Sansha .